Esa Mohammad has been learning MERN Stack for the last 1 year. Now, I am seeking of a paid internship or Jr. developer job to utilize my technical skills, talent, creativity, and sincerity, and explore new skills for the better achievement of any organization.
Programming Language : JavaScript.
Frontend Development : HTML, CSS.
Frameworks : Bootstrap, Tailwind, MaterialUI, DaisyUI.
Library : React.js.
Backend Development : Node JS, Express JS.
Payment Gateway : Stripe.
Databases & Storage : MongoDB.
Authentication : Firebase.
Security Key : JWT.
Version Control : Git with Smart Git Flow; GitHub.
Tools : Visual studio code, Code blocks, Notepad++.
Languages : C#
Frameworks/CMS : WordPress, Next JS, Redux.
Databases & Storage : Sql.
* Typescript
* Docker
* PostgreSQL
* GraphQL
* React Native
Mobile : 0168 347 648 3
Email :
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