The WeatherPy project can be found by selecting the "WeatherPy.ipynb" file above.
The VacationPy project can be found by selecting the "VacationPy.ipynb" file above.
CitiPy, OpenWeatherMap API, geoViews, Geoapify API, Pandas, Matplotlib
Credit: Tasha Christensen
Usage: Data for this dataset was generated by edX Boot Camps LLC for educational purposes only.
Projects in API-Challenge were completed with help from tutors and TAs, which may contain outside curriculum content.
API-Challenge delivers regression models comparing the relationship between latitude and temperature, humidity, cloudiness, and windspeed in both hemispheres. API-Challenge also delivers two maps, one map visualizing the humidity of each country in the dataset, and the other map locating hotels in ideal vacation destinations. At the time of deployment, the Geoapify API encountered a 400 error, so no hotels were generated, unfortunately.
If there are any questions or concerns, I can be reached at: