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Releases: elucent/GravelOres

v2.1.1 for 1.20.1

18 Nov 20:54
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Full Changelog: v2.1...v2.1.1

v2.1 for 1.20.1

29 Oct 20:09
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Bring back mod support!

Due to how tags work, mod support had to be registered to specific mods rather than supporting any mod adding the ore type in general.
As a result, we currently support the following mods:

  • Tinkers' Construct: Cobalt
  • Create: Zinc
  • Thermal: Lead, Nickel, Silver, Tin
  • Immersive Engineering: Aluminum, Lead, Nickel, Silver, Uranium
  • Embers: Lead, Silver
  • Mekansism: Lead, Osmium, Tin, Uranium

If the relevant mod(s) are missing for a given ore type, the block is still registered but the worldgen is skipped.

Due to limitations in the loot table syntax, if multiple supported mods exist, the ore will randomly drop the raw ore from one of those mods. This can be configured to drop a specific raw ore by replacing the item tag gravelores:ore_drops/<variant>

v2.0 for 1.20.1

29 Oct 04:17
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Rewrote the whole mod for 1.20.1. Specific changes are below.

Low Code mod

This mod was written entirely using JSON. The majority of this mod was worldgen and loot tables for the custom ores, which is accomplished using the vanilla migration of worldgen to data packs.

The one feature that was not possible to migrate to data packs was the registration of the blocks. To accomplish this, we make use of the mod Json Things which allows registering custom blocks and items using "thing packs", which can be embedded in a mod jar alongside data packs.

The remaining core feature was the config that dynamically registered more variants of ore based on the pack author's goals. This has been replaced with making the mod entirely from JSON, as the pack author can simply provide additional JSON for the additional ore types they need for their pack. If you want information on how to do this, feel free to reach out on my Discord or open an issue.

Ore compatibility

This update currently just supports vanilla ores, including copper, iron, gold, diamond, emerald, redstone, lapis, and coal.

In the next release, I hope to start adding in various mod compat ores such as tin, zinc, and alike. It should be relatively straight forward due to some recent Forge features, but due to some of the changes to the timing of registries compared to 1.12, I may be forced to support a specific list of mods rather than just support all mods that add tin in general. I'm putting it off to try and find a general solution before I settle on the specific one.

Nether ores

We also now support both quartz and gold ore in the nether as ore gravel.

Quartz gravel ore is pretty much the same as regular quartz ore, you just mine it with a shovel instead of a pickaxe. If you wanted, you could even reconfigure the worldgen to make it spawn in the overworld.

Gold gravel ore is in the list of blocks that piglins protect, meaning mining it will anger them. It also is still the same block as the overworld gravel ore, so it drops raw gold instead of nuggets.

Updates for 1.17 ore changes

In 1.17, metal ores were changed to drop raw ores instead of dropping themselves. Our metal ores have been changed to similarly drop raw ores. As a result, none of the ores actually drop themselves when mined without silk touch. They also got their textures updated.

This led to a nice workaround for the exploit of breaking ore gravel without a shovel via torch tricks. Since doing so gives you the "silk touched" result, I just made that result not useful in recipes, requiring you to eventually break the ore with a shovel if you wish to process it into metal, gems, and alike. In other words, its intended that the ore gravel blocks cannot be smelted in a furnace or blast furnace.

If you as a pack maker think the ore gravel should be processable in recipes instead, it should be as simple as tagging the items under the appropriate forge tags, though you will likely have to manually add recipes for the vanilla furnace specifically.

Full Changelog: 1.8...v2.0


09 Dec 23:47
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  • Added aluminum gravel ore
  • Added extra ore config to add more ore types using the config file
  • Added biome type blacklist and whitelist
  • Fixed a crash when ore chance is set to 0
  • Fix a crash when there is no ore chance for an ore


07 Aug 01:49
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Changes in 1.1c:

  • Fix a world gen crash (#10)


04 Aug 01:43
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Change in 1.7b:

  • Fixed gravel ores not having furnace recipes (#6)
  • Fixed gravel ores not generating for mod added ores like copper, tin, etc. (#7)
  • Improved algorithm for generating furnace recipes, should save about 14ms on pack load.
  • Fix potential crash if all ores are disabled for oregen

CurseForge link

1.1b patch for 1.11.2

04 Aug 23:43
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  • Fixes a bug from broken furnace recipes
  • Backports a config option for ores not dropping items when landing on partial blocks


02 Aug 05:18
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Changes in 1.6:

  • Stopped ores from dropping when landing on a partial block
  • Fixed world gen not working

CurseForge link