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245 lines (198 loc) · 18 KB


In Development

  • Shift K3s and K8s versions forward. (by @mamercad)
  • BREAKING: Use the standardized labels recommended in the Helm docs. You can use migrations/v1.0/ to prepare an existing cluster before running helm update. (#351) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Drop support for which was removed in kubernetes v1.22 (EOL 2022-10-28) (#353) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Reduce duplication in label tests (#354) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Add st2canary job as a Helm Hook that runs before install/upgrade to ensure st2.packs.volumes is configured correctly (if st2.packs.volumes.enabled). (#323) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Enable using existing st2-auth secret. This allows users to manage this secret outside of the Helm process. (#359) (by @bmarick)
  • Prevent duplicate init containers on helm upgrade (#375) (by @guzzijones12)
  • Fix st2 client config issue affecting addon jobs using jobs.extra_hooks (#370) (by @cars)


  • Switch st2 to v3.8 as a new default stable version (#347)
  • Cover the three most recent Kubernetes versions in Minikube and the single most recent in K3s. (#342) (by @mamercad)
  • Update the GitHub badges. (#345) (by @mamercad)
  • Reorganizing and renaming the CI workflows and jobs. (#344) (by @mamercad)
  • Add support for providing ingressClassName. (#336) (by @mamercad)
  • Add an experimental GitHub/K3s Lint and End-to-End testing workflow. (#243) (by @mamercad)
  • Set st2client resources by values.yaml. (#337) (by @mamercad)
  • Switch to the official bats Docker image for e2e tests. (#338)
  • Temporary workaround for #311 to use previous bitnami index from: bitnami/charts#10539 (#312 #318) (by @0xhaven)
  • Refactor label definitions to be more consistent by building labels and label selectors in partial helper templates. (#299) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Use the correct apiVersion for Ingress to add support for Kubernetes v1.22. (#301) (by @arms11)
  • Fix mounts for jobs.preRegisterContentCommand container to use the same mounts as the primary register-content container. (#322) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Add support for providing custom st2actionrunner-specific docker repository, image name, pull policy, and pull secret via values.yaml. (#141) (by @Sheshagiri)
  • Fix bug that hung an init container when st2.packs.volumes.enabled without st2.packs.volumes.configs. (#324) (by @rebrowning)
  • Add ability to create custom labels for service account.(#327)(by @SuganJoe)
  • Fix bug that would not set the appropriate redis connection string when using redis.password and redis.usePassword (#325) (by @rebrowning)
  • New Feature: Add existingConfigSecret. If this is defined, the st2.secrets.conf key within this secret will be written as /etc/st2/st2.secrets.conf and added to the end of the command line arguments of all pods. (#289) (by @eric-al/@ericreeves)
  • New Feature: Add extra_volumes to all python-based st2 jobs. (#333) (by @bmarick)


  • Switch st2 to v3.7 as a new default stable version (#274)
  • Upgrade MongoDB v4.0 -> v4.4 as 4.0 has reached its EOL. (#304)
  • Migrate from python 3.6 Ubuntu Bionic to python 3.8 Ubuntu Focal as a base StackStorm OS (StackStorm/st2-dockerfiles#54)
  • Add support for use of overrides that are available in v3.7 of st2 via helm charts. (#306)


  • Advanced Feature: Make securityContext (on Deployments/Jobs) and podSecurityContext (on Pods) configurable. This allows dropping all capabilities, for example. You can override the securityContext for st2actionrunner, st2sensorcontainer, and st2client if your actions or sensors need, for example, additional capabilites that the rest of StackStorm does not need. (#271) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Prefix template helpers with chart name and format helper comments as template comments. (#272) (by @cognifloyd)
  • New feature: Add extra_volumes to all python-based st2 deployments. This can facilitate changing log levels by loading logging conf file(s) from a custom ConfigMap. (#276) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Initialize basic unittest infrastructure using helm-unittest. Added tests for labels, custom annotations, SecurityContext, pullSecrets, pullPolicy, Resources, nodeSelector, tolerations, affinity, dnsPolicy, dnsConfig, ServiceAccount attach, postStartScript, both sensor-modes, env, envFrom, st2.packs.images, and st2.packs.volumes. (#284, #288, #292)
  • Allow partitioning sensors using the hash_range strategy instead of one sensor per pod. (#218) (by @cognifloyd)
  • New feature to include possibility for external services in st2api, st2stream and st2auth, setting default value for this services as ClusterIP and hostname: "". Also, added new entry for custom_annotations_test.yaml and created new unit test services_test.yaml. (by @sandesvitor)
  • Advanced Feature: Add extra Helm hook Jobs. This minimizes the boilerplate required to run stackstorm workflows at various helm hook stages: post-install, pre-upgrade, post-upgrade. (#265) (by @cognifloyd)


  • Switch st2 to v3.6 as a new default stable version (#274)
  • Explicitly differentiate sensor modes: all-sensors-in-one-pod vs one-sensor-per-pod. Exposes the mode in new stackstorm/sensor-mode annotation. (#222) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Allow adding custom env variables to any Deployment or Job. (#120) (by @AngryDeveloper)
  • Template the contents of st2.config and the values in st2chatops.env. This allows adding secrets defined elsewhere in values. (#249) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Set default/sample RBAC config files to "" (empty string) to prevent adding them. This is needed because they cannot be removed by overriding the roles/mappings values. (#247) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Make configuring stackstorm/sensor-mode=all-sensors-in-one-pod more obvious by using st2.packs.sensors only for one-sensor-per-pod. all-sensors-in-one-pod mode now only uses values from st2sensorcontainer. (#246) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Use "--convert" when loading keys into datastore (in key-load Job) so that st2.keyvalue[].value can be any basic JSON data type. (#253) (by @cognifloyd)
  • New feature: Add extra_volumes to st2actionrunner, st2client, st2sensorcontainer. This is useful for loading volumes to be used by actions or sensors. This might include secrets (like ssl certificates) and configuration (like system-wide ansible.cfg). (#254) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Some helm upgrades do not need to run all the jobs. An upgrade that only touches RBAC config, for example, does not need to run the register-content job. Use --set 'jobs.skip={apikey_load,key_load,register_content}' to skip the other jobs. (#255) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Refactor deployments/jobs to inject st2 username/password via envFrom instead of via env. (#257) (by @cognifloyd)
  • New feature: Add envFromSecrets to st2actionrunner, st2client, st2sensorcontainer, and jobs. This is useful for adding custom secrets to the environment. This complements the extra_volumes feature (loading secrets as files) to facilitate loading secrets that are not easily injected via the filesystem. (#259) (by @cognifloyd)
  • New feature to include nodeSelector, affinity and tolerations to st2client, allowing more flexibility to pod positioning. (#263) (by @sandesvitor)
  • Template ~/.st2/config. This allows customizing the settings used by the st2client and jobs pods for using the st2 apis. (#262) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Fix indent for lifecycle postStart hook of st2web pod. (#268) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Advanced Feature: Allow st2web to serve HTTPS when the ssl certs are provided via st2web.extra_volumes. To enable this, add ST2WEB_HTTPS: "1" to st2web.env in your values file. (#264) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Custom annotations now apply to deployments and jobs, not just pods. (#270) (by @cognifloyd)
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Auto-generate datastore_crypto_key on install if not provided. This way all HA installs will have a datastore_crypto_key configured. This is only a breaking change for installations that do not want a datastore_crypto_key. To disable set datastore_crypto_key to disable instead of setting it to "", null, or leaving it unset. (#266) (by @cognifloyd)


  • New feature: Shared packs volumes st2.packs.volumes. Allow using cluster-specific persistent volumes to store packs, virtualenvs, and (optionally) configs. This enables using st2 pack install. It even works with st2packs images in st2.packs.images. (#199) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Updated redis constant sentinel ID which will allow other sentinel peers to update to the new given IP in case of pod failure or worker node reboots. (#191) (by @manisha-tanwar)
  • Removed reference to st2-license pullSecrets, which was missed when removing enterprise flags (#192) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Add optional imagePullSecrets to ServiceAccount using serviceAccount.pullSecret from values.yaml. If pods do not have imagePullSecrets (eg without image.pullSecret in values.yaml), k8s populates them from the ServiceAccount. (#196 & #239) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Reformat some yaml strings so that single quotes wrap strings that include double quotes (#194) (by @cognifloyd)
  • st2chatops change: If st2chatops.env.ST2_API_KEY is defined, do not set ST2_AUTH_USERNAME or ST2_AUTH_PASSWORD env vars any more. (#197) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Add image.tag overrides for all deployments. (#200) (by @cognifloyd)
  • If your k8s cluster admin requires custom annotations (eg: to indicate mongo or rabbitmq usage), you can now add those to each set of pods. (#195) (by @cognifloyd)
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Move secrets.st2.* values into st2.* (#203) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Auto-generate password and ssh_key secrets. (#203) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Add optional hubot-scripts volume to st2chatops pod. To add this, define st2chatops.hubotScriptsVolume. (#207) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Add advanced pod placment (nodeSelector, affinity, tolerations) to specs for batch Jobs pods. (#193) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Allow adding dnsPolicy and/or dnsConfig to all pods. (#201) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Move st2-config-vol volume definition and list of st2-config-vol volumeMounts to helpers to reduce duplication (#198) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Fix permissions for /home/stanley/.ssh/stanley_rsa using the postStart lifecycle hook (#219) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Make system_user configurable when using custom st2actionrunner images that do not provide stanley (#220) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Allow providing scripts in values for use in lifecycle postStart hooks of all deployments. (#206) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Add preRegisterContentCommand in an initContainer for register-content job to run last-minute content customizations (#213) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Fix a bug when datastore cryto keys are not able to read by the rules engine. datastore_crypto_key volume is now mounted on the st2rulesengine pods (#223) (by @moti1992)
  • Minimize required sensor config by using default values from st2sensorcontainer for each sensor in st2.packs.sensors (#221) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Do not template rabbitmq secrets file unless rabbitmq subchart is enabled. (#242) (by @cognifloyd)
  • Automatically stringify st2chatop.env values if needed. (#241) (by @cognifloyd)


  • Switch st2 version to v3.5dev as a new latest development version (#187)
  • Change st2packs definition to a list, to support multiple st2packs containers (#166) (by @moonrail)
  • Enabled RBAC/LDAP configuration for OSS version, removed enterprise flags (#182) (by @hnanchahal)
  • Fixed datastore_crypto_key secret name for rules engine (#188) (by @lordpengwin)


  • Improve resource allocation and scheduling by adding resources requests cpu/memory values for st2 Pods (#179)
  • Avoid cluster restart loop situations by making st2 Pod initContainers to wait for DB/MQ connection (#178)
  • Add option to define config.js for st2web (#165) (by @moonrail)


  • Added Redis with Sentinel to replace etcd as a coordination backend (#169)


  • Drop Helm v2 support and fully migrate to Helm v3 (#163)
  • Switch dependencies from deprecated helm/charts to new Bitnami Subcharts (#163)



  • Switch st2 version to v3.4dev as a new latest development version (#157)
  • Disable Enterprise testing in CI (#157)
  • Change pullPolicy to "IfNotPresent", as Docker-Hub Ratelimits now (#159) (by @moonrail)
  • Update rabbitmq-ha 3rd party chart from 1.44.1 to 1.46.1 (#158) (by @moonrail)
  • Enable rabbitmqErlangCookie for rabbitmq-ha by default, to ensure cluster-redeployments do not fail (#158) (by @moonrail)
  • Add forceBoot for rabbitmq-ha by default, to ensure cluster-redeployments do not fail due to unclean exits (#158) (by @moonrail)
  • Add option to define pull secret for st2 images (#162) (by @moonrail)


  • Fix a bug when datastore encrypted keys didn't work in scheduled rules. datastore_crypto_key is now shared with the st2scheduler pods (#148) (by @rahulshinde26)
  • Change NOTES.txt template for using ST2 CLI to include namespace argument in 'kubectl exec' command (#150) (by @rahulshinde26)
  • Move the apiVersion extensions/v1beta1 to for ingress (#149) (by @jb-abbadie)


  • Fix chart compatibility with Helm versions >= 2.16.8 by downgrading mongodb-replicaset from 3.14.0 to 3.12.0 (#137) (by @AbhyudayaSharma)
  • Allow injection of datastore key in cluster (#115) (by @AngryDeveloper)


  • Pin st2 version to v3.3dev as a new latest development version (#129)
  • Migrate from py2 Ubuntu Xenial to py3 Ubuntu Bionic as a base StackStorm OS (StackStorm/st2-dockerfiles#16, #129)
  • Switch from MongoDB 3.4 to 4.0 for the mongodb-ha Helm chart (#129)
  • Update etcd-operator 3rd party chart from 0.10.0 to latest 0.10.3 (#129)
  • Update rabbitmq-ha 3rd party chart from 1.36.4 to 1.44.1 (#129)
  • Update mongodb-replicaset 3rd party chart from 3.9.6 to 3.14.0 (#129)
  • Update CI infrastructure env, run tests on updated Helm v2.16.7, latest minikube v1.10.1 and K8s 1.18 (#129)


  • Added support for custom image repository (#131) (by @ytjohn)


  • Added support to toggle etcd-operator as a coordination backend (#127) (by @rrahman-nv)


  • Added custom annotations to sensorcontainer and actionrunner Pods (#123) (by @stefangusa)
  • Improve Helm values recommendations to configure 3rd party chart dependencies rabbitmq-ha and mongodb-ha in prod (#125) (by @stefangusa)


  • Change ingress name from <release name>-ingress to <release name>-st2web-ingress, useful when using stackstorm-ha as a requirement for another chart. (#112) (by @erenatas)
  • Fix st2web ingress which should have been defined as an Integer instead of a String (#111) (by @erenatas)
  • Add an option to inject hostAliases in the st2actionrunner containers (#114)
  • Add support for Service Accounts (#117) (by @Vince-Chenal)


  • Fix st2web ingress to use / path by default instead of /*, useful for nginx ingress controller (#103) (by @erenatas)
  • Add ability of templating on st2.keyvalue in Helm Values (#108) (by @erenatas)
  • Update Ingress documentation in Helm values (#105) (by @AngryDeveloper)


  • Add support for latest K8s version 1.16, update e2e CI
  • Fix StatefulSet validation failure due to new K8s APIs, update rabbitmq-ha 3rd party chart to v1.36.4 (#85)


  • Add an option to pull custom st2packs image from private Docker repository (#87)
  • Remove local 'docker-registry' dependency for hosting custom packs in-cluster that doesn't fit prod expectations (#88)


  • Change etcd dependency from incubator/etcd to stable/etcd-operator (#81) (by @trstruth)


  • Add option to disable MongoDB and RabbitMQ in-cluster deployment and configuration (#79) (by @trstruth)
  • Compose multi-node connection string for MongoDB cluster instead of using loadbalancer single host (#80)



  • Pin st2 to v3.2dev as a new latest development version (#77)


  • Add chart e2e helm test with BATS. Run CI checks with minikube and CircleCI on every PR/push and nightly.


  • st2web now uses HTTP by default (#72). We now recommend you rely on LoadBalancer or Ingress to add HTTPS layer on top of it.


  • Add support for ingress (#68)


  • Pin st2 version to v3.1dev as a new latest development version (#67)


  • Mongodb authentication is enabled by default (#63) (by @Lomonosow)


  • Move st2web.annotations to st2web.service.annotations to match values.yaml (#66)


  • Add st2chatops support (#55) (by @mosn, @rapittdev)


  • Bump versions of all dependencies (#50)
  • Allow st2sensorcontainer to be partitioned (#51)
  • Replace single-node etcd coordination backend with 3-node etcd HA cluster, deployed as a Helm dependency (#52)
  • Fixed improper job load order for enterprise edition failing due to missing RBAC roles & assignments (#53)


  • Add new Helm value setting st2.apikeys to allow importing predefined ST2 API keys (#36)


  • Pin st2 version to v3.0dev as a new latest development version (#41)


  • Switch st2 version from v3.0dev to v2.10dev due to new release plans (#40)


  • Fix LoadBalancer templating to utilize correct service endpoints in NOTES (#39)


  • Ensure st2sensorcontainer is re-deployed on st2.packs.configs change (#37)


  • Add ability to specify service type for st2web (#35)


  • Fix st2web re-deployment is not triggered when updating SSL cert (#33)


  • Add new Helm st2.keyvalue to import data into st2 K/V storage (#30)
  • Include new st2 component st2scheduler, introduced in st2 v2.10 (#32)


  • Add StackStorm FOSS (community version), make Enterprise install optional (#22)
  • Rename chart stackstorm-enterprise-ha -> stackstorm-ha (#26)


  • Move some of the defaults into original st2.conf


  • Add st2packs, - a way to use custom st2 packs as a shareable Docker image via sidecar containers


  • Initial public version, referencing StackStorm Enterprise HA as a Helm chart