Move package to tomate-gtk repository.
Pauses all running media players when the session ends
apt install tomate-playerautopause-plugin
Install the following native dependencies in you system:
- Python3
- pip3
- make
- git
- git-flow
- tomate/tomate-gtk
- gir1.2-playerctl-2.0
Install the Python development dependencies:
pip install --user black bumpversion copier pytest pytest-cov pytest-flake8 pytest-mock pre-commit
Create the plugin project:
copier gh:eliostvs/tomate-plugin-template path/to/plugin/project`
If this plugin uses media files (icons, mp3, etc), copy them to the data directory in root of the repository.
Personalize the .pre-commit-config.yaml
Format the files using black:
make format
Run test in your local environment:
make test
Run test inside the docker:
make docker-test
Test manually the plugin:
ln -s ~/.local/share/tomate/plugins path/to/plugin/project/data/plugins
tomate-gtk -v
Then activate the plugin through the settings.
Update the [Unrelease] section in the file then:
make release-[patch|minor|major]