Un-camelcased menu and other items; rewrote categories section.
Un-camelcased menu and other items; rewrote categories section.
Updated questions that were answered elsewhere (found belatedly)
Updated questions that were answered elsewhere (found belatedly)
Добрый шахсей-вахсей товарищи! Сильнее доскональная информация размещ…
Добрый шахсей-вахсей товарищи! Сильнее доскональная информация размещ…
changed string "GNU package" into "external package"
changed string "GNU package" into "external package"
Moved latest release info from between two history sections to above …
Moved latest release info from between two history sections to above …
Moved the StickyModifiersKeyboardConfigDaemon introduction to that page.
Moved the StickyModifiersKeyboardConfigDaemon introduction to that page.
Update info on Arch section because the ##emacs-nativecomp## package …
Update info on Arch section because the ##emacs-nativecomp## package …
Make code navigation comments on imenu more concise, standardize link…
Make code navigation comments on imenu more concise, standardize link…