This is an official implementation of Layout-guided Indoor Panorama Inpainting with Plane-aware Normalization.
- python 3.6
- Pytorch 1.7
- scipy 1.2
- scikit-image 0.14.2
- tensorboard
- tensorboardX
- tqdm
- pyyaml
- shapely
We built our code based on EdgeConnect. Part of the code were derived from PanoDR, SEAN, Partial convolution, HorizonNet, Structured3D.
If you have any questions about the code logic, you can refer to the source code for more detailed information.
File | logic |
src/ | Dataloader: RGB image(3); mask(1); layout(1); layout instance(100) |
src/ | Configuration logic. |
src/ | Model operation: train; eval; test; sample... |
src/ | Network operation: inference; backpropogation... |
src/ | Build the neural network architecture. |
src/ | Loss function defination. |
src/ | Some image processing/visualization tools(refer to EdgeConnect). |
src/ | HorizonNet pretrained-model setting. Not used in this setting.(refer to HorizonNet) |
src/SEAN/ | SEAN normalization(refer to SEAN&PanoDR,) |
src/SEAN/ | Partial convolution(refer to Partial convolution) |
src/SEAN/ | SEAN normalization(refer to SEAN&PanoDR) |
src/misc/* | Drawing layout from S3D txt file. (refer to Structured3D) |
config.yml.example | Configuration template file. | | Operation interface. | | Testing | | Training |
And of course Dillinger itself is open source with a [public repository][dill] on GitHub.
The training process following the setting of config.yml.example
Or you can execute the training command first and then stop instantly, then modify config.yaml
in the checkpoint folder(automatically created after executing the training command), finally execute the command to continue training.
python --checkpoint <checkpoint_dir>
The testing can be performed directly by executing the following commands or define the testing dataset path in config.yaml
python --checkpoint <checkpoint_dir> --input <input dir or file> --mask <mask dir or file> --output <output dir> --dubug <optional>
The path of the training data set defined in config.yml.example
uses the Structured3D official flist. Note that format(e.g. scene_id/2D_rendering/room_id/panorama) must match the settings of the dataloader to accurately locate the dataset.
The testing set we used for evaluation can be found in the link here.
Please unzip to your project folder. In fact, only the pre-trained weight files is what you need, and other dependent files will be automatically downloaded when the program is executed.
If you use this code for your research, please cite the following:
author = {Gao, Chao-Chen and Chen, Cheng-Hsiu and Su, Jheng-Wei and Chu, Hung-Kuo},
title = {Layout-guided Indoor Panorama Inpainting with Plane-aware Normalization},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)},
month = {December},
year = {2022},
pages = {2337-2353}