We welcome contributions of all kinds, from errata to suggestions for
improvements to new material. The source for this book is stored in a
GitHub repository at http://github.com/gvwilson/teaching
, so if you
know how to use Git, and would like to add or fix something, please
send us a pull request.
If you don't know how to use Git, you can file an issue in that
repository or email the editor at gvwilson@third-bit.com
. Please
note that by doing so, you are agreeing that we may incorporate your
changes in either original or edited form and release them under the
same license as the rest of this material. Please also
note that we require everyone involved in this project to abide by
our code of conduct.
Finally, we are always grateful to hear how you have used this material and how we could make it better: please email us if you have a story you would like to share.