Please fork and submit your PR with enough comments for someone who's never seen it. Thanks for the contrib! The goal of mdp is to make a simple previewer that handles the most common use cases. If 80% of the world used markdown, could mdp be the 20% solution?
npm install
npm run dev
npm run dev &
- run in background to test open-file with subsequent opennpm run dev-noarg
- tests launch with no arg, app starts with no window./node_modules/.bin/electron ./src/main.js ./
npm run dev-publish
- open from finder once packaged
- open from mdp shell script once packaged
tail -f ~/Library/Logs/mdp/log.log
upstream repo is git clone
npm install
npm run package
npm run make && npm run publish
cat ~/.appl_pass
npm make
npm run apple-upload
`cat ~/.git-mdp-publish-token`
env |grep GIT
npm run publish