My Personal CLI To-Do application built with TypeScript. This app enables you to manage tasks efficiently with options to add, list, remove, and mark tasks as completed. All tasks are saved persistently in a JSON file.
- Task Management: Add, list, remove, and mark tasks as completed.
- Persistence: Tasks are stored locally in a JSON file.
- Interactive CLI: Intuitive menu-based navigation.
- TypeScript: Strictly typed for reliability and maintainability.
Node.js: Ensure Node.js is installed on your system.
TypeScript: Install TypeScript globally if not already installed:
npm install -g typescript
Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url> cd <repository-name>
Install dependencies:
npm install
Compile TypeScript to JavaScript:
tsc todo.ts
Run the app:
node todo.js
Launch the app:
node todo.js
Follow the interactive menu to:
- Add a new task.
- List all tasks.
- Remove a task by ID.
- Mark a task as completed.
- Exit the application.
├── tasks.json # Stores the tasks persistently
├── todo.ts # Main TypeScript file
├── todo.js # Compiled JavaScript file
├── package.json # Project metadata and dependencies
├── # Documentation
└── .gitignore # Files and folders to ignore in Git