This document describes all the changes made to the Outgoing Mobility Learning Agreements API, starting from its first beta draft version.
- Added outgoing LAs stats endpoint.
- Added note that signer name, position and email must be set non-student signatures.
- Deleted ids and modified scenario 2 (#29).
- Modified Ex6 as empty response (#30).
- Emphasized when status field has to be provided.
- Fixed reason-code field description.
- Changed sending-hei-id in XML examples (#32).
- Updated link to the new LA template.
- Changed wording for the LA template.
- Updated branch name in XSD schema locations to reflect recent release.
- OLA Dashboard Scenarios source files and README added (#22).
Added OLA dashboard scenarios.
Added note that at least one component list must be provided.
Updated LA to the newest template.
European Student Identifier added to the get response.
Added disclaimer to README.
Renamed files in example scenario.
Some fixes in examples.
- Added missing latest proposal's id requirement.
- Added default "minOccurs" and "maxOccurs" explicitly.
- Some fixes in element descriptions.
Simplification of the learning agreement.
Initial release. Outgoing Mobility Learning Agreements API separated from the Outgoing Mobilities API.