Display/Optional/inheritance tool is used to open and turn on and off the display of bones and slot, optional, inheritance relationships.
Display: when we turn it on, the bone or slot in the main scene is visible. When we turn it off, bone or slot in the main scene is invisible.
Optional: when we turn it on, bone or slot in the main scene is selectable. When we turn it off, bone or slot in the main scene is not selectable.
Inheritance: when we turn it on, bone or slot will inherit parent bone’s actions. When we turn it off, bone or slot will not inherit parent bone’s actions.
The display of bone and slot is available in both skeleton assembly and animation.
When we make animation production, bones are optional and modifiable by default. The slot are not optional and not modifiable by default.
The inheritance of bones and slots is inherited and not modifiable by default in animation production.