OpenSearch can receive streaming data form a variety of sources:
Create the variables file:
touch .auto.tfvars
Prepare the variables:
region = "sa-east-1"
master_user_name = "elasticuser"
master_user_password = "P4ssw0rd#"
Create the infrastructure:
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve
Once done the cluster should be available and ready to load sample data.
This example is copied from Loading streaming data from Amazon S3 tutorial.
You'll need to create a Lambda to read objects from S3 and send streaming to OpenSearch.
Start by installing the dependencies:
cd s3-to-opensearch
pip install --target ./package requests
pip install --target ./package requests_aws4auth
Now package the application:
cd package
zip -r ../ .
cd ..
zip -g
Create the Lambda function:
- S3 trigger
- Choose your bucket
- Event type: PUT
- Prefix:
- Suffix:
- Acknowledge recursive invocation and add it
Also add the environment variables AWS_REGION
that are used by the Python script.
Finally, you can upload your deployment package:
- Choose Upload from and .zip file, then follow the prompts to upload your deployment package.
- After the upload finishes, edit the Runtime settings and change the Handler to sample.handler. This setting tells Lambda the file ( and method (handler) that it should run after a trigger.
Now upload file sample.log to S3 in the logs
Delete the Lambda function.
Run terraform destroy -auto-approve