Excelparser improvements and IRI from prefLabel generation
Addressed issues that have come up with external usage of ExcelParser
Ontology.save functionalities reorganised (#399)
Error handling in excelparser improved by returning errors (#396)
Generation of IRIs from prefLabel (#399)
Added get_descendants (#405)
v0.3.0 (2022-05-05)
Fixed bugs:
- Documentation is currently not building #407
- Pytest is currently failing #384
- permission denied when working with temporary file #313
Closed issues:
- Make get_descendants(levels=1) #403
- Add functionality for setting name part of IRI to prefLabel #398
- Generate excelsheet from ontology. #394
- Return a list of the concepts that are disregarded during when converting from excel with -force argument #393
- Demo - Broken ontology URLs #390
- Excelparser: how to handle entities that already exist in one of the imported ontologies? #334
Merged pull requests:
- Updated docs python handler #408 (CasperWA)
- Flb/get descendants #405 (francescalb)
- Corrected expected number of returned arguments #404 (jesper-friis)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #402 (TEAM4-0)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #400 (TEAM4-0)
- Add functionality for setting name part of IRI to prefLabel #399 (jesper-friis)
- create_from_excel/pandas return as list of concepts that are worngly defined in the excelfile #396 (francescalb)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #395 (TEAM4-0)
- Download EMMO from raw.github deirectly as redirection is broken #392 (francescalb)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #389 (TEAM4-0)
- Workaround for failing test #385 (CasperWA)
- [Auto-generated] Update dependencies #380 (TEAM4-0)
- fix #313 remove handle #315 (sygout)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator