- Grid API
- Prerequisites
- Current Limitations
- Preparation
- Grid List API Requests
- Grid Entity API Requests
- Grid Config API Requests
- Grid Slave group list API Requests
- Grid Slave group API Requests
- Grid Deployment API Requests
- Common usage scenario for Mesos on AWS
- Common usage scenario for Mesos on GCS
- Common usage scenario for Mesos on Openstack
- Common usage scenario for Mesos on Azure
- Common usage scenario for DCOS on AWS
- Common usage scenario for DCOS on Azure
- Mesos Cli Grid Access
- Mesos Grid VPN Access
- DCOS Grid VPN Access
First, you should install required software:
- Docker - latest
- Vagrant - latest
Azure instances supported: Standard_DS1, Standard_DS2, Standard_DS3, Standard_DS4, Standard_DS11, Standard_DS12, Standard_DS13, Standard_DS14
WARNING! All names(grid, groups, etc) should consist of only lowercase letters and numbers, should be started with lowercase letter and be up to 16 characters long.
clone this repo
run ./run
clone this repo
cd dexter
run vagrant up
ssh vagrant@ -p 2222; password - vagrant
(In vagrant) run cd /vagrant
(In vagrant) run ./run
Supported requests:
GET - get grid list, example:
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids
POST - add new grid, example:
curl -X POST -d "name=${grid_name}" -d "provider=aws" -d "type=mesos" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids
required parameters - name(variable), provider(aws/azure/gcs/custom), type(mesos/dcos)
Supported requests:
GET - get grid status, example:
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}
DELETE - delete grid and its stuff, example:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}
Supported requests:
GET - get grids config, example:
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/config
DELETE - delete grids config:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/config
PUT - change grids config:
curl -X PUT -d "master_type=m3.large" -d "masters=3" -d region="us-west-2" -d "sshkey=reference" --data-urlencode "sshkeydata=`cat ~/.ssh/reference.pem`" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/config
required parameters:
common: masters(number of masters hosts)
common_dcos: -d "vars={"dcos_user":"${DCOS_WEB_USER}","dcos_pass":"${DCOS_WEB_PASSWORD}"}" - these vars are mandatory for DCOS cluster
aws: master_type(AWS instance type for master, default m3.large), region(AWS region for grid), sshkey(AWS ssh key name), sshkeydata(Private path of ssh key, URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}")
azure: master_type(Azure instance type for master, default is Basic_A2), location(Azure location for grid in format like "Central US"), ssh_user(user for ssh login), ssh_password(password for ssh user and sudo)
gcs: master_type(GCS instance type for master, default is n1-standard-1), zone(GCS Zone in format like "us-east1-a"), project(GCS project ID), ssh_user(user for ssh login), sshkeydata(Private path of ssh key, URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}")
openstack: master_type(Openstack instance type for master), terminal_type(Openstack instance type for terminal server), image_name(Image name for instances, e.g. like centos-7), tenant(Openstack tenant name), region(Openstack region name), external_network_uuid(UUID of external network), sshkeydata(Private path of ssh key, URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}")
custom: mastersips(Comma separated list of masters ips), terminalips(<terminal_external_ip>,<terminal_internal_ip>), ssh_user(ssh user for connection), sshkeydata(Private part of ssh key, URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}")
Supported requests:
GET - get grids slave groups, example:
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups
POST - add new group, example:
curl -X POST -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=role1" -d "attributes={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "vars={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "instance_type=r3.xlarge" -d "cpus=10" -d "ram=64" -d "disk_size=50" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups
required parameters:
common: name(variable), role(variable)
aws: instance_type(instance type for slave), cpus(number of cpus per group), ram(amount of GB of ram per group), disk_size(hdd size, per HOST)
azure: instance_type(instance type for slave), cpus(number of cpus per group), ram(amount of GB of ram per group), disk_size(hdd size, per HOST)
gcs: instance_type(instance type for slave), cpus(number of cpus per group), ram(amount of GB of ram per group), disk_size(hdd size, per HOST), zone(GCS zone to place group to)
openstack: instance_type(instance type for slave), slaves(number of slaves)
custom: groupips(in custom provider, comma separated list of group ips)
optional parameters:
common: attributes(escaped json format), vars(escaped json format)
aws: az(AWS availability zone), enhanced_networking(turn on enhanced networking), spot_price(make instances spot), customhwconf(custom hardware configuration)
azure: customhwconf(custom hardware configuration)
gcs: customhwconf(custom hardware configuration), preemptible(make instances preemptible)
openstack: customhwconf(custom hardware configuration)
example of customhwconf(escaped json format, look at https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/syntax.html):
All of the new created disks will be mounted to /hdd/xvd{last letter of disk name, eg, x, y, whatever}
Supported requests:
GET - get grids slave group parameters, example:
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups/${group_name}
DELETE - delete group, example:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups/${group_name}
PUT - change group parameters, example:
curl -X PUT -d "name=group2" -d "role=role1" -d "attributes={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "vars={\"var1\":\"varvalue1\"}" -d "instance_type=r3.xlarge" -d "cpus=10" -d "ram=64" -d "disk_size=50" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups/${group_name}
required parameters:
common: name(variable), role(variable)
aws: instance_type(instance type for slave), cpus(number of cpus per group), ram(amount of GB of ram per group), disk_size(hdd size, per HOST)
azure: instance_type(instance type for slave), cpus(number of cpus per group), ram(amount of GB of ram per group), disk_size(hdd size, per HOST)
gcs: instance_type(instance type for slave), cpus(number of cpus per group), ram(amount of GB of ram per group), disk_size(hdd size, per HOST), zone(GCS zone to place group to)
openstack: instance_type(instance type for slave), slaves(number of slaves)
custom: groupips(in custom provider, comma separated list of group ips)
optional parameters:
common: attributes(escaped json format), vars(escaped json format)
aws: az(AWS availability zone), enhanced_networking(turn on enhanced networking), spot_price(make instances spot), customhwconf(custom hardware configuration)
azure: customhwconf(custom hardware configuration)
gcs: customhwconf(custom hardware configuration), preemptible(make instances preemptible)
openstack: customhwconf(custom hardware configuration)
example of customhwconf(escaped json format, look at https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/syntax.html):
All of the new created disks will be mounted to /hdd/xvd{last letter of disk name, eg, x, y, whatever}
Supported requests:
GET - get grids deployment status, example:
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment
Supported requests:
GET - get grids infrastructure deployment status, example:
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
DELETE - destroy grid's infrastructure(virtual machines, networks, etc), example:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
PUT - deploy grid's infrastructure(virtual machines, networks, etc), example:
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode "aws_access_key_id=${key_id}" --data-urlencode "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode "credentials=`cat credentials`" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode "credentials=`cat credentials`" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
curl -X PUT http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
required parameters:
common: parallelism(number of deploy threads, higher number increase deployment speed, but may cause instability, default is 5)
aws: aws_access_key_id(self descriptive,URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}"), aws_secret_access_key(self descriptive,URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}")
azure: credentials(credentials file, should be aquired, as described here: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azure/index.html, URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}")
gcs: credentials(credentials file, should be aquired, as described here: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/index.html, URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}")
openstack: api_user(openstack v2 api username), api_pass(openstack v2 api password), api_url(openstack v2 api url)
Supported requests:
GET - get grids provision status, example:
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/provision
PUT - run grid's provision(install software, configure settings, etc), example:
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode "aws_access_key_id=${key_id}" --data-urlencode "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/provision
required parameters:
aws: aws_access_key_id(self descriptive,URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}"), aws_secret_access_key(self descriptive,URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}")
azure: credentials(credentials file, should be aquired, as described here: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azure/index.html, URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}")
gcs: credentials(credentials file, should be aquired, as described here: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/index.html, URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}")
openstack: api_user(openstack v2 api username), api_pass(openstack v2 api password), api_url(openstack v2 api url)
optional parameters:
common: vpn_enabled - by default == 'True', if True - enable VPN server provisioinig, otherwise - disable
duo_ikey, duo_skey, duo_host - duo security api parameters(duo.com) for vpn auth, URL-encoded, e.g. curl --data-urlencode "${key}=${value}"
Created application at duo.com(Auth API)
Created user at duo.com with added Mobile Device
Installed duo.com mobile app on mobile device(the only supported way for now)
How to use MFA:
Create login(same as at duo.com) on Terminal server and passwd it
Create new VPN connection
password for vpn will be: "," example: "str0ng_pass,123123"
It is possible to provision separate group, calling
curl -X PUT http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups/${group_name}/provision
required parameters are the same as for grid provision calls
Create grid
curl -X POST -d "name=${grid_name}" -d "provider=aws" -d "type=mesos" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids
Update config
curl -X PUT -d "master_type=m3.large" -d "masters=3" -d region="us-west-2" -d "sshkey=reference" --data-urlencode "sshkeydata=`cat ~/.ssh/reference.pem`" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/config
Create group of slaves
curl -X POST -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=role1" -d "attributes={\"foo\":\" bar\"}" -d "vars={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "cpus=10" -d "ram=64" -d "disk_size=50" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups
Deploy grid's infrastructure
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode aws_access_key_id=${key_id} --data-urlencode "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
Provision grid
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode aws_access_key_id=${key_id} --data-urlencode "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/provision
Change slaves group size:
curl -X POST -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=role1" -d "attributes={\"purpose\":\"log_storing\"}" -d "vars={\"x_factor\":\"42\"}" -d "cpus=20" -d "ram=128" -d "disk_size=50" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups
Apply changes to infrastructure
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode aws_access_key_id=${key_id} --data-urlencode "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
Provision fresh nodes
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode aws_access_key_id=${key_id} --data-urlencode "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups/${group_name}/provision
Destroy grid
curl -X DELETE --data-urlencode aws_access_key_id=${key_id} --data-urlencode "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
Delete grids config, etc:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}
Create grid
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids -X POST -d "name=${grid_name}" -d "provider=azure" -d "type=mesos"
Update config
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/config -X PUT -d "location=Central US" -d "masters=3" -d "ssh_password=${ssh_password}" -d "ssh_user=${ssh_user}" -d "master_type=Basic_A2"
Create group of slaves
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups -X POST -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=role1" -d "attributes={\"purpose\":\"analytics\"}" -d "vars={\"y_factor\":\"43\"}" -d "cpus=12" -d "ram=16" -d "disk_size=50" -d "instance_type=Standard_D11"
Deploy grid's infrastructure
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure -X PUT --data-urlencode "credentials=`cat credentials`"
Provision grid
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/provision -X PUT
Destroy grid
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure -X DELETE --data-urlencode "credentials=`cat credentials`"
Delete grid configs, etc
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name} -X DELETE
Create grid
curl -X POST -d "name=${grid_name}" -d "provider=gcs" -d "type=mesos" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids
Update config
curl -X PUT -d "project=super-project-123456" -d "vars={\"mesos_version\":\"0.26.0\"}" -d "master_type=n1-standard-1" -d "masters=3" -d zone="europe-west1-b" -d "ssh_user=centos" --data-urlencode "sshkeydata=`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa`" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/config
Create group of slaves
curl -X POST -d "zone=europe-west1-b" -d "instance_type=n1-standard-1" -d "name=infra" -d "role=infra" -d "attributes={\"type\":\"infra\"}" -d "cpus=1" -d "ram=10" -d "disk_size=50" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups
Deploy grid's infrastructure
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode "credentials=`cat credentials.json`" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
Provision grid
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode "credentials=`cat credentials.json`" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/provision
Destroy grid
curl -X DELETE --data-urlencode "credentials=`cat credentials.json`" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
Delete grid configs, etc
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}
Create grid
curl -X POST -d "name=${grid_name}" -d "provider=openstack" -d "type=mesos" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids
Update config
curl -X PUT -d "vars={\"mesos_version\":\"0.26.0\"}" -d "master_type=m1.medium" -d "terminal_type=m1.medium" -d "image_name=centos7" -d "tenant=${tenant}" -d "region=${region}" -d "external_network_uuid=${net_uuid}" -d "masters=1" --data-urlencode "sshkeydata=`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa`" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/config
Create group of slaves
curl -X POST -d "instance_type=m1.medium" -d "name=infra" -d "role=infra" -d "attributes={\"type\":\"infra\"}" -d "slaves=1" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups
Deploy grid's infrastructure
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode "api_user=${api_user}" --data-urlencode "api_pass=${api_pass}" --data-urlencode "api_url=" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
Provision grid
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode "api_user=${api_user}" --data-urlencode "api_pass=${api_pass}" --data-urlencode "api_url=" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/provision
Destroy grid
curl -X DELETE --data-urlencode "api_user=${api_user}" --data-urlencode "api_pass=${api_pass}" --data-urlencode "api_url=" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
Delete grid configs, etc
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}
Create grid
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids -X POST -d "name=${grid_name}" -d "provider=custom" -d "type=mesos"
Update config
curl -X PUT -d "mastersips=,," -d "terminalips=," -d "ssh_user=centos" --data-urlencode "sshkeydata=`cat ~/.ssh/reference.pem`" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/config
Create group of slaves
curl -X POST -d "groupips=,," -d "name=infra" -d "role=infra" -d "attributes={\"type\":\"infra\"}" http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups
Deploy grid's infrastructure
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure -X PUT
Provision grid
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/provision -X PUT
Delete grid configs, etc
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name} -X DELETE
Create grid
curl -X POST -d "name=${grid_name}" -d "provider=aws" -d "type=dcos" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids
Update config
curl -X PUT -d "vars={\"dcos_user\":\"${DCOS_WEB_USER}\",\"dcos_pass\":\"${DCOS_WEB_PASSWORD}\"}" -d "master_type=m3.large" -d "masters=3" -d region="us-east-1" -d "sshkey=reference" --data-urlencode "sshkeydata=`cat ~/.ssh/reference.pem`" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/config
Create group of slaves
curl -X POST -d "instance_type=r3.xlarge" -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=myslaves" -d "attributes={\"type\":\"myslaves\"}" -d "vars={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "cpus=12" -d "ram=60" -d "disk_size=200" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups
Deploy grid's infrastructure
curl -X PUT --data-urlencode aws_access_key_id=${key_id} --data-urlencode "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
Provision grid
curl -X PUT http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/provision
Destroy grid
curl -X DELETE --data-urlencode aws_access_key_id=${key_id} --data-urlencode "aws_secret_access_key=${secret}" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure
Delete grids config, etc:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}
Create grid
curl -X POST -d "name=${grid_name}" -d "provider=azure" -d "type=dcos" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids
Update config
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/config -X PUT -d "vars={\"dcos_user\":\"${DCOS_WEB_USER}\",\"dcos_pass\":\"${DCOS_WEB_PASSWORD}\"}" -d "location=Central US" -d "masters=3" -d "ssh_password=${ssh_password}" -d "ssh_user=${ssh_user}" -d "master_type=Basic_A2"
Create group of slaves
curl -X POST -d "instance_type=Basic_A2" -d "name=${group_name}" -d "role=myslaves" -d "attributes={\"type\":\"myslaves\"}" -d "vars={\"foo\":\"bar\"}" -d "cpus=12" -d "ram=60" -d "disk_size=200" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups
Deploy grid's infrastructure
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure -X PUT --data-urlencode "credentials=`cat credentials`"
Provision grid
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/provision -X PUT
Destroy grid
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure -X DELETE --data-urlencode "credentials=`cat credentials`"
Delete grid configs, etc
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name} -X DELETE
Create grid
curl -X POST -d "name=${grid_name}" -d "provider=custom" -d "type=dcos" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids
Update config
curl -X PUT -d "mastersips=,," -d "terminalips=," -d "ssh_user=centos" --data-urlencode "sshkeydata=`cat ~/.ssh/reference.pem`" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/config
Create group of slaves
curl -X POST -d "groupips=,," -d "name=infra" -d "role=infra" -d "attributes={\"type\":\"infra\"}" http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/groups
Deploy grid's infrastructure
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure -X PUT
Provision grid
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/provision -X PUT
Delete grid configs, etc
curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1.0/grids/${grid_name} -X DELETE
These variables can be passed via next construction:
-d "vars={\"key\":\"value"}"
aurora: true
- enables aurora scheduler
There are mesos-cli available on terminal For transparent usage it is recommended to switch to user "manager" first:
su -l manager
Mesos cli documentation:
OpenVPN for MacOS Setup:
- Install Tunnelblick
- go to curl -X http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure and get _accessip parameter
- ssh to _accessip, and create there some users and passwd them, using commands adduser/passwd respectively, eg:
adduser vpnuser1
passwd vpnuser1
- get OpenVPN config:
echo -e `curl -qs http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/vpn | tr -d '"'`
- Save config as ${grid_name}.ovpn file
- ssh to _accessip and save /etc/openvpn/keys/ca.crt near ${grid_name}.ovpn file
- Import this config into Tunnelblick by double clicking on ovpn file
- Connect to VPN using credentials from step 3)
- Following services are available
OpenVPN for MacOS Setup:
- Install Tunnelblick
- go to curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure and save _accessip parameter
- ssh to _accessip, and create there some users and passwd them, using commands adduser/passwd respectively, eg:
adduser vpnuser1
passwd vpnuser1
- get OpenVPN config:
echo -e `curl -qs http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/vpn | tr -d '"'`
- Save config as ${grid_name}.ovpn file
- ssh to _accessip and save /etc/openvpn/keys/ca.crt near ${grid_name}.ovpn file
- Import this config into Tunnelblick by double clicking on ovpn file
- Connect to VPN using credentials from step 3)
- Following services are available
OpenVPN for MacOS Setup:
- Install Tunnelblick
- go to curl -X http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure and get _accessip parameter
- ssh to _accessip, and create there some users and passwd them, using commands adduser/passwd respectively, eg:
adduser vpnuser1
passwd vpnuser1
- get OpenVPN config:
echo -e `curl -qs http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/vpn | tr -d '"'`
- Save config as ${grid_name}.ovpn file
- ssh to _accessip and save /etc/openvpn/keys/ca.crt near ${grid_name}.ovpn file
- Import this config into Tunnelblick by double clicking on ovpn file
- Connect to VPN using credentials from step 3)
- Following services are available
OpenVPN for MacOS Setup:
- Install Tunnelblick
- go to curl http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/infrastructure and save _accessip parameter
- ssh to _accessip, and create there some users and passwd them, using commands adduser/passwd respectively, eg:
adduser vpnuser1
passwd vpnuser1
- get OpenVPN config:
echo -e `curl -qs http://localhost:5555/api/v2.0/grids/${grid_name}/deployment/vpn | tr -d '"'`
- Save config as ${grid_name}.ovpn file
- ssh to _accessip and save /etc/openvpn/keys/ca.crt near ${grid_name}.ovpn file
- Import this config into Tunnelblick by double clicking on ovpn file
- Connect to VPN using credentials from step 3)
- Following services are available