EMQ X 企业版桥接转发 MQTT 消息到 Kafka、RabbitMQ、Pulsar、RocketMQ、MQTT Broker 或其他 EMQ X 节点。
存储插件 | 配置文件 | 说明 |
emqx_bridge_kafka | emqx_bridge_kafka.conf | Kafka 消息队列 |
emqx_bridge_rabbit | emqx_bridge_rabbit.conf | RabbitMQ 消息队列 |
emqx_bridge_pulsar | emqx_bridge_pulsar.conf | Pulsar 消息队列 |
emqx_bridge_rocket | emqx_bridge_rocket.conf | RocketMQ 消息队列 |
emqx_bridge_mqtt | emqx_bridge_mqtt.conf | MQTT Broker 消息转发 |
EMQ X 桥接转发 MQTT 消息到 Kafka 集群:
Kafka 桥接插件配置文件: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_kafka.conf。
## Kafka 服务器地址
## bridge.kafka.servers =,,
bridge.kafka.servers =
## Kafka 分区策略。可选值: per_partition | per_broker
bridge.kafka.connection_strategy = per_partition
bridge.kafka.min_metadata_refresh_interval = 5S
## Produce 写类型。可选值: sync | async
bridge.kafka.produce = sync
bridge.kafka.produce.sync_timeout = 3S
## 指定 replayq 在磁盘上存储消息的基本目录。
## 如果该配置项缺失活着设置为 undefined, replayq 将以使用内存的
## 的方式工作。也就是说,消息不在磁盘上排队 -- 在这种情况下,send
## 和 send_async API 的调用者负责处理在应用程序、网络或 kafka
## 干扰时可能丢失的消息。
## bridge.kafka.replayq_dir = /tmp/emqx_bridge_kafka/
## default=10MB, replayq 分段大小。
## bridge.kafka.producer.replayq_seg_bytes = 10MB
## producer required_acks. 可选值: all_isr | leader_only | none.
bridge.kafka.producer.required_acks = none
## default=10000. leader 在回复 producer 前等待副本的超时时间。
bridge.kafka.producer.ack_timeout = 10S
## 收集到一次 produce 请求中的最大字节数
bridge.kafka.producer.max_batch_bytes = 1024KB
## 收集到一次 produce 请求中的最少字节数
bridge.kafka.producer.min_batch_bytes = 0
## 在没有接收到上次请求的 ack 的情况下,可以提前发送的 batch 数。
## 如果消息必须严格按照顺序传递,则必须为0。
bridge.kafka.producer.max_send_ahead = 0
## 默认为无压缩
## bridge.kafka.producer.compression = no_compression
## 默认值为 base64, 可选值: base64 | plain
## bridge.kafka.encode_payload_type = base64
## bridge.kafka.sock.buffer = 32KB
## bridge.kafka.sock.recbuf = 32KB
bridge.kafka.sock.sndbuf = 1MB
## bridge.kafka.sock.read_packets = 20
## Bridge Kafka Hooks
## ${topic}: the kafka topics to which the messages will be published.
## ${filter}: the mqtt topic (may contain wildcard) on which the action will be performed.
## Client Connected Record Hook
bridge.kafka.hook.client.connected.1 = {"topic": "client_connected"}
## Client Disconnected Record Hook
bridge.kafka.hook.client.disconnected.1 = {"topic": "client_disconnected"}
## Session Subscribed Record Hook
bridge.kafka.hook.session.subscribed.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "session_subscribed"}
## Session Unsubscribed Record Hook
bridge.kafka.hook.session.unsubscribed.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "session_unsubscribed"}
## Message Publish Record Hook
bridge.kafka.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "message_publish"}
## Message Delivered Record Hook
bridge.kafka.hook.message.delivered.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "message_delivered"}
## Message Acked Record Hook
bridge.kafka.hook.message.acked.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "message_acked"}
## More Configures
## partitioner strategy:
## Option: random | roundrobin | first_key_dispatch
## Example: bridge.kafka.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter":"#", "topic":"message_publish", "strategy":"random"}
## key:
## Option: ${clientid} | ${username}
## Example: bridge.kafka.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter":"#", "topic":"message_publish", "key":"${clientid}"}
## format:
## Option: json | json
## Example: bridge.kafka.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter":"#", "topic":"message_publish", "format":"json"}
事件 | 说明 |
bridge.kafka.hook.client.connected.1 | 客户端登录 |
bridge.kafka.hook.client.disconnected.1 | 客户端退出 |
bridge.kafka.hook.session.subscribed.1 | 订阅主题 |
bridge.kafka.hook.session.unsubscribed.1 | 取消订阅主题 |
bridge.kafka.hook.message.publish.1 | 发布消息 |
bridge.kafka.hook.message.delivered.1 | delivered 消息 |
bridge.kafka.hook.message.acked.1 | ACK 消息 |
设备上线 EMQ X 转发上线事件消息到 Kafka:
topic = "client_connected",
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${ts}
设备下线 EMQ X 转发下线事件消息到 Kafka:
topic = "client_disconnected",
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"reason": ${reason},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${ts}
topic = session_subscribed
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"topic": ${topic},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = session_unsubscribed
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"topic": ${topic},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = message_publish
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"topic": ${topic},
"payload": ${payload},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = message_delivered
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"from": ${fromClientId},
"topic": ${topic},
"payload": ${payload},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = message_acked
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"from": ${fromClientId},
"topic": ${topic},
"payload": ${payload},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
Kafka 读取 MQTT 客户端上下线事件消息:
sh kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic client_connected --from-beginning sh kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic client_disconnected --from-beginning
Kafka 读取 MQTT 主题订阅事件消息:
sh kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic session_subscribed --from-beginning sh kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic session_unsubscribed --from-beginning
Kafka 读取 MQTT 发布消息:
sh kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic message_publish --from-beginning
Kafka 读取 MQTT 消息发布 (Deliver)、确认 (Ack) 事件:
sh kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic message_delivered --from-beginning sh kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic message_acked --from-beginning
默认 payload 被 base64 编码,可通过修改配置 bridge.kafka.encode_payload_type 指定 payload 数据格式。
./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_bridge_kafka
EMQ X 桥接转发 MQTT 消息到 RabbitMQ 集群:
RabbitMQ 桥接插件配置文件: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_rabbit.conf。
## RabbitMQ 的服务器地址
bridge.rabbit.1.server =
## RabbitMQ 的连接池大小
bridge.rabbit.1.pool_size = 4
## RabbitMQ 的用户名
bridge.rabbit.1.username = guest
## RabbitMQ 的密码
bridge.rabbit.1.password = guest
## RabbitMQ 的虚拟 Host
bridge.rabbit.1.virtual_host = /
## RabbitMQ 的心跳间隔
bridge.rabbit.1.heartbeat = 0
# bridge.rabbit.2.server =
# bridge.rabbit.2.pool_size = 8
# bridge.rabbit.2.username = guest
# bridge.rabbit.2.password = guest
# bridge.rabbit.2.virtual_host = /
# bridge.rabbit.2.heartbeat = 0
## Bridge Hooks
bridge.rabbit.hook.client.subscribe.1 = {"action": "on_client_subscribe", "rabbit": 1, "exchange": "direct:emq.subscription"}
bridge.rabbit.hook.client.unsubscribe.1 = {"action": "on_client_unsubscribe", "rabbit": 1, "exchange": "direct:emq.unsubscription"}
bridge.rabbit.hook.message.publish.1 = {"topic": "$SYS/#", "action": "on_message_publish", "rabbit": 1, "exchange": "topic:emq.$sys"}
bridge.rabbit.hook.message.publish.2 = {"topic": "#", "action": "on_message_publish", "rabbit": 1, "exchange": "topic:emq.pub"}
bridge.rabbit.hook.message.acked.1 = {"topic": "#", "action": "on_message_acked", "rabbit": 1, "exchange": "topic:emq.acked"}
routing_key = subscribe
exchange = emq.subscription
headers = [{<<"x-emq-client-id">>, binary, ClientId}]
payload = jsx:encode([{Topic, proplists:get_value(qos, Opts)} || {Topic, Opts} <- TopicTable])
routing_key = unsubscribe
exchange = emq.unsubscription
headers = [{<<"x-emq-client-id">>, binary, ClientId}]
payload = jsx:encode([Topic || {Topic, _Opts} <- TopicTable]),
routing_key = binary:replace(binary:replace(Topic, <<"/">>, <<".">>, [global]),<<"+">>, <<"*">>, [global])
exchange = emq.$sys | emq.pub
headers = [{<<"x-emq-publish-qos">>, byte, Qos},
{<<"x-emq-client-id">>, binary, pub_from(From)},
{<<"x-emq-publish-msgid">>, binary, emqx_base62:encode(Id)},
{<<"x-emqx-topic">>, binary, Topic}]
payload = Payload
routing_key = puback
exchange = emq.acked
headers = [{<<"x-emq-msg-acked">>, binary, ClientId}],
payload = emqx_base62:encode(Id)
Python RabbitMQ消费者代码示例:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika
import sys
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost'))
channel = connection.channel()
channel.exchange_declare(exchange='direct:emq.subscription', exchange_type='direct')
result = channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True)
queue_name = result.method.queue
channel.queue_bind(exchange='direct:emq.subscription', queue=queue_name, routing_key= 'subscribe')
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print(" [x] %r:%r" % (method.routing_key, body))
channel.basic_consume(callback, queue=queue_name, no_ack=True)
其他语言 RabbitMQ 客户端代码示例:
./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_bridge_rabbit
EMQ X 桥接转发 MQTT 消息到 Pulsar 集群:
Pulsar 桥接插件配置文件: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_pulsar.conf。
## Pulsar 服务器集群配置
## bridge.pulsar.servers =,,
bridge.pulsar.servers =
## 分区生产者是同步/异步模式选择
bridge.pulsar.produce = sync
## 生产者同步模式下的超时时间
## bridge.pulsar.produce.sync_timeout = 3s
## 生产者 batch 的消息数量
## bridge.pulsar.producer.batch_size = 1000
## 默认情况下不为生产者启用压缩选项
## bridge.pulsar.producer.compression = no_compression
## 采用 base64 编码或不编码
## bridge.pulsar.encode_payload_type = base64
## bridge.pulsar.sock.buffer = 32KB
## bridge.pulsar.sock.recbuf = 32KB
bridge.pulsar.sock.sndbuf = 1MB
## bridge.pulsar.sock.read_packets = 20
## Bridge Pulsar Hooks
## ${topic}: the pulsar topics to which the messages will be published.
## ${filter}: the mqtt topic (may contain wildcard) on which the action will be performed .
## Client Connected Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.client.connected.1 = {"topic": "client_connected"}
## Client Disconnected Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.client.disconnected.1 = {"topic": "client_disconnected"}
## Session Subscribed Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.session.subscribed.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "session_subscribed"}
## Session Unsubscribed Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.session.unsubscribed.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "session_unsubscribed"}
## Message Publish Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "message_publish"}
## Message Delivered Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.delivered.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "message_delivered"}
## Message Acked Record Hook
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.acked.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "message_acked"}
## More Configures
## partitioner strategy:
## Option: random | roundrobin | first_key_dispatch
## Example: bridge.pulsar.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter":"#", "topic":"message_publish", "strategy":"random"}
## key:
## Option: ${clientid} | ${username}
## Example: bridge.pulsar.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter":"#", "topic":"message_publish", "key":"${clientid}"}
## format:
## Option: json | json
## Example: bridge.pulsar.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter":"#", "topic":"message_publish", "format":"json"}
事件 | 说明 |
bridge.pulsar.hook.client.connected.1 | 客户端登录 | |
bridge.pulsar.hook.client.disconnected.1 | 客户端退出 | |
bridge.pulsar.hook.session.subscribed.1 | 订阅主题 | |
bridge.pulsar.hook.session.unsubscribed.1| 取消订阅主题 | |
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.publish.1 | 发布消息 | |
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.delivered.1 | delivered 消息 | |
bridge.pulsar.hook.message.acked.1 | ACK 消息 |
设备上线 EMQ X 转发上线事件消息到 Pulsar:
topic = "client_connected",
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${ts}
设备下线 EMQ X 转发下线事件消息到 Pulsar:
topic = "client_disconnected",
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"reason": ${reason},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${ts}
topic = session_subscribed
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"topic": ${topic},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = session_unsubscribed
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"topic": ${topic},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = message_publish
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"topic": ${topic},
"payload": ${payload},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = message_delivered
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"from": ${fromClientId},
"topic": ${topic},
"payload": ${payload},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = message_acked
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"from": ${fromClientId},
"topic": ${topic},
"payload": ${payload},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
Pulsar 读取 MQTT 客户端上下线事件消息:
sh pulsar-client consume client_connected -s "client_connected" -n 1000 sh pulsar-client consume client_disconnected -s "client_disconnected" -n 1000
Pulsar 读取 MQTT 主题订阅事件消息:
sh pulsar-client consume session_subscribed -s "session_subscribed" -n 1000 sh pulsar-client consume session_unsubscribed -s "session_unsubscribed" -n 1000
Pulsar 读取 MQTT 发布消息:
sh pulsar-client consume message_publish -s "message_publish" -n 1000
Pulsar 读取 MQTT 消息发布 (Deliver)、确认 (Ack) 事件:
sh pulsar-client consume message_delivered -s "message_delivered" -n 1000 sh pulsar-client consume message_acked -s "message_acked" -n 1000
默认 payload 被 base64 编码,可通过修改配置 bridge.pulsar.encode_payload_type 指定 payload 数据格式。
./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_bridge_pulsar
EMQ X 桥接转发 MQTT 消息到 RocketMQ 集群:
RocketMQ 桥接插件配置文件: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_rocket.conf。
## RocketMQ 服务器集群配置
## bridge.rocket.servers =,,
bridge.rocket.servers =
bridge.rocket.refresh_topic_route_interval = 5S
## 分区生产者是同步/异步模式选择
bridge.rocket.produce = sync
## 生产者同步模式下的超时时间
## bridge.rocket.produce.sync_timeout = 3s
## 生产者 batch 的消息数量
## bridge.rocket.producer.batch_size = 100
## 采用 base64 编码或不编码
## bridge.rocket.encode_payload_type = base64
## bridge.rocket.sock.buffer = 32KB
## bridge.rocket.sock.recbuf = 32KB
bridge.rocket.sock.sndbuf = 1MB
## bridge.rocket.sock.read_packets = 20
## Bridge RocketMQ Hooks
## ${topic}: the RocketMQ topics to which the messages will be published.
## ${filter}: the mqtt topic (may contain wildcard) on which the action will be performed .
## Client Connected Record Hook
bridge.rocket.hook.client.connected.1 = {"topic": "ClientConnected"}
## Client Disconnected Record Hook
bridge.rocket.hook.client.disconnected.1 = {"topic": "ClientDisconnected"}
## Session Subscribed Record Hook
bridge.rocket.hook.session.subscribed.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "SessionSubscribed"}
## Session Unsubscribed Record Hook
bridge.rocket.hook.session.unsubscribed.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "SessionUnsubscribed"}
## Message Publish Record Hook
bridge.rocket.hook.message.publish.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "MessagePublish"}
## Message Delivered Record Hook
bridge.rocket.hook.message.delivered.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "MessageDeliver"}
## Message Acked Record Hook
bridge.rocket.hook.message.acked.1 = {"filter": "#", "topic": "MessageAcked"}
事件 | 说明 |
bridge.rocket.hook.client.connected.1 | 客户端登录 | |
bridge.rocket.hook.client.disconnected.1 | 客户端退出 | |
bridge.rocket.hook.session.subscribed.1 | 订阅主题 | |
bridge.rocket.hook.session.unsubscribed.1| 取消订阅主题 | |
bridge.rocket.hook.message.publish.1 | 发布消息 | |
bridge.rocket.hook.message.delivered.1 | delivered 消息 | |
bridge.rocket.hook.message.acked.1 | ACK 消息 |
设备上线 EMQ X 转发上线事件消息到 RocketMQ:
topic = "ClientConnected",
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${ts}
设备下线 EMQ X 转发下线事件消息到 RocketMQ:
topic = "ClientDisconnected",
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"reason": ${reason},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${ts}
topic = "SessionSubscribed"
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"topic": ${topic},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = "SessionUnsubscribed"
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"topic": ${topic},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = "MessagePublish"
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"topic": ${topic},
"payload": ${payload},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = "MessageDeliver"
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"from": ${fromClientId},
"topic": ${topic},
"payload": ${payload},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
topic = "MessageAcked"
value = {
"client_id": ${clientid},
"username": ${username},
"from": ${fromClientId},
"topic": ${topic},
"payload": ${payload},
"qos": ${qos},
"node": ${node},
"ts": ${timestamp}
RocketMQ 读取 MQTT 客户端上下线事件消息:
sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Consumer ClientConnected sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Consumer ClientDisconnected
RocketMQ 读取 MQTT 主题订阅事件消息:
sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Consumer SessionSubscribed sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Consumer SessionUnsubscribed
RocketMQ 读取 MQTT 发布消息:
sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Consumer MessagePublish
RocketMQ 读取 MQTT 消息发布 (Deliver)、确认 (Ack) 事件:
sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Consumer MessageDeliver sh bin/tools.sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Consumer MessageAcked
默认 payload 被 base64 编码,可通过修改配置 bridge.rocket.encode_payload_type 指定 payload 数据格式。
./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_bridge_rocket
EMQ X 桥接转发 MQTT 消息到 MQTT Broker:
mqtt bridge 桥接插件配置文件: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_mqtt.conf。
## 桥接地址: 使用节点名则用于 rpc 桥接,使用 host:port 用于 mqtt 连接
bridge.mqtt.aws.address =
## 桥接的协议版本
## 枚举值: mqttv3 | mqttv4 | mqttv5
bridge.mqtt.aws.proto_ver = mqttv4
## mqtt 连接是否启用桥接模式
bridge.mqtt.aws.bridge_mode = true
## mqtt 客户端的 client_id
bridge.mqtt.aws.client_id = bridge_aws
## mqtt 客户端的 clean_start 字段
## 注: 有些 MQTT Broker 需要将 clean_start 值设成 `true`
bridge.mqtt.aws.clean_start = true
## mqtt 客户端的 username 字段
bridge.mqtt.aws.username = user
## mqtt 客户端的 password 字段
bridge.mqtt.aws.password = passwd
## mqtt 客户端是否使用 ssl 来连接远程服务器
bridge.mqtt.aws.ssl = off
## 客户端 SSL 连接的 CA 证书 (PEM格式)
bridge.mqtt.aws.cacertfile = etc/certs/cacert.pem
## 客户端 SSL 连接的 SSL 证书
bridge.mqtt.aws.certfile = etc/certs/client-cert.pem
## 客户端 SSL 连接的密钥文件
bridge.mqtt.aws.keyfile = etc/certs/client-key.pem
## SSL 加密算法
bridge.mqtt.aws.ciphers = ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
## TLS PSK 的加密算法
## 注意 'listener.ssl.external.ciphers' 和 'listener.ssl.external.psk_ciphers' 不能同时配置
## See 'https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4279#section-2'.
bridge.mqtt.aws.psk_ciphers = PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA,PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA,PSK-3DES-EDE-CBC-SHA,PSK-RC4-SHA
## 客户端的心跳间隔
bridge.mqtt.aws.keepalive = 60s
## 支持的 TLS 版本
bridge.mqtt.aws.tls_versions = tlsv1.2,tlsv1.1,tlsv1
## 桥接的 mountpoint(挂载点)
bridge.mqtt.aws.mountpoint = bridge/aws/${node}/
## 转发消息的主题
bridge.mqtt.aws.forwards = topic1/#,topic2/#
## 用于桥接的订阅主题
bridge.mqtt.aws.subscription.1.topic = cmd/topic1
## 用于桥接的订阅 qos
bridge.mqtt.aws.subscription.1.qos = 1
## 用于桥接的订阅主题
bridge.mqtt.aws.subscription.2.topic = cmd/topic2
## 用于桥接的订阅 qos
bridge.mqtt.aws.subscription.2.qos = 1
挂载点 Mountpoint: mountpoint 用于在转发消息时加上主题前缀,该配置选项须配合 forwards 使用,转发主题为 sensor1/hello 的消息, 到达远程节点时主题为 bridge/aws/emqx1@ 。
转发主题 Forwards: 转发到本地 EMQX 指定 forwards 主题上的消息都会被转发到远程 MQTT Broker 上。
订阅主题 Subscription: 本地 EMQX 通过订阅远程 MQTT Broker 的主题来将远程 MQTT Broker 上的消息同步到本地。
./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_bridge_mqtt
$ cd emqx1/ && ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges
bridges list # List bridges
bridges start <Name> # Start a bridge
bridges stop <Name> # Stop a bridge
bridges forwards <Name> # Show a bridge forward topic
bridges add-forward <Name> <Topic> # Add bridge forward topic
bridges del-forward <Name> <Topic> # Delete bridge forward topic
bridges subscriptions <Name> # Show a bridge subscriptions topic
bridges add-subscription <Name> <Topic> <Qos> # Add bridge subscriptions topic
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges list
name: emqx status: Stopped
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges start emqx
Start bridge successfully.
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges stop emqx
Stop bridge successfully.
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges forwards emqx
topic: topic1/#
topic: topic2/#
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges add-forwards emqx topic3/#
Add-forward topic successfully.
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges del-forwards emqx topic3/#
Del-forward topic successfully.
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges subscriptions emqx
topic: cmd/topic1, qos: 1
topic: cmd/topic2, qos: 1
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges add-subscription emqx cmd/topic3 1
Add-subscription topic successfully.
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl bridges del-subscription emqx cmd/topic3
Del-subscription topic successfully.
EMQ X 桥接转发 MQTT 消息到远程 EMQ X:
rpc bridge 桥接插件配置文件: etc/plugins/emqx_bridge_mqtt.conf
bridge.mqtt.emqx.address = emqx2@
## 桥接的 mountpoint(挂载点)
bridge.mqtt.emqx.mountpoint = bridge/emqx1/${node}/
## 转发消息的主题
bridge.mqtt.emqx.forwards = topic1/#,topic2/#
挂载点 Mountpoint: mountpoint 用于在转发消息时加上主题前缀,该配置选项须配合 forwards 使用,转发主题为 sensor1/hello 的消息, 到达远程节点时主题为 bridge/aws/emqx1@ 。
转发主题 Forwards: 转发到本地 EMQX 指定 forwards 主题上的消息都会被转发到远程 MQTT Broker 上。
桥接 CLI 的使用方式与 mqtt bridge 相同。