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OutRun2006Tweaks v0.4.2

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@emoose emoose released this 18 Jul 17:44
· 175 commits to master since this release

Downloads can be found under "Assets" below, see the Setup section for how to install it.

Texture pack releases can be found in the texture packs thread: #20

The SoundtrackFix package is linked in the Setup section below.


See README for the full list of bugfixes/enhancements:

Changes in 0.4.2

  • Vibration: has been disabled by default due to issues with bluetooth controller lag - if you're using a different connection type feel free to re-enable it in the INI
  • Vibration: reduced default strength from 10 to 7
  • CarBaseShadow: restores the cars base shadow from the console versions, helping to mask some minor stencil shadow issues
  • FramerateFastLoad: added new fastload mode 3, which can considerably reduce load times on both load screens & during gameplay (hopefully preventing the issue with levels not being fully loaded)
  • FLAC: added support for loop points via LOOPSTART/LOOPEND/LOOPLENGTH FLAC comments
  • AllowHorn: allows horn button to work during normal gameplay, outside of the "honk your horn!" girlfriend mission
  • CDSwitcher: added SwitcherShuffleTracks setting to shuffle tracks on game startup
  • CDSwitcher: fixed crash when over 38 tracks were defined & "next race" option was picked
  • UIScaling: fixed positions of text during "don't lose your girlfriend" & certain time attack modes
  • TextureReplacement: fixed scaling issue when mask textures were used (eg. used for the girlfriend silhouette)
  • TextureReplacement: FXT textures will now be replaced when a texture replacement for the vanilla version is present
  • SingleCoreAffinity: added setting to force game to run on single core, as some modern CPUs may have freezing/crashing issues
  • RandomHighwayAnimSets: allows randomizing the set of highway animations to use, instead of only using the set for the game mode being played
  • Misc: fixed crash issues when INI failed to read properly, and freezing with certain FLAC files


Since the Steam & DVD releases are packed with ancient DRM that doesn't play well with DLL wrappers, this pack includes a replacement game EXE to run the game with.

This EXE should be compatible with both the Steam release & the original DVD version, along with most OR2006 mods.

To set it up:

  • Extract the files from the release ZIP into your Outrun2006 Coast 2 Coast folder, where OR2006C2C.EXE is located, replacing the original EXE.
  • Edit the OutRun2006Tweaks.ini to customize the tweaks to your liking (by default all tweaks are enabled, other than UIScalingMode & CDSwitcher)
  • Important: Install the latest x86 VC redist from (, a redist from 2024 is needed for Tweaks to launch correctly (even if you already have it installed please try installing it again)
  • Run the game, your desktop resolution will be used by default if outrun2006.ini file isn't present.
  • (optional) the SoundtrackFix package can be applied to fix the missing first 2 seconds in "Rush a Difficulty"
  • (optional) texture improvements can be found in the texture pack releases thread (please feel free to create your own too!): #20

Steam Deck/Linux users may need to run the game with WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command% launch parameters for the mod to load in.

Known issues

  • Older VC redistributable versions may cause a crash on launch, if you're unable to launch the game try installing the latest x86 redistributable from here:
  • UIScaling: "Special request" arrow may stick on-screen when UIScalingMode = 1 (this matches the Online Arcade port, but a fix is still desirable)
  • UIScaling: Markers above rival cars like 1st/2nd/3rd/"Rival" won't reach edges of screen, will only stay within centered 4:3
  • (multiplayer as a whole hasn't really been tested with UIScalingMode, will likely have some broken elements)
  • Some wheels might fail to register properly, changing ControllerHotPlug to false in INI may help with those
  • Bluetooth controllers may cause game stutters when VibrationMode is enabled, change to VibrationMode = 0 to workaround it