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Practical Implementations and Samples with Spring


This repository containes practicle demonstrations on various topics, which are implemented either using Spring or Spring Boot. The demos in the repository are either with an accompanying tutorial or just samples. The samples with a tutorial are listed below:

Samples with Tutorials

  1. Running Tests with Groovy: This example demonstrates how we can implement our tests using groovy in a java based project. You might be asking why. Well, implementing tests with groovy has some advantages. It has two main parts. In the first part groovy backed unit tests are setup. In the second part, groovy support for unit tests are extended to Spring Boot integration tests.
  2. Auto Generating Rest API Documentation via Rest Assured Tests and AsciiDoctor: A clear and concise REST API documentation is mandatory for a rest api to be easily used. However, it's error prone and is also hard to maintain an api documentation if we attempt to write it manually. This sample project demonstrates how we can use rest assured tests to generate api documentation with a small amount of manual work.
  3. Simple Json Web Token (JWT) Authentication with Spring Boot: This example demonstrates basic concepts of using JWT based authentication using Spring.
  4. Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA baked by Docker Snapshot Databases: Basic configuration of a spring boot application which is backed up by a Docker DB image that contains a snapshot of initial data. Implements two different Docker Database containers, one with PostgreSQL and the other one with MySQL and introduces them to be used in spring context with environment selection option.


Practical Implementations and Samples with Spring






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