Symfony demo application for LTI 1.3, to act as a LTI Platform and Tool.
This demo application based on:
This demo application respect the following LTI 1.3 IMS specifications:
You need to ensure first you have the following installed:
After cloning this repository, you can build the provided docker stack:
$ docker-compose up -d
Then, install required dependencies with composer:
$ docker run --rm --interactive --tty \
--volume $PWD:/app \
composer install
Note: on Windows, you may have to do --volume %cd%:/app
After installation, the LTI 1.3 demo application is available on http://localhost:8888
After installation, the following services are available:
Name | Description |
demo_lti1p3_nginx | application nginx web server |
demo_lti1p3_phpfpm | application php-fpm |
demo_lti1p3_redis | application cache |
demo_lti1p3_redis_commander | application cache administration |
You can access:
Name | URL |
demo_lti1p3_nginx | http://localhost:8888 |
demo_lti1p3_redis_commander | http://localhost:8081 |
By default, this application runs in dev
- to avoid updating symfony cache on each configuration change
- to be able to get debugging feedback on errors
If you need production performances, please update to APP_ENV=prod
in the .env file.
Note: on each configuration update in prod mode, you'll then need to clear the application cache:
$ docker exec -it demo_lti1p3_phpfpm php bin/console ca:cl