Examples and docs update
Several examples have been updated, including documentation.
Fixes for the excel parser and general graph handling has been implemented, and more are incoming.
The repository name on GitHub has changed (from "EMMO-python" to "EMMOntoPy") to better represent the updated repository and Python API and package name installable from PyPI.
v0.4.0 (2022-10-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Update repo files with new repo name #479
- Pre-commit hook
failing #478 - Fix publish/release workflow #476
- excel2onto: not all relations are included in the generated ontology #457
- Unexpected behaviour of get_unabbreviated_triples() #454
- Edge without label crash the graph creation #397
Closed issues:
- excel2onto: restrictions does not allow for using "emmo:hasProcessOutput some xx" #464
- EMMO is updated to beta4, and now documentation fails #440
- some ObjectProperties from EMMO-beta-4.0 cause errors in OntoGraph #429
- Excelparser does not write catalog file correctly #421
- Add support for prefix #416
- Pre.commit failed with ontology.py #415
- visualization of EMMO based ontology #412
- Avoid infinite recursion when loading catalog file #369
- Excelparser: Automatize emmo-based? #335
- What are the applications of EMMO for materials informatics? #325
- Provide 'support' for same entities with different namespaces #128
- Remove deprecated emmo/ontograph.py that uses pydot #103
Merged pull requests:
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #480 (TEAM4-0)
- Update from 'EMMO-python' -> 'EMMOntoPy' #477 (CasperWA)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #471 (TEAM4-0)
- Allow for adding prefix in manchester notation. #469 (francescalb)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #466 (TEAM4-0)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #461 (TEAM4-0)
- Fixed issue with exel2onto: not all relations are included in the generated ontology #458 (jesper-friis)
- Added documentation of excel2onto #456 (jesper-friis)
- factpluspluswrapper README file #453 (jesper-friis)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #452 (TEAM4-0)
- Improved get_unabbreviated_triples() #449 (jesper-friis)
- Fix loading in windows, url paths #446 (francescalb)
- Fixed reading web destinations defined in catalog #445 (francescalb)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #443 (TEAM4-0)
- SUPPORT EMMO-beta4.0 #441 (francescalb)
- Support for userdefined prefixes #439 (francescalb)
- Flb/issue421 #438 (francescalb)
- Update demo #437 (jesper-friis)
- Silence false negative from pylint on github #436 (jesper-friis)
- Better error messages #435 (jesper-friis)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #434 (TEAM4-0)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #432 (TEAM4-0)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #430 (TEAM4-0)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #425 (TEAM4-0)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #420 (TEAM4-0)
- Updated logo. #418 (jesper-friis)
- cytoscapegraph fails with missing edge labels #414 (francescalb)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #413 (TEAM4-0)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator