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OutRun2006Tweaks v0.4.1

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@emoose emoose released this 05 Jul 17:32
· 198 commits to master since this release

This release is outdated, latest can be found here:

Downloads can be found under "Assets" below, see the Setup section for how to install it.

Texture pack releases can be found in the texture packs thread: #20

The SoundtrackFix package is linked in the Setup section below.

NOTE: Bluetooth controllers currently have a framerate/stuttering issue when VibrationMode is enabled - set VibrationMode to 0 in the OutRun2006Tweaks.ini file to workaround this (or use a different connection type instead)


See README for the full list of bugfixes/enhancements:

Changes in 0.4+

  • (v0.4.1) UIScalingMode: fixed engine rev & "TOP" ghost time displays not being spaced out correctly.

  • (v0.4.1) UILetterboxing: should now only letterbox on menu screens, GOAL screen won't get letterboxed

  • (v0.4.1) CDSwitcher: fixed broken filename for "Rush a Difficulty" in the INI file, should now play properly.

  • UIScalingMode: fixes the game's UI positioning to prevent textures from stretching at non-4:3 aspect ratios.
    Two modes are available: UIScalingMode = 1 spaces out the UI to match the scaling of Outrun Online Arcade, pushing elements to the edges of your screen without stretching.
    Alternately UIScalingMode = 2 maintains the UI at 4:3 proportions, centered in the middle of the screen, could possibly be useful in multi-monitor setups.
    Note that both modes will letterbox menus to 4:3 dimensions, to fix some graphical issues that show outside the 4:3 display, this letterboxing will be disabled once actually in-game.
    (UIScalingMode isn't enabled by default, must be changed in the INI first)

  • AllowFLAC: allows loading in FLAC files for the games music, FLACs just have to be named the same as the original BGM filename, eg. Sound\14_Rush_a_Difficulty_1989.flac, 16/24/32bit FLAC files are supported.
    Should be a better option than the WAV loader added in the last release since FLAC can reduce the amount of data to load in, reducing any skipping issues - some larger FLAC files may still cause skipping though.

  • RestoreJPClarissa: allows replacing the O2SP Clarissa model with the original JP version.

  • FramerateUnlock: fixed animated texture speedup issues when playing above 60FPS, hopefully all speedup issues should now be resolved.

Many thanks to @DonelBueno for helping test the UI changes, and @ViperAcidZX & @Wiinansa for suggesting them (and pointing toward Outrun Online Arcade which included changes for it, which were able to be backported to this)


Since the Steam & DVD releases are packed with ancient DRM that doesn't play well with DLL wrappers, this pack includes a replacement game EXE to run the game with.

This EXE should be compatible with both the Steam release & the original DVD version, along with most OR2006 mods.

To set it up:

  • Extract the files from the release ZIP into your Outrun2006 Coast 2 Coast folder, where OR2006C2C.EXE is located, replacing the original EXE.
  • Edit the OutRun2006Tweaks.ini to customize the tweaks to your liking (by default all tweaks are enabled, other than UIScalingMode & CDSwitcher)
  • Important: Install the latest x86 VC redist from (, a redist from 2024 is needed for Tweaks to launch correctly, even if you think you have it installed already please try installing it again.
  • Run the game, your desktop resolution will be used by default if outrun2006.ini file isn't present.
  • (optional) the SoundtrackFix package can be applied to fix the missing first 2 seconds in "Rush a Difficulty"
  • (optional) texture improvements can be found in the texture pack releases thread (please feel free to create your own too!): #20

Steam Deck/Linux users may need to run the game with WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command% launch parameters for the mod to load in.

Known issues

  • Older VC redistributable versions may cause a crash on launch, if you're unable to launch the game try installing the latest x86 redistributable from here:
  • UIScaling: "Special request" arrow may fly offscreen when UIScalingMode is changed (this matches the Online Arcade port, but a fix is still desirable)
  • UIScaling: Markers above rival cars like 1st/2nd/3rd/"Rival" won't reach edges of screen, will only stay within centered 4:3
  • (multiplayer as a whole hasn't really been tested with UIScalingMode, will likely have some broken elements)
  • Some wheels might fail to register properly, changing ControllerHotPlug to false in INI may help with those
  • Bluetooth controllers may cause game stutters when VibrationMode is enabled, change to VibrationMode = 0 to workaround it