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Changes to the UKHPI app by version and date


2.1.0 - 2025-04

  • (Jon) Updated layout template HTML lang attributes for I18n support
  • (Jon) Updated changelog for local authority geography - Welsh translation
  • (Jon) Updated the README to include the new make locations target information
  • (Jon) Updated the makefile to include the new locations target for running the rake task to update the locations data in the application
  • (Jon) Updated changelog for local authority GSS Codes - English translation
  • (Jon) Updated UK features data to use 2025 version
  • (Jon) Added new GeoJSON data for 2025 geographies
  • (Jon) Changed GSS code for Sheffield from E08000019 to E08000039
  • (Jon) Changed GSS code for Barnsley from E08000016 to E08000038
  • (Jon) Changed GSS code for Northern Ireland from N92000001 to N92000002

2.0.2 - 2025-03

  • (Jon) Introduced local config files and updated .gitignore appropriately
  • (Jon) Updated request logging to include path and parameters more clearly
  • (Jon) Added logging for request parameters and path
  • (Jon) Improved error logging in query execution
  • (Jon) Improved request_time logging format to show seconds and milliseconds.
  • (Jon) Prevent error rendering in development mode
  • (Jon) Updated Sentry configuration and tagging to include tags for better tracking and filtering in Sentry
  • (Jon) Added development environment configuration for dotenv gem
  • (Jon) Added dotenv gem for environment variable management
  • (Jon) Updated workflow versions to v2
    • Changed publish job to use version 2 of the publish workflow.
    • Updated deploy job to reference version 2 of the deploy workflow.
  • (Jon) Refactor logging parameter handling
    • Changed how params are extracted from fields
    • Simplified presence check for params
  • (Jon) Updated menu jump link to be more accessible
    • Added the menu jump link translations for both english and welsh.
    • Added sr-only class to the menu jump link for screen reader support.
  • (Jon) Continued logging improvements alongside refactoring of Rubocop rules set
  • (Jon) Refactored code to prevent MUTATION reinitialisation if already set
  • (Jon) Fixed error handling in the landing, browse, and compare pages to ensure that the correct error message is displayed to the user when an error occurs GH-465
    • (Jon) Add error raising for date parsing failures by returning the error to the application as well as logging the error message to the logs
  • (Jon) Updates the test suite with rubocop linting recommendations
  • (Jon) Updated pre-push githook to call a single make test command instead of triggering both unit tests and system tests separately
  • (Jon) Added deprecation warning for to_time behaviour change and set to_time_preserves_timezone to :zone to preserve system timezone
  • (Jon) applied recommended linting corrections from Rubocop
  • (Jon) Updated the logging to utilise a call-flow diagram to display the sequence of messages that are sent between the app and the api. GH-478
  • (Jon) Updated visibility and search input types
    • Added conditional class for hiding elements in non-dev environments.
    • Changed text fields to search fields for better UX.
    • Cleaned up HTML structure for improved readability.
  • (Jon) Added pre-commit and pre-push hooks
    • Introduced a pre-commit hook to run Rubocop on staged Ruby files.
    • Implemented a pre-push hook to run Rails tests before pushing.
  • (Jon) Changed time measurement from microseconds to milliseconds in the main query method
  • (Jon) Removed duplicated gem entry
  • (Jon) Updated the rails gem and dependencies to v8.0.1 alongside other minor gem updates including test gems for better compatibility
  • (Jon) Added dynamic LOG_LEVEL env variable
    • Defaults to debug in development and info in production/test.
  • (Jon) Enhanced Sentry logging on both Rails and VUE/JS implementations

2.0.1 - 2025-01

  • (Jon) Refactored UI code to use if/elsif/else in error page responses to ensure a message is displayed at all times no matter what status is passed in as per best practices
  • (Jon) Updated the ApplicationController to handle each error status appropriately as well as ensure that the instrument_internal_error method is called when an internal error is raised
  • (Jon) Updated the instrument_internal_error method to replace the maybe_report_to_sentry method while reporting internal errors to the Prometheus metrics only when necessary
  • (Jon) Removed the custom error handling by deleting the ExceptionsController and the exceptions initialiser
  • (Jon) Fix for casting long strings to Date, Time or DateTime in Ruby 3.1.0
  • (Jon) Improves error metrics reporting to ensure that logging always happens with the appropriate severity depending on the exception status while reducing the types of errors that can trigger a an error metric and therefore a notification in slack GH-149

2.0.0 - 2024-11

  • (Bogdan) Updated all gems by regenerating Gemfile.lock
  • (Bogdan) Upgraded alpine to 3.20
  • (Bogdan) Upgraded node to 20.12.2
  • (Bogdan) Upgraded rails to 7.2.2
  • (Bogdan) Upgraded ruby to 3.3.5

1.8.0 - 2024-10

  • (Dan) Updates ruby version to 2.7.8 and alpine version to 3.16 GH-455

1.7.6 - 2024-10

  • (Jon) Split the error logging into it's own method as well as adjusted the logged message to be either the response message or the response status
  • (Jon) Renamed render_error method to handle_error
  • (Jon) Set the Internal Error Instrumentation to an unless statement to ensure the application does not report internal errors to the Prometheus metrics when the error is a 404 thereby reducing the noise in the Slack alerts channel

1.7.5 - 2024-09

  • (Jon) Created a local makefile target to allow for local development without asset compilation
  • (Jon) Updated the puma-stats to display in the footer while in development GH-449
  • (Jon) Updated the application exceptions controller to instrument the ActiveSupport::Notifications for internal errors albeit this is not currently in use in the application GH-449
  • (Jon) Updated config/initializers/prometheus.rb to include the Middleware instrumentation fix for the 0 memory bug by notifying Action Dispatch subscribers on Prometheus initialise GH-449
  • (Jon) Updated config/puma.rb to include metrics plugin and port information for the metrics endpoint as environment variable, with default, to enable running multiple sibling HMLR apps locally if needed without port conflicts GH-449
  • (Dan) Updates Welsh translation to the official Welsh translation GH-435
  • (Jon) Moved all mirrored configuration settings from individual environments into the application configuration to reduce the need to manage multiple sources of truth
  • (Jon) Actioned all of the outstanding updates contained within the dependabot #443 PR as well as all updates implemented via yarn upgrade-interactive thus bringing the application to the highest level of update available at this time GHD-443
  • (Jon) Swapped the action_dispatch subscriber for action_controller to allow the memory_used_mb and process_threads metrics to report correctly (Dan) Updates the property table ui so the label is clickable
  • (Dan) Replaces the buttons for checkboxes on the property tables GH-431
  • (Jon) Exposed instrument_internal_error(exception) metric to the ExceptionsController to provide a count of internal errors GH-142
  • (Jon) Added puma.stats to footer template in development environment only, again as per the approach in the LR_Common_Styles gem
  • (Jon) Adjusted footer link_to helpers to only appending the lang parameter to the url only if it exists for "internal" links as per the approach in the LR_Common_Styles gem
  • (Jon) Adjusted fix for visual contrast in the location selection menu via additional styling and updated 3rd-party element use specific to ticket GH-408 alongside adding missing aria-attributes required for assisted use
  • (Jon) Implements revised approach to page titles mirrored on other suite apps, as well as fixes white space typo in some concatenated page titles
  • (Jon) Added process_threads guage to prometheus metrics alongside isolating thread counts to specific status' as per the Rails thread documentation as well as updating the approach to resolve GH-142
  • (Jon) Excluded prometheus metrics from the testing environment to reduce noise in the logs
  • (Jon) Added puma-metrics gem to provide base metrics for the Puma web server
  • (Jon) Updated .rubocop.yml primarily reorganising the rules alphabetically as well as adding CountAsOne to both Metrics/ClassLength and Metrics/MethodLength; includes files with removed earlier disabling of said rules!
  • (Jon) Updated .gitignore to include ignoring byebug history as well as sets the tmp directory ignore to be anywhere, not just at the project root
  • (Bogdan) Fixed a bug where CSS was being applied to the wrong element GH-412
  • (Bogdan) Fixed type in aria-label text GH-416
  • (Dan) Adds message for screenreaders for guidance on how to use tables Gh-405
  • (Dan) Fixed aria-label in compare locations form GH-416
  • (Dan) Adds aria-label link attributes on the about page to SPARQL link GH-413
  • (Bogdan) Fixed a bug where CSS was being applied to the wrong element GH-412
  • (Bogdan) Fixed type in aria-label text GH-416
  • (Bogdan) Fixed a duplicate character bug when selecting dates
  • (Bogdan) Added page titles for each individual view GH-409
  • (Bogdan) Set correct values for aria-label link attributes on the about page GH-413
  • (Bogdan) Increased contrast for compare location dropdowns GH-412
  • (Bogdan) Increased contrast for search location results, as well as when they are being focused GH-412
  • (Bogdan) CSS Refactoring
  • (Bogdan) Fixed a bug where CSS was applied to the wrong element, causing search location results to be displayed incorrectly
  • (Bogdan) Increased focusable area for close button on modal and hide graph button GH-411
  • (Bogdan) Increased contrast for search location input and map elements, as well as all modal buttons GH-408
  • (Bogdan) Increased contrast of modal warning message GH-407
  • (Bogdan) Increased contrast for modal close button and body GH-407
  • (Bogdan) Landing page links should now be more visible GH-406
  • (Bogdan) Added alt text to application logo GH-404

1.7.4 - 2024-05-01

  • (Jon) Updated print presenter to use .try(:first) which resolves by returning nil without failing if the requested element does not have the method .first, i.e. is empty or nil GH-396
  • (Jon) Updated the print template to include the Google Analytics tracking script for the print page as well as importing shared header content for unification of presentation
  • (Jon) Minor tweaks to the Makefile to remove duplicate variables (SHORTNAME) as well as introducing new targets for check and local for streamlined development tasks

1.7.3 - 2024-03-15

  • (Jon) Updated puma.rb configuration to accept both RAILS_MIN_THREADS and RAILS_MAX_THREADS environment variables to allow a more flexible configuration for the application to run in different environments. GH-143
  • (Jon) Updated the UKHPI contact form links to point to the new contact form page; both the English and Welsh versions GH-135
  • (Jon) Update to add www to the ONS url links on the landing page GH-133

1.7.1 - 2023-06-23

  • (Jon) Updated the data_service_api gem to the latest 1.4.1 patch release version.
  • (Jon) Updated the json_rails_logger gem to the latest 1.0.3 patch release
    • Also includes minor patch updates for other gems, please see the Gemfile.lock for details.

1.7.0 - 2023-06-22

  • (Jon) Added NoMethodError rescue clause set to debug level to reduce logging noise in production as this should be caught in development and test environments.
  • (Jon) Improved logging by using blocks instead of strings as Ruby has to evaluate these strings, which includes instantiating the somewhat heavy String object and interpolating the variables, and which takes time. Therefore, it's recommended to pass blocks to the logger methods, as these are only evaluated if the output level is the same or included in the allowed level (i.e. lazy loading). Documentation
  • (Jon) Removed sentry logging from dev instance
  • (Jon) Improved logging status with allowance for the differences between 400 and 500 errors handled by the same method.
  • (Jon) Improved Javascript asset delivery by adding defer to the script tags. If the defer attribute is set, it specifies that the script is downloaded in parallel to parsing the page, and executed after the page has finished parsing.
  • (Jon) Resolves error level reported to match logs where the logging was reporting 400 instead of 500
  • (Jon) Improved webpacker setup to match newer applications
  • (Jon) Improved logging in perform_query method by combining generated logs into single log for better message
  • (Jon) Resolves rubocop OpenStruct warning
  • (Jon) Now uses the proper logging level as well as provides more details to the logs for the json_rails_logger gem
  • (Jon) Refactored cache control - resolves GH-114
  • (Jon) Updated header links to apply the appropriate language to the root link
  • (Jon) Updated errors reported as info level to error level - also resolves the DEBUG level logs seen in production issues on this file.
  • (Jon) Updated the data_service_api gem to the latest 1.4.0 minor release version.
    • Also includes minor patch updates for other gems, please see the Gemfile.lock for details.

1.6.3 - 2023-06-07

  • (Jon) Updated the json_rails_logger gem to the latest 1.0.1 patch release.
    • Also includes minor patch updates for gems, please see the Gemfile.lock for details.

1.6.2 - 2023-06-03

  • (Jon) Updated the json_rails_logger gem to the latest 1.0.0 release.

1.6.1 - 2023-04-19

  • (Jon) Complete re-write of the README information to ensure inclusion of latest changes and emphasis where required is met. Also now links to the appropriate additional tools needed to develop and test both the individual app and the HMLR suite locally.
  • (Jon) Updated the makefile and dockerfile files to ensure the correct commands are used for development and release.
  • (Jon) Refactors the elapsed time calculated for API requests to be resolved as microseconds rather than milliseconds. This is to improve the reporting of the elapsed time in the system tooling logs.
  • (Jon) Minor text changes to the Gemfile to include instructions for running Epimorphics specific gems locally during the development of those gems.
  • (Jon) Updated the production json_rails_logger gem version to be at least the current version ~>0.3.5 to cover out-of-sync release versions.
  • (Jon) Updated the production data_services_api gem version to be at least the current version~>1.3.3 to cover out-of-sync release versions.
  • (Jon) Removed 'test' environment from sentry configuration to reduce unecessary monitoring charges
  • (Jon) Updated the sentry-rails gem version to the current version~>5.7 following warnings in the sentry dashboard about the out of date gem version being used.
  • (Jon) Refactored better guards in to ensure the required env vars are set accordingly or deployment will fail noisily.
  • (Jon) Refactored better guards in configs/environment/production.rb to ensure the required env vars are set accordingly or deployment will fail noisily.
  • (Jon) Refactored the version cadence creation to include the PATCH property as per other Epimorphics apps.
  • (Jon) Refactored the version cadence creation to include a SUFFIX value if provided; otherwise no SUFFIX is included in the version number.

1.6.0 - 2022-04-07

  • (Ian) Adopt all of the current Epimorphics best-practice deployment patterns, including shared GitHub actions, updated Makefile and Dockerfile, Prometheus monitoring, and updated version of Sentry.
  • (Ian) Updated the README as part of handover.

1.5.20 - 2023-04-17

  • (Jon) Updated English & Welsh translations of the Changelog for current releases
  • (Jon) Updated English & Welsh translations of the Landing page
  • (Jon) Updated version.rb to include SUFFIX parameter for improved release cadence
  • (Jon) Updated package.json to include current release cadence
  • (Jon) Updated English Changelog for April 2023 Release
  • (Jon) Updated English Changelog for Oct 2021 Release
  • (Jon) Update Element-UI to latest 2.15.13 version
  • (Jon) Updated .gitignore to handle dev files
  • (Jon) updated to lock node to v14.21.3
  • (Jon) Updated Land Boundaries to respective files
  • (Jon) Update to include IE11 coverage for webpack - 2021-12-09

  • (Mairead) Update deployment workflow, dockerfile and assisting scripts
  • (Joseph) Add link to privacy notice to footer
  • (Joseph) Update gem dependencies
  • (Joseph) Update yarn package dependencies

1.5.19 - 2021-06-28

  • (Joseph) Add link to privacy notice to footer
  • (Joseph) Update gem dependencies
  • (Joseph) Update yarn package dependencies

1.5.18 - 2021-06-24

  • (Joseph) Add localised text for Wales to the cookie banner

1.5.17 - 2021-05-04

  • (Ian) Fix for GH-15: error 500 instead of HTTP 400 when user chooses a non-recognised location

1.5.16 - 2021-04-27

  • (Ian) Updated correction to email address (GH-3)

1.5.15 - 2021-02-18

  • (Ian) Some Welsh-language fixes suggested by Eleri

1.5.14 - 2021-01-20

  • (Ian) Enable use of Welsh langauge affordances in all deployment environments

1.5.13 - 2021-01-12 (Ian)

  • Updated regions for new Buckinghamshire UA creation
  • update dependencies

1.5.12 - 2020-10-13 (Ian)

  • fix link to broken page at
  • link to Welsh-language versions of some pages
  • fix broken rendering of 'about UKHPI' page
  • fix mutation of location names in non-JS view

1.5.11 - 2020-10-07 (Ian)

  • Adjust the map UI to make the role of the layer selector (countries, counties LA's etc) clearer

1.5.10 - 2020-10-05 (Ian)

  • Some additional Welsh language refinements, in particular date abbreviations

1.5.9 - 2020-10-02 (Ian)

  • Additional fixes to the Welsh language localisation, including some corrections to Welsh mutations
  • added Welsh version of accessibility statement

1.5.8 - 2020-09-29 (Ian)

  • Update Rails and JS dependencies
  • Various additional Welsh translation fixes, including support for consonant mutations (nb: this is a retrospective entry for the previous PR)

1.5.7 - 2020-09-24 (Ian)

  • Fix problem $t is not defined, GH-263

1.5.6 - 2020-09-23 (Ian)

  • Added accessibility statement

1.5.5 - 2020-09-22 (Ian)

  • Fix WCAG colour contrast issue, and improve visual consistency by picking dark blue as the primary action colour

1.5.4 - 2020-09-22 (Ian)

  • added skip-to-main-content link

1.5.3 - 2020-09-18 (Ian)

Updates to Welsh localization based on testing

  • migrated some UKHPI documents (e.g changelog, about) into the UKHPI repo
  • missing entries from message catalogue
  • added a framework for consonant mutations and other grammar rule fixes

1.5.2 - 2020-09-17 (Ian)

A collection of fixes for various reported WCAG violations:

  • fixed colour contrast in the footer
  • added missing alt-text and aria roles on images and links
  • ensure that all content is contained in landmarks
  • ensure that all form elements have labels
  • ensure that every page has an h1 element
  • fix colour contrast issue in buttons by switching colour to GDS green
  • fixed missing aria labels on buttons
  • added focus-trapping and auto-focus for modal dialogues

1.5.1 - 2020-09-16 (Ian)

  • Fix for GH-248: missing local authorities when using Welsh language mode. The change is to ensure that in the compiled locations-data.js and locations_table.rb files, we always have two labels (Welsh and English) for locations, even if it means re-using the English label. This is correct for Welsh LA's (e.g. Gwynedd), and a convenient approximation for English LA's that don't have an existing Welsh translation.

1.5.0 - 2020-09-14 (Ian)

  • Added Welsh language mode for UKHPI

1.4.0 - 2020-08-13 (Ian)

  • Beginning the process of moving to a Docker-based deployment pattern by adding an initial Dockerfile and adding some build support via a Makefile.

1.3.2 - 2020-07-6

  • Update various gem dependencies to resolve CVE warnings
  • Remove old warning about Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole as client indicated it is no longer relevant


  • Update package.json to constrain the version of @babel/preset-env to avoid build regression. GH-229


  • Updated to latest version of locations and boundaries of local authorities


  • Update rack gem in response to CVE-2019-16782


  • Update the link to download all data in CSV (GH-215)

1.2.8 - 2019-12-17

  • Do not error if the user requests MIME type JSON but sends an incorrectly encoded request

1.2.7 - 2019-12-10

  • Ensure that a badly coded GSS code for the location results in a BadArgument error and hence an HTTP 400 response

1.2.6 - 2019-12-09

  • Add ActionController::BadRequest to the list of exceptions that Sentry will ignore

1.2.5 - 2019-12-05

  • Fix regression in use of unprotected % character in calls to String.format in Ruby 2.6

1.2.4 - 2019-10-10

  • general update of gem versions
  • fix deprecation warnings from MiniTest
  • add release to Sentry configuration

1.2.3 2019-08-20

  • Fix for GH-209: UKHPI not working on IE 11

1.2.2 2019-08-16

  • Fix for GH-207: Sentry warning about circular data structures
  • updated Sentr SDK to the new browser API

1.2.1 2019-08-15

  • Fix for GH-206 to resolve over-large orange background on print button

1.2.0 2019-07-17

  • Following build issues, the entire webpacker subsystem has been upgraded. This seems sufficient to warrant bumping the minor version number.
  • Fix GH-205 to fix regression in data tables introduced by the build and dependency changes.

1.1.1 2019-07-17

  • Update Rubygem and NPM dependencies to address CVEs

1.1.0 2019-06-03


  • GH-203 - show a warning when the user selects a location that does not yet have available statistics