- Supports FIX 4.0 - FIX 4.4, FIX 5.0, FIX 5.0 SP1, FIX 5.0 SP2
- Supports all FIX message types (pre-trade, trade, post-trade, market data, etc.)
- Customizable FIX protocol with user-defined tags and message types
- Sequence numbers management
- Microseconds in FIX tags (MIFID II)
- Smart resend request handling
- Validation against FIX dictionaries
- Unregistered acceptors handling
- Standard FIX routing based on DeliverTo and OnBehalfOf fields
- Store messages while disconnected
- Switch to the backup connection
- Round-robin reconnect option to multiple backup destinations for an initiator session
- Administrative Plugin for Fix Antenna
- Session Qualifiers
- Multiple FIX sessions
- Initiator/Acceptor Sessions
- Auto-reconnect Session
- Transient Sessions
- Restore state after failure (Persistent Session)
- Pluggable session level
- Supported Storage Types:
- Null storage
- Persistent storage
- Persistent Memory Mapped based storage
- Storage management (get a message by seq. num, get creation time)
- Ability to enable or disable Nagle's algorithm to minimize latency or maximize throughput
- Ability to manipulate the internal outgoing queue size to get maximum throughput (process messages in batch) or lower latency (minimal time in queue)
- Ability to use different levels of message validation to balance between reasonable correctness and good performance:
- Well formedness validation
- Validation of allowed message fields
- Validation of required message fields
- Validation of message fields order
- Validation of duplicated message fields
- Validation of field values according to defined data types
- Validation of repeating group fields
- Conditionally required fields
- Ability to choose the sending mode. Synchronous sending gives lower latency, but asynchronous is preferable for getting a better throughput
- Ability to configure CPU affinity to enable the binding and unbinding a thread to a CPU, so that the thread will execute only on the designated CPU rather than any CPU
- Setting send and receive socket buffer sizes for TCP transport options
- Provides the following functionality:
- Creating a message from a raw FIX string (parse)
- Serializing a FIX object message to raw FIX string
- Adding, removing, modifying FIX fields and repeating groups
- The ability of internal pooling to reduce memory allocations
- FIX flat message model - generic model to work with the abstract
class via fields and groups getters and setters, which gives the highest performance
- RG API - API for working with repeating groups. Similar to FIX flat message model but allow to work with structures
- Prepared messages - message template for the faster sending the messages with the same structure but with different values
- Efficient getters and setters for working with values as with primitive type to reduce garbage production
- Logon Customization
- Standard FIX authorization utilizing username and password fields in FIX Logon message
- Strategies for accepting incoming sessions:
- Auto-accept incoming sessions (to simplify development and testing)
- Auto-decline non-pre-configured sessions
- IP range based whitelisting for incoming connections
- CME Secure Logon support