Link Website | About | Technologies | Getting Started | License
A Realtime Chat Application to send and receive messages.
I developed this app to fix knowledge and learn new things like Websockets, GraphQL/Type-GraphQL, Apollo and authentication in these platforms. I also made a Figma template.
"Link" website here
"Link" template here
These are the technologies that I used to develop this application:
⌨️ Typescript —> Extends JavaScript by adding types;
⚙️ NodeJS —> A platform for building network applications;
📊 GraphQL —> A query language for APIs;
📊 Type-GraphQL —> GraphQL with types;
📊 Apollo Server Express —> A spec-compliant GraphQL server;
🌐 JSON Web Token —> Used to manage the tokens (Example: authentication);
📚 Typeorm —> Used to manage databases;
📚 Postgres —> Used to store users and messages;
⚛️ ReactJS —> A JavaScript library for building user interfaces;
💅 Styled-components —> Tagged template literals to style the components;
📊 Apollo Client —> A comprehensive state management library with GraphQL;
✅ Yup —> Used to validate forms;
✅ Unform —> Used to create forms;
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Move to the directory:
cd Link
- Move to the server directory:
cd server
- Run
ornpm install
to install the dependencies - Run
yarn dev:server
ornpm run dev:server
to start the server - The server runs on http://localhost:4000/graphql
- Move to the web directory:
cd web
- Run
ornpm install
to install the dependencies - Run
yarn start
ornpm run start
to start the web application - The web application runs on http://localhost:3000
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.