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Lars-B edited this page Jul 16, 2018 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the Fuelplanner wiki!

This tool was made to be used with flight gear flight simulator. However the fuel calculation also can be used for any other simulator too. Currently only the IDG-A32X Airbus A320 and A330-200F are supported. You can gain this awsome aircraft from respectively If you want to use another aircraft you have to write/adapt your own initxxxx.js and include it to the main html. Maybe there will be another tutorial to do so in the future.

Have a look on the Tutorial

How to make a single integrated html file

Of course, you should never use this tool for real life flight / fuel planning! The fuel calculation model I'm using is a very simple one but it leads to good results (for me at least). I'm not using any official tables, diagrams or formulas provided by any company or aviation agency to predict the fuel consumption. This tool was only made to avoid running out of fuel before reaching the destination airport or landing with tons of unused fuel. And I made it to learn something about programming html/js and to have a remote tool on my mobile to see where I am currently in the FGFS world.

For basic information have a look to the readme file.

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