This project is intended to render line charts for WPF with high performance. Other features like zoom, pan, graphics, mouse hit etc. may not be quite good, but performance is pretty high regard to some other controls because this code uses WriteableBitmap object. Mainly use for live chart with high input rate.
Perofmance is more than 30FPS for data with hundreds points
simply set two properties:
var objects = new ObservableCollection<double[]>();
chart1.Source = objects;
chart1.Mapper = new ArrayMapper;
public class ArrayMapper:IChartPointMapper
public void Map(object obj, out double x, out double y)
var arr = obj as double[];
x = arr[0];
y = arr[1];
From now wherever any object added to objects
, control will be notified and redraws the chart. no need for manual update.
have 3 modes, set with LineChart2.DrawMode
: Whole data is drawn on canvas
: Only certain amount of tail of data is drawn
: Only certain amount of tail of data is drawn, in electro kardio graphic mode (heart bit monitor)