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OutRun2006Tweaks 0.3-rc2

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@emoose emoose released this 22 Jun 12:00
· 239 commits to master since this release

Changes in 0.3 (bold for this RC)

  • TextureReplacement: allows game to dump textures as they load in, and replace textures with ones from disk.
    This allows both UI and scene textures to be replaced without graphical issues (scene textures may cause stutter if large/uncompressed however)
    Many thanks to @DonelBueno for helping test & discuss this!

  • CDSwitcher: allows BGM track to be changed mid-race, can be very useful for longer races (enable it via CDSwitcher section in INI)
    By default switcher uses Q and E on keyboard, and Back / RS+Back on controller, controller binding can be changed if desired.
    The tracks it switches through can be customized inside the INI, you can also point it toward your own OGG/WAV files for it to play.

  • ImpulseVibration: added built-in support for Xbox Series impulse triggers, strength of the effect & which triggers to use can be customized in INI.

  • FixFullPedalChecks: fixes broken pedal/trigger checks, some effects relied on pedal being fully pressed which these broken checks had prevented.
    This fixes the backfiring effect when gears are changed, and possibly other effects too. (many thanks to @lance8765 for reporting this!)

  • ControllerHotPlug: allows game to detect newly plugged in devices, instead of needing a restart.

  • AllowUncompressedBGM: allows game to load in uncompressed WAV audio files instead of compressed OGG, if they're present.
    WAV files must be named the same as the original OGG, eg. Sound\14_Rush_a_Difficulty_1989.wav
    Only WAV & OGG are supported by the game, other formats such as FLAC must be converted to WAV beforehand for the game to use.

  • Vibration: switched to xinput9_1_0 instead of xinput1_4 for compatibility with pre-Win8 systems (thanks to @lance8765 for reporting this!)

  • HideOnlineSigninText: hides most text related to the now-defunct online service.

Many thanks to @lance8765 & @DonelBueno for their suggestions & helping test the features in this release!


See README for the full list of bugfixes/enhancements:


Since the Steam & DVD releases are packed with ancient DRM that doesn't play well with DLL wrappers, this pack includes a replacement game EXE to run the game with.

This EXE should be compatible with both the Steam release & the original DVD version, along with most OR2006 mods.

To set it up:

  • Extract the files from the release ZIP into your Outrun2006 Coast 2 Coast folder, where OR2006C2C.EXE is located, replacing the original EXE.
  • Edit the Outrun2006Tweaks.ini to customize the tweaks to your liking (by default all tweaks are enabled)
  • Run the game, your desktop resolution will be used by default if outrun2006.ini file isn't present.

If you have framerate issues where game doesn't run at your full FramerateLimit setting, try adding DX/WINDOWED = 1 to your outrun2006.ini file and check if it helps.

Steam Deck/Linux users may need to run the game with WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command% launch parameters for the mod to load in.

Known issues

  • Older VC redistributable versions may cause a crash on launch, if you're unable to launch the game try installing the latest x86 redistributable from here: - 0.2.4 should hopefully help with this too.
  • When playing with FramerateLimit above 60 animated textures such as beach waves/crowd cheering/street lights will animate at a faster rate, the actual game speed should remain the same however.

Change history

Click to expand


  • Vibration: restores XInput rumble code from the Xbox release, allowing most actions to give feedback (disabled by default, enable it via VibrationMode = 1 inside INI) - thanks to @DonelBueno for helping test it out!
  • INI: improved setting descriptions


  • Fixed crash on game exit (many thanks to @lance8765 for reporting!)
  • FramerateFastLoad: removed fastload during stage-to-menu load screen, gave very little load time improvement & appeared to cause crashes (if anyone notices any other crash during load screens please let me know)
  • AnisotropicFiltering: will now use the INI setting value instead of always using AFx0 / AFx16
  • Improved support for older VC redistributable versions


  • PreventDESTCorruption: prevents vanilla game "DEST" save corruption bug, caused by trying to remap controls with many DInput devices connected.
  • FixPegasusClopping: fixes horse clop sound effect looping throughout the whole session once sound starts playing
  • SkipIntroLogos: allows skipping the startup logos (game will still show a white screen for 5-10 seconds while things load however)
  • DisableCountdownTimer: allows disabling the countdown timer
  • Bugfixes can now be toggled off/on inside the INI


  • FixC2CRankings: fix anti-piracy check that broke C2C ranking scoreboard on Steam release, scores should now save to scoreboard properly


  • FixZBufferPrecision: fixed lens-flare being clipped out (also fixes a vanilla bug with lens-flare edges slightly clipping out of view)
  • FixZBufferPrecision: temporarily disable during camera switch to prevent clipping issues
  • AutoDetectResolution: makes game use desktop resolution by default if outrun2006.ini config doesn't exist, game can now play fine without needing to use Config.exe tool
  • CommandLineArgs: added args/launch params to override the outrun2006.ini config: -width XXX / -height XXX / -antialiasing XXX / -windowed / -fullscreen / -nofog / -fog


  • FixZBufferPrecision: greatly reduces z-fighting/distant object pop-in