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管理命令 (Commands)

EMQ X 消息服务器提供了 ./bin/emqx_ctl 的管理命令行。

status 命令

查询 EMQ X 消息服务器运行状态:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl status

Node 'emqx@' is started
emqx v4.0.0 is running

mgmt 命令

mgmt 命令查询应用程序。

mgmt list 列出应用程序列表
mgmt insert <AppId> <Name> 添加 REST API 的应用程序
mgmt update <AppId> <status> 更新 REST API 的应用程序
mgmt lookup <AppId> 获取 REST API 的应用程序详情
mgmt delete <AppId> 删除 REST API 的应用程序

mgmt list


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt list
app_id: 901abdba8eb8c, secret: MjgzMzQ5MjM1MzUzMTc4MjgyMjE3NzU4ODcwMDg0NjQ4OTG, name: hello, desc: , status: true, expired: undefined

mgmt insert <AppId> <Name>

添加REST API的应用程序:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt insert dbcb6e023370b world

mgmt update <AppId> <status>

更新 REST API 的应用程序:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt update dbcb6e023370b stop
update successfully.

mgmt lookup <AppId>

获取 REST API 的应用程序详情:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt lookup dbcb6e023370b
app_id: dbcb6e023370b
name: world
desc: Application user
status: stop
expired: undefined

mgmt delete <AppId>

删除REST API的应用程序:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt delete dbcb6e023370b

broker 命令

broker 命令查询服务器基本信息,启动时间,统计数据与性能数据。

broker 查询 EMQ X 消息服务器描述、版本、启动时间
broker stats 查询连接(Connection)、会话(Session)、主题(Topic)、 订阅(Subscription)、路由(Route)统计信息
broker metrics 查询 MQTT 报文(Packet)、消息(Message)收发统计

查询 EMQ X 消息服务器基本信息包括版本、启动时间等:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl broker

sysdescr  : EMQ X Broker
version   : v4.0.0
uptime    : 25 seconds
datetime  : 2019-12-19 14:34:19

broker stats


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl broker stats

actions.count                 : 5
actions.max                   : 5
channels.count                : 0
channels.max                  : 0
connections.count             : 0
connections.max               : 0
resources.count               : 0
resources.max                 : 0
retained.count                : 3
retained.max                  : 3
routes.count                  : 0
routes.max                    : 0
rules.count                   : 0
rules.max                     : 0
sessions.count                : 0
sessions.max                  : 0
suboptions.count              : 0
suboptions.max                : 0
subscribers.count             : 0
subscribers.max               : 0
subscriptions.count           : 0
subscriptions.max             : 0
subscriptions.shared.count    : 0
subscriptions.shared.max      : 0
topics.count                  : 0
topics.max                    : 0

broker metrics


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl broker metrics

actions.success               : 0
bytes.received                : 0
bytes.sent                    : 0
client.auth.anonymous         : 0
client.authenticate           : 0
client.check_acl              : 0
client.connack                : 0
client.connect                : 0
client.connected              : 0
client.disconnected           : 0
client.subscribe              : 0
client.unsubscribe            : 0
delivery.dropped              : 0
delivery.dropped.expired      : 0
delivery.dropped.no_local     : 0
delivery.dropped.qos0_msg     : 0
delivery.dropped.queue_full   : 0
delivery.dropped.too_large    : 0
messages.acked                : 0
messages.delayed              : 0
messages.delivered            : 0
messages.dropped              : 0
messages.dropped.expired      : 0
messages.dropped.no_subscriber: 0
messages.forward              : 0
messages.publish              : 0
messages.qos0.received        : 0
messages.qos0.sent            : 0
messages.qos1.received        : 0
messages.qos1.sent            : 0
messages.qos2.received        : 0
messages.qos2.sent            : 0
messages.received             : 0
messages.retained             : 3
messages.sent                 : 0
packets.auth.received         : 0
packets.auth.sent             : 0
packets.connack.auth_error    : 0
packets.connack.error         : 0
packets.connack.sent          : 0
packets.connect.received      : 0
packets.disconnect.received   : 0
packets.disconnect.sent       : 0
packets.pingreq.received      : 0
packets.pingresp.sent         : 0
packets.puback.inuse          : 0
packets.puback.missed         : 0
packets.puback.received       : 0
packets.puback.sent           : 0
packets.pubcomp.inuse         : 0
packets.pubcomp.missed        : 0
packets.pubcomp.received      : 0
packets.pubcomp.sent          : 0
packets.publish.auth_error    : 0
packets.publish.dropped       : 0
packets.publish.error         : 0
packets.publish.received      : 0
packets.publish.sent          : 0
packets.pubrec.inuse          : 0
packets.pubrec.missed         : 0
packets.pubrec.received       : 0
packets.pubrec.sent           : 0
packets.pubrel.missed         : 0
packets.pubrel.received       : 0
packets.pubrel.sent           : 0
packets.received              : 0
packets.sent                  : 0
packets.suback.sent           : 0
packets.subscribe.auth_error  : 0
packets.subscribe.error       : 0
packets.subscribe.received    : 0
packets.unsuback.sent         : 0
packets.unsubscribe.error     : 0
packets.unsubscribe.received  : 0
rules.matched                 : 0
session.created               : 0
session.discarded             : 0
session.resumed               : 0
session.takeovered            : 0
session.terminated            : 0

cluster 命令

cluster 命令集群多个 EMQ X 消息服务器节点(进程):

cluster join <Node> 加入集群
cluster leave 离开集群
cluster force-leave <Node> 从集群删除节点
cluster status 查询集群状态

cluster 命令集群本机两个 EMQ X 节点示例:

目录 节点名 MQTT 端口
emqx1 emqx1@ 1883
emqx2 emqx2@ 2883

启动 emqx1

$ cd emqx1 && ./bin/emqx start

启动 emqx2

$ cd emqx2 && ./bin/emqx start

emqx2 节点与 emqx1 集群,emqx2 目录下:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster join emqx1@

Join the cluster successfully.
Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emqx1@','emqx2@']}]


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster status

Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emqx2@','emqx1@']}]


# emqx1节点上订阅x
$ mosquitto_sub -t x -q 1 -p 1883

# emqx2节点上向x发布消息
$ mosquitto_pub -t x -q 1 -p 2883 -m hello

emqx2 节点离开集群:

$ cd emqx2 && ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster leave

emqx1 节点下删除 emqx2:

$ cd emqx1 && ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster force-leave emqx2@


不支持一个已经在 A 集群中的节点加入另外一个集群,因为这会导致两个集群数据不一致

acl 命令

重新加载 acl 配置文件:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl acl reload

clients 命令

clients 命令查询连接的 MQTT 客户端。

clients list 查询全部客户端连接
clients show <ClientId> 根据 ClientId 查询客户端
clients kick <ClientId> 根据 ClientId 踢出客户端

clients list


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl clients list

Client(mosqsub/43832-airlee.lo, username=test1, peername=, clean_start=true, keepalive=60, session_expiry_interval=0, subscriptions=0, inflight=0, awaiting_rel=0, delivered_msgs=0, enqueued_msgs=0, dropped_msgs=0, connected=true, created_at=1576477947, connected_at=1576477947)
Client(mosqsub/44011-airlee.lo, username=test2, peername=, clean_start=true, keepalive=60, session_expiry_interval=0, subscriptions=0, inflight=0, awaiting_rel=0, delivered_msgs=0, enqueued_msgs=0, dropped_msgs=0, connected=true, created_at=1576477950, connected_at=1576477950)

返回 Client 对象的属性:

username 用户名
peername 客户端 IP 与端口
clean_start MQTT Clean Start
keepalive MQTT KeepAlive
session_expiry_interval 会话过期间隔
subscriptions 当前订阅数量
inflight 当前正在下发的消息数
awaiting_rel 等待客户端发送 PUBREL 的 QoS2 消息数
delivered_msgs EMQ X 向此客户端转发的消息数量(包含重传)
enqueued_msgs 消息队列当前长度
dropped_msgs 消息队列达到最大长度后丢弃的消息数量
connected 是否在线
created_at 会话创建时间
connected_at 客户端连接时间

clients show <ClientId>

根据 ClientId 查询客户端:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl clients show "mosqsub/43832-airlee.lo"

Client(mosqsub/43832-airlee.lo, username=test1, peername=, clean_start=false, keepalive=60, session_expiry_interval=7200, subscriptions=0, inflight=0, awaiting_rel=0, delivered_msgs=0, enqueued_msgs=0, dropped_msgs=0, connected=true, created_at=1576479557, connected_at=1576479557)

clients kick <ClientId>

根据 ClientId 踢出客户端:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl clients kick "clientid"

routes 命令

routes 命令查询路由表。

routes list 查询全部路由
routes show <Topic> 根据 Topic 查询路由

routes list


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl routes list

t2/# -> emqx2@
t/+/x -> emqx2@,emqx@

routes show <Topic>

根据 Topic 查询一条路由:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl routes show t/+/x

t/+/x -> emqx2@,emqx@

subscriptions 命令

subscriptions 命令查询消息服务器的订阅(Subscription)表。

subscriptions list 查询全部订阅
subscriptions show <ClientId> 查询某个 ClientId 的订阅
subscriptions add <ClientId> <Topic> <QoS> 手动添加静态订阅
subscriptions del <ClientId> <Topic> 手动删除静态订阅

subscriptions list


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions list

mosqsub/91042-airlee.lo -> t/y:1
mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo -> t/+/x:2

subscriptions show <ClientId>

查询某个 Client 的订阅:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions show 'mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo'

mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo -> t/+/x:2

subscriptions add <ClientId> <Topic> <QoS>


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions add 'mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo' '/world' 1


subscriptions del <ClientId> <Topic>


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions del 'mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo' '/world'


plugins 命令

plugins 命令用于加载、卸载、查询插件应用。 EMQ X 消息服务器通过插件扩展认证、定制功能,插件置于 plugins/ 目录下。

plugins list 列出全部插件(Plugin)
plugins load <Plugin> 加载插件(Plugin)
plugins unload <Plugin> 卸载插件(Plugin)
plugins reload <Plugin> 重载插件(Plugin)


当修改完成某插件的配置文件时,若需要立即生效则需要执行 reload 命令。因为 unload/load 命令不会编译新的配置文件

plugins list


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins list

Plugin(emqx_auth_clientid, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Authentication with ClientId/Password, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_auth_http, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Authentication/ACL with HTTP API, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_auth_jwt, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Authentication with JWT, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_auth_ldap, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Authentication/ACL with LDAP, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_auth_mongo, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Authentication/ACL with MongoDB, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_auth_mysql, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Authentication/ACL with MySQL, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_auth_pgsql, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Authentication/ACL with PostgreSQL, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_auth_redis, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Authentication/ACL with Redis, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_auth_username, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Authentication with Username and Password, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_bridge_mqtt, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Bridge to MQTT Broker, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_coap, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X CoAP Gateway, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_dashboard, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Web Dashboard, active=true)
Plugin(emqx_delayed_publish, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Delayed Publish, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_lua_hook, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Lua Hooks, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_lwm2m, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X LwM2M Gateway, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_management, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Management API and CLI, active=true)
Plugin(emqx_plugin_template, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Plugin Template, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_psk_file, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQX PSK Plugin from File, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_recon, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Recon Plugin, active=true)
Plugin(emqx_reloader, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Reloader Plugin, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_retainer, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Retainer, active=true)
Plugin(emqx_rule_engine, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Rule Engine, active=true)
Plugin(emqx_sn, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X MQTT SN Plugin, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_statsd, version=v4.0.0, description=Statsd for EMQ X, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_stomp, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Stomp Protocol Plugin, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_web_hook, version=v4.0.0, description=EMQ X Webhook Plugin, active=false)


version 插件版本
description 插件描述
active 是否已加载

plugins load <Plugin>


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_lua_hook

Plugin emqx_lua_hook loaded successfully.

plugins unload <Plugin>


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins unload emqx_lua_hook

Plugin emqx_lua_hook unloaded successfully.

plugins reload <Plugin>


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins reload emqx_lua_hook

Plugin emqx_lua_hook reloaded successfully.

vm 命令

vm 命令用于查询 Erlang 虚拟机负载、内存、进程、IO 信息。

vm 等同于 vm all
vm all 查询 VM 全部信息
vm load 查询 VM 负载
vm memory 查询 VM 内存
vm process 查询 VM Erlang 进程数量
vm io 查询 VM io 最大文件句柄
vm ports 查询 VM 的端口

vm all

查询 VM 全部信息,包括负载、内存、Erlang 进程数量等:

cpu/load1               : 4.22
cpu/load5               : 3.29
cpu/load15              : 3.16
memory/total            : 99995208
memory/processes        : 38998248
memory/processes_used   : 38938520
memory/system           : 60996960
memory/atom             : 1189073
memory/atom_used        : 1173808
memory/binary           : 100336
memory/code             : 25439961
memory/ets              : 7161128
process/limit           : 2097152
process/count           : 315
io/max_fds              : 10240
io/active_fds           : 0
ports/count             : 18
ports/limit             : 1048576

vm load

查询 VM 负载:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm load

cpu/load1               : 2.21
cpu/load5               : 2.60
cpu/load15              : 2.36

vm memory

查询 VM 内存:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm memory

memory/total            : 23967736
memory/processes        : 3594216
memory/processes_used   : 3593112
memory/system           : 20373520
memory/atom             : 512601
memory/atom_used        : 491955
memory/binary           : 51432
memory/code             : 13401565
memory/ets              : 1082848

vm process

查询 Erlang 进程数量:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm process

process/limit           : 2097152
process/count           : 314

vm io

查询 IO 最大句柄数:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm io

io/max_fds              : 10240
io/active_fds           : 0

vm ports

查询 VM 的端口:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm ports

ports/count           : 18
ports/limit           : 1048576

mnesia 命令

查询 mnesia 数据库系统状态。

log 命令

log 命令用于设置日志等级。访问 Documentation of logger 以获取详细信息

log set-level <Level> 设置主日志等级和所有 Handlers 日志等级
log primary-level 查看主日志等级
log primary-lelvel <Level> 设置主日志等级
log handlers list 查看当前安装的所有 Hanlders
log handlers set-level <HandlerId> <Level> 设置指定 Hanlder 的日志等级

log set-level <Level>

设置主日志等级和所有 Handlers 日志等级:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log set-level debug


log primary-level


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level


log primary-level <Level>


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level info


log handlers list

查看当前安装的所有 Hanlders:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log handlers list

LogHandler(id=emqx_logger_handler, level=debug, destination=unknown)
LogHandler(id=file, level=debug, destination=log/emqx.log)
LogHandler(id=default, level=debug, destination=console)

log handlers set-level <HandlerId> <Level>

设置指定 Hanlder 的日志等级:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log handlers set-level emqx_logger_handler error


trace 命令

trace 命令用于追踪某个客户端或 Topic,打印日志信息到文件。

trace list 查询全部开启的追踪
trace start client <ClientId> <File> [<Level>] 开启 Client 追踪,存储指定等级的日志到文件
trace stop client <ClientId> 关闭 Client 追踪
trace start topic <Topic> <File> [<Level>] 开启 Topic 追踪,存储指定等级的日志到文件
trace stop topic <Topic> 关闭 Topic 追踪


使用 trace 之前,需要将主日志等级(primary logger level) 设置成足够低的值。为提高系统运行性能,默认的主日志等级是 error。

trace start client <ClientId> <File> [<Level>]

开启 Client 追踪:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level debug


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start client clientid log/clientid_trace.log

trace client clientid successfully

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start client clientid2 log/clientid2_trace.log error

trace client clientid2 successfully

trace stop client <ClientId>

关闭 Client 追踪:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace stop client clientid

stop tracing clientid clientid successfully

trace start topic <Topic> <File> [<Level>]

开启 Topic 追踪:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level debug


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start topic topic log/topic_trace.log

trace topic topic successfully

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start topic topic2 log/topic2_trace.log error

trace topic topic2 successfully

trace stop topic <Topic>

关闭 Topic 追踪:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace topic topic off

stop tracing topic topic successfully

trace list


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace list

Trace(clientid=clientid2, level=error, destination="log/clientid2_trace.log")
Trace(topic=topic2, level=error, destination="log/topic2_trace.log")


listeners 命令用于查询开启的 TCP 服务监听器

listeners 查询开启的 TCP 服务监听器
listeners stop <Proto> <Port> 停止监听端口

listeners list

查询开启的 TCP 服务监听器:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl listeners

listener on mqtt:ssl:8883
  acceptors       : 16
  max_conns       : 102400
  current_conn    : 0
  shutdown_count  : []
listener on mqtt:tcp:
  acceptors       : 8
  max_conns       : 1024000
  current_conn    : 0
  shutdown_count  : []
listener on mqtt:tcp:
  acceptors       : 4
  max_conns       : 1024000
  current_conn    : 2
  shutdown_count  : []
listener on http:dashboard:18083
  acceptors       : 2
  max_conns       : 512
  current_conn    : 0
  shutdown_count  : []
listener on http:management:8081
  acceptors       : 2
  max_conns       : 512
  current_conn    : 0
  shutdown_count  : []
listener on mqtt:ws:8083
  acceptors       : 2
  max_conns       : 102400
  current_conn    : 0
  shutdown_count  : []
listener on mqtt:wss:8084
  acceptors       : 2
  max_conns       : 16
  current_conn    : 0
  shutdown_count  : []

listener 参数说明:

acceptors TCP Acceptor 池
max_conns 最大允许连接数
current_conns 当前连接数
shutdown_count Socket 关闭原因统计

listeners stop <Proto> <Port>


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl listeners stop mqtt:tcp

Stop mqtt:tcp listener on successfully.

规则引擎(rule engine) 命令

rules 命令

rules list List all rules
rules show <RuleId> Show a rule
rules create <name> <hook> <sql> <actions> [-d [<descr>]] Create a rule
rules delete <RuleId> Delete a rule

rules create


## 创建一个测试规则,简单打印所有发送到 't/a' 主题的消息内容
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules create \
  'test1' \
  'message.publish' \
  'select * from "t/a"' \
  '[{"name":"built_in:inspect_action", "params": {"a": 1}}]' \
  -d 'Rule for debug'

Rule test1:1556242324634254201 created


一个规则由系统生成的规则 ID 标识,所以如果用相同的名字重复添加规则,会生成多个 ID 不同的规则。

rules list


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules list

rule(id='test1:1556242324634254201', name='test1', for='message.publish', rawsql='select * from "t/a"', actions=[{"name":"built_in:inspect_action","params":{"a":1}}], enabled='true', description='Rule for debug')

rules show


## 查询 RuleID 为 'test1:1556242324634254201' 的规则
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules show 'test1:1556242324634254201'

rule(id='test1:1556242324634254201', name='test1', for='message.publish', rawsql='select * from "t/a"', actions=[{"name":"built_in:inspect_action","params":{"a":1}}], enabled='true', description='Rule for debug')

rules delete


## 删除 RuleID 为 'test1:1556242324634254201' 的规则
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules delete 'test1:1556242324634254201'


rule-actions 命令

rule-actions list [-t [<type>]] [-k [<hook>]] List all actions
rule-actions show <ActionId> Show a rule action


动作可以由 emqx 内置(称为系统内置动作),或者由 emqx 插件编写,但不能通过 CLI/API 添加或删除。

rule-actions show


## 查询名为 'built_in:inspect_action' 动作
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rule-actions show 'built_in:inspect_action'

action(name='built_in:inspect_action', app='emqx_rule_engine', for='$any', type='built_in', params=#{}, description='Inspect the details of action params for debug purpose')

rule-actions list


## 列出当前所有的动作
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rule-actions list

action(name='built_in:republish_action', app='emqx_rule_engine', for='message.publish', type='built_in', params=#{target_topic => #{description => <<"Repubilsh the message to which topic">>,format => topic,required => true,title => <<"To Which Topic">>,type => string}}, description='Republish a MQTT message to a another topic')
action(name='web_hook:event_action', app='emqx_web_hook', for='$events', type='web_hook', params=#{'$resource' => #{description => <<"Bind a resource to this action">>,required => true,title => <<"Resource ID">>,type => string},template => #{description => <<"The payload template to be filled with variables before sending messages">>,required => false,schema => #{},title => <<"Payload Template">>,type => object}}, description='Forward Events to Web Server')
action(name='web_hook:publish_action', app='emqx_web_hook', for='message.publish', type='web_hook', params=#{'$resource' => #{description => <<"Bind a resource to this action">>,required => true,title => <<"Resource ID">>,type => string}}, description='Forward Messages to Web Server')
action(name='built_in:inspect_action', app='emqx_rule_engine', for='$any', type='built_in', params=#{}, description='Inspect the details of action params for debug purpose')

## 列出所有资源类型为 web_hook 的动作
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rule-actions list -t web_hook

action(name='web_hook:event_action', app='emqx_web_hook', for='$events', type='web_hook', params=#{'$resource' => #{description => <<"Bind a resource to this action">>,required => true,title => <<"Resource ID">>,type => string},template => #{description => <<"The payload template to be filled with variables before sending messages">>,required => false,schema => #{},title => <<"Payload Template">>,type => object}}, description='Forward Events to Web Server')
action(name='web_hook:publish_action', app='emqx_web_hook', for='message.publish', type='web_hook', params=#{'$resource' => #{description => <<"Bind a resource to this action">>,required => true,title => <<"Resource ID">>,type => string}}, description='Forward Messages to Web Server')

## 列出所有 Hook 类型匹配 'client.connected' 的动作
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rule-actions list -k 'client.connected'

action(name='built_in:inspect_action', app='emqx_rule_engine', for='$any', type='built_in', params=#{}, description='Inspect the details of action params for debug purpose')

resources 命令

emqx_ctl resources create <name> <type> [-c [<config>]] [-d [<descr>]] Create a resource
resources list [-t <ResourceType>] List all resources
resources show <ResourceId> Show a resource
resources delete <ResourceId> Delete a resource

resources create


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources create 'webhook1' 'web_hook' -c '{"url": "http://host-name/chats"}' -d 'forward msgs to host-name/chats'

Resource web_hook:webhook1 created

resources list


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources list

resource(id='web_hook:webhook1', name='webhook1', type='web_hook', config=#{<<"url">> => <<"http://host-name/chats">>}, attrs=undefined, description='forward msgs to host-name/chats')

resources list by type


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources list --type 'debug_resource_type'

resource(id='web_hook:webhook1', name='webhook1', type='web_hook', config=#{<<"url">> => <<"http://host-name/chats">>}, attrs=undefined, description='forward msgs to host-name/chats')

resources show


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources show 'web_hook:webhook1'

resource(id='web_hook:webhook1', name='webhook1', type='web_hook', config=#{<<"url">> => <<"http://host-name/chats">>}, attrs=undefined, description='forward msgs to host-name/chats')

resources delete


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources delete 'web_hook:webhook1'


resource-types 命令

resource-types list List all resource-types
resource-types show <Type> Show a resource-type


资源类型可以由 emqx 内置(称为系统内置资源类型),或者由 emqx 插件编写,但不能通过 CLI/API 添加或删除。

resource-types list


./bin/emqx_ctl resource-types list

resource_type(name='built_in', provider='emqx_rule_engine', params=#{}, on_create={emqx_rule_actions,on_resource_create}, description='The built in resource type for debug purpose')
resource_type(name='web_hook', provider='emqx_web_hook', params=#{headers => #{default => #{},description => <<"Request Header">>,schema => #{},title => <<"Request Header">>,type => object},method => #{default => <<"POST">>,description => <<"Request Method">>,enum => [<<"PUT">>,<<"POST">>],title => <<"Request Method">>,type => string},url => #{description => <<"Request URL">>,format => url,required => true,title => <<"Request URL">>,type => string}}, on_create={emqx_web_hook_actions,on_resource_create}, description='WebHook Resource')

resource-types show


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resource-types show built_in

resource_type(name='built_in', provider='emqx_rule_engine', params=#{}, on_create={emqx_rule_actions,on_resource_create}, description='The built in resource type for debug purpose')

recon 命令

recon memory recon_alloc:memory/2
recon allocated recon_alloc:memory(allocated_types, current/max)
recon bin_leak recon:bin_leak(100)
recon node_stats recon:node_stats(10, 1000)
recon remote_load Mod recon:remote_load(Mod)

访问 Documentation for recon 以获取详细信息。

recon memory


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl recon memory

usage/current       : 0.810331960305788
usage/max           : 0.7992495929358717
used/current        : 84922296
used/max            : 122519208
allocated/current   : 104345600
allocated/max       : 153292800
unused/current      : 19631520
unused/max          : 30773592

recon allocated

recon_alloc:memory(allocated_types, current/max):

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl recon allocated

binary_alloc/current: 425984
driver_alloc/current: 425984
eheap_alloc/current : 4063232
ets_alloc/current   : 3833856
fix_alloc/current   : 1474560
ll_alloc/current    : 90439680
sl_alloc/current    : 163840
std_alloc/current   : 2260992
temp_alloc/current  : 655360
binary_alloc/max    : 4907008
driver_alloc/max    : 425984
eheap_alloc/max     : 25538560
ets_alloc/max       : 5931008
fix_alloc/max       : 1736704
ll_alloc/max        : 90439680
sl_alloc/max        : 20348928
std_alloc/max       : 2260992
temp_alloc/max      : 1703936

recon bin_leak


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl recon bin_leak


recon node_stats

recon:node_stats(10, 1000):

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl recon node_stats


recon remote_load Mod


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl recon remote_load

retainer 命令

retainer info 显示保留消息的数量
retainer topics 显示保留消息的所有主题
retainer clean 清除所有保留的消息

retainer info


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer info

retained/total: 3

retainer topics


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer topics


retainer clean


$ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer clean

Cleaned 3 retained messages

admins 命令

Dashboard 插件会自动注册 admins 命令,用于创建、删除管理员账号,重置管理员密码。

admins add <Username> <Password> <Tags> 创建 admin 账号
admins passwd <Username> <Password> 重置 admin 密码
admins del <Username> 删除 admin 账号

admins add <Username> <Password> <Tags>

创建 admin 账户:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl admins add root public test


admins passwd <Username> <Password>

重置 admin 账户密码:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl admins passwd root private


admins del <Username>

删除 admin 账户:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl admins del root


luahook 命令

luahook load <Script> 加载 lua 脚本
luahook unload <Script> 卸载 lua 脚本
luahook reload <Script> 重新加载 lua 脚本
luahook enable <Script> 将名为 <Script>.x 的 lua 脚本重命名为 <Script> 并加载
luahook disable <Script> 卸载名为 <Script> 的 lua 脚本并重命名为 <Script>.x,以避免下次启动时自动加载

luahook load <Script>

加载 lua 脚本:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl luahook load test.lua

Load "test.lua" successfully

luahook unload <Script>

卸载 lua 脚本:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl luahook unload test.lua

Unload "test.lua" successfully

luahook reload <Script>

重新加载 lua 脚本:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl luahook reload test.lua

Reload "test.lua" successfully

luahook enable <Script>

将名为 <Script>.x 的 lua 脚本重命名为 <Script> 并加载:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl luahook enable test.lua

Enable "test.lua" successfully

luahook disable <Script>

卸载名为 <Script> 的 lua 脚本并重命名为 <Script>.x,以避免下次启动时自动加载:

$ ./bin/emqx_ctl luahook disable test.lua

Disable "test.lua" successfully