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File metadata and controls

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Egnyte Public API wrapper

Init and Authorize
FileSystem API
Link API
Permissions API
Error handling


Egnyte SDK contains methods helping the developer with authorization, FileSystem API and Link API.

For more details on the API behind this JavaScript wrapper, visit Public API documentation

Need API key? Get API access here!

Initialize and connect to API

Initialize Egnyte SDK to use API with your key

var egnyte = Egnyte.init("", {
        key: YOURAPIKEY,
        scope: SCOPE_STRING //optional, scope value to send with token requests
        mobile: true      //optional, changes login prompt to mobile friendly

Request an access token

Call any of the API.auth.requestToken* methods.

Initialize with token

If the token is already stored securely and there is no need to request it, it can be passed as initial configuration.

var egnyte = Egnyte.init("", {
        token: YOURAPITOKEN

Set defaults for http requests to API

If you want to set some defaults for all requests (like request timeout) you can pass them to the init function:

var egnyte = Egnyte.init("", {
        requestDefaults: {
            timeout: 30000

Defaults are added to the set of options passed to xhr(in browser) or request(in node) module.

User Quota (queries per second) handling

The API has limits for the number of queries a single user can make. If one of the users of your app performs too many actions, the API endpoint will return HTTP403 with the "Developer over QPS" error.

The SDK transparently handles user quota by default. All calls have a default retry policy - if the API responds with "Developer over QPS" error, a retry is scheduled to run after 1 second. A warning is logged to the browser's console to help spotting the problem.

API.manual.promiseRequest and all the* etc. methods have a built-in mechanizm to delay calls that are made too fast, to avoid getting "Developer over QPS" errors at all. The delays are based on a declared QPS value. Most API keys have a 2 queries per second limit on users.

To set your query per second quota to something else than 2, initialize with QPS option

var egnyte = Egnyte.init("", {
        key: YOURAPIKEY,
        mobile: true,
        QPS: 2

To entirely disable the quota handling set handleQuota option to false

Authorization methods

Method Arguments Description Restrictions
API.auth.isAuthorized Returns boolean true if a token is present
API.auth.setToken token Accepts a token string. New token overwrites the previous one
API.auth.requestTokenReload success_callback, denied_callback Reloads the page to perform authorization and calls the appropriate callback synchronously once the token is available or denied after reload. (see examples/request_token.html) browser only
API.auth.requestTokenPopup success_callback, denied_callback,postmessage_sender Opens a new window or tab for the user. postmessage_sender is a fully qualified HTTPS URL to a copy of dist/resources/token.html. (see examples/request_token_popup.html) browser only
API.auth.requestTokenIframe node, success_callback, denied_callback, path Performs authorization in an iframe instead of reloading the page. Iframe is appended to node. path argument is used as a redirect target for log-in prompt completion. path defaults to current window location. (see examples/request_token_iframe.html) browser only
API.auth.requestTokenIframeWithPrompt node, success_callback, denied_callback, path Same as above, but will prompt for Egnyte domain address first. browser only, not available in slim.js
API.auth.requestTokenByPassword username, password Performs authorization using login and password provided by the user and resolves to the access token. Using this auth method requires switching your API key settings to be an "internal application", which is only available for Egnyte partners. (Contact us if you need that) node.js only
API.auth.authorizeXHR XHR object Adds authorization header to given XHR object browser only
API.auth.getHeaders Returns headers definition to add as headers to eg. jQuery.ajax options
API.auth.getToken Returns the token string
API.auth.dropToken Forgets the current token
API.auth.getUserInfo Returns a promise that resolves to user info object

Requesting tokens

API.auth.requestToken method loads the log-in prompt in current window. Once the user accepts or denies access, current page is loaded again and the whole code on it runs again. This time API.auth.requestToken will find the token as it was appended to URL and runs the success callback.

    //can work with API
    //request denied

API.auth.requestTokenPopup method opens a window or tab with the log-in prompt. Once the user accepts or denies access, postmessage_sender is loaded in the window and the token is transmited to our main window. postmessage_sender must be a HTTPS URL pointing to a document, that calls API.auth._postTokenUp(), like the token.html file in dist/resources.

        //can work with API
        //request denied

API.auth.requestTokenIframe method appends an iframe to given node and opens the log-in prompt in there. Once the user accepts or denies access, current page is loaded again in the iframe and the token is extracted from it. It is recommended to pass path to API.auth.requestTokenIframe to redirect to an empty page, not the current one. the path should be an absolute path in the current domain (starting with /).

        //can work with API
        //request denied

Token failure handling

If you pass a stored token to your new Egnyte instance and the token is invalid, you should initialize again and request a new token. To ease the handling of this situation you can pass onInvalidToken option containing a function that will be called instead of error callback whenever your acces token turns out invalid.

var egnyte = Egnyte.init("", {
        token: YOURAPITOKEN,
        key: YOURAPIKEY,
        mobile: true,
        onInvalidToken: function(){
            //try getting new
                    //can work with API
                    //request denied
            //get the app working again

Making manual requests

Method Arguments Description
API.manual.getEndpoint Returns the public API endpoint root URL
API.manual.sendRequest options, callback Sends an authorized request and calls the callback when finished (see examples below); Retries the call if server responds with "Developer over QPS"; Returns the raw XHR object in the browser and a request object in node.js
API.manual.promiseRequest options Performs the same task as sendRequest but returns a simple promise instead of calling the callback (see examples below); Automatically delays a call if it could go over QPS quota; Retries the call if server responds with "Developer over QPS"

How to make a request

Request options

Name Type Description
url String The URL to query
params Map Set of query params, optional
sync Boolean Make a synchronous call, optional
method String Request method, optional, defaults to GET
timeout Number Set a timeout for the request, optional, defaults to 5s
headers Map Request headers, optional
body String Body of the request for POST and PUT, optional
json Object JSON serializable object to send as body, adds correct content-type too, optional


        url:"https://..." //full URL address
        params:{ //query params to be added after the ? at the end of url
        headers:{}, //any headers to add to the query, Authorization header is added to this set by default
        method: "POST",
        body: "some content"
    }, function (error, response, body) {
        if(error === null){
            //response is the XHR object
            //body contains response JSON converted to object
            //handle the error or rethrow
    }).then(function (response, body) {
        //response is the XHR object
        //body contains response JSON converted to object
    }).fail(function(error, response, body){
        //handle the error
    }).then(function (response, body) {
        //response is the XHR object
        //body contains response JSON converted to object
    },function(error, response, body){
        //handle the error

Anywhere a response object is returned (except IE8/9, see Legacy support page) it is an XMLHttpRequest object extended with statusCode field and headers object (so you don't have to query headers individually)

File System API helpers

All API helpers return promises.

Method Arguments Description Restrictions entryID(optional) Resolves to true if file exists and false if it doesn't, rethrows errors if different than 404. entryID is the identifier of the version of the file if the operation should be performed on a version Resolves to file or folder definition object. entryID(optional) , isBinary Resolves to XHR object for the download file content query, from which response can be extracted and interpreted as needed. xhr.responseType is set to arraybuffer if isBinary is true (to get the gist of what this method can do take a look at examples/filepicker_usecase.html). entryID is the identifier of the version of the file if the operation should be performed on a version browser only entryID(optional) Resolves to the response object of the API, with a paused data stream. This method also handles queueing and QPS limits transparently. node.js only Creates a folder at the given path, resolves to {path:"..."} or fails if folder can't be created (also if it already exists) Blob or Stream, mimeType (optional), size (optional) Uploads a file and stores at the given path, resolves to {path:"...",id:"<version ID>"} (see below for details on Blob). In the browser it accepts Blob, in node.js a stream should be passed as a second argument. size argument only works in node.js Stream, mimeType (optional), chunksize(optional) splits a stream in chunks and uses chunked upload to send it to Egnyte. Accepts path, stream, optional mime type and optional chunk size. Chunk size defaults to 10KB but it can be as much as 100MB if you know the file's big. Resolves to the same signature as storeFile and fails if any chunk failed to upload node.js only new path Moves a file or folder to new path, resolves to {path:"...", oldPath:"..."} new path Copies a file or folder to new path, resolves to {path:"...", oldPath:"..."} new path alias for move entryID(optional) Deletes a file or folder. entryID is the identifier of the version of the file if the operation should be performed on a version version_ID Deletes a version of a file, throws if version not provided (can't delete the whole file accidentally) previous token, timeout Locks a file, resolves to {path: "...", timeout:seconds,lock_token:"..."}, timeout defaults to 3600, previous token has to be provided if file is already locked and the lock is supposed to be renewed or overriden lock body Different syntax for locking - allows setting body fields directly lock_token, lock_timeout, collaboration token Unlocks a file if the token is the one with which the lock was claimed


Method Argument
API.*.path full path to file, starting with /
API.*.fileId group_id of the file
API.*.folderId folder_id of the folder

Storing a file - node.js

var fileStream = fs.createReadStream('sample.txt'), "text/plain", 1105)

If the API responds with an error that you cannot store an empty file, it means you have to provide the size argument.

Storing a file - in the browser

Storing a file requires a Blob compatible object. It can be created manually using the browser's Blob constructor or BlobBuilder. A file input in a form can also produce a blob: fileInputNode.files[0] is a File object, which actually extends Blob.

To aid working with blobs cross-browser we recommend (a copy available in this repo in src/vendor/blob.js)


    var file = $("input.avatarfile")[0].files[0]"/Private/mydata/avatar.png").storeFile(file, "image/png")
       .then(function (response, body) {
            //upload successful
        },function(error, response, body){
            //handle the error
    return false;

The storeFile method uses FormData constructor; documentation and detailed browser support can be found here:

Downloading a file

It is possible to download a file to memory in modern browsers. A proof of concept of that can be found in examples/filepicker_usecase.html

In node.js getFileStream resolves to a paused stream that has to be manually resumed when you're ready to accept its data.
        pausedResponse.resume(); //Be sure to resume the paused stream

File notes API helpers

All API helpers return promises.

Method Arguments Description Restrictions
API.notes.path(path to file).addNote note_text Adds a note on file, resolves to {id:"note-id"}
API.notes.path(path to file).listNotes query_params Resolves to an object with pagination options and notes field containing a list. You can pass query params to set offset, limit etc. (refer to public API docs)
API.notes.getNote note_id Resolves to a note object.
API.notes.removeNote note_id Removes the note.

In current Egnyte Public API version notes can be added only to files identified by path.

Link API helpers

All API helpers return promises.

Method Arguments Description link_setup Creates a link, resolves to the new link description object link_ID Destroys the link of given id link_ID Resolves to link description object filters Resolves to a list of links, narrows the list down by filters given filters Resolves to a link description object of a link that matches the filters. (the result of listLink called on first of the ids returned by listLinks)

Creating a link

To create a link with method, a setup object is required.

Name Description
path required full absolute path to the target file or folder. If target is a file then include the filename.
type required "file" or "folder"
accessibility required "anyone", "password", "domain", "recipients"
recipients optional list of recipients of the link (email addresses). Only required if the link will be sent via email by Egnyte.
send_email optional if True, send the link out via email. In this case, the recipients parameter must be specified. Defaults to false.
message optional personal message to be sent in link email.
copy_me optional if True, send a copy of the link message to the link creator. Only applies if send_email is True. Defaults to false.
notify optional if True send notification emails to link creator when link is accessed. Defaults to false.
link_to_current optional if True, link to the current version of the file. Otherwise link to latest version of file. Only applies to file links, not folder links. Defaults to false.
expiry_date optional the expiry date for the link. Date must be in the future. If expiry_date is specified then expiry_clicks cannot be set.
expiry_clicks optional the number of clicks the link is valid for. Value must be between 1 and 10, inclusive. If expiry_clicks is specified then expiry_date cannot be set.
add_file optional if True then the filename will be appended to the end of the link. Only applies to file links, not folder links. Defaults to false.

accessibility options:

  • "anyone" – accessible by anyone with link
  • "password" – accessible by anyone with link who knows password (password is generated and returned from the call)
  • "domain" – accessible by any domain user (login required)
  • "recipients" – accessible by link recipients, who must be domain users (login required)

        path: "<file path>",
        type: "file",
        accessibility: "password"
    }).then(function (newLink) {
        newLink.links[0].id; //link ID, useful when listing or removing link
        newLink.links[0].url; //the URL of your link
        newLink.password; //autogenerated password to enter the link

Full link description example

    "links": [{
        "id": "yshJEeonvt",
        "url": "",
        "recipients": []
    "path": "/Private/acme/filename.png",
    "type": "file",
    "accessibility": "password",
    "notify": false,
    "password": "xi3awtc3ZphJ",
    "link_to_current": false,
    "creation_date": "2014-05-28",
    "send_mail": false,
    "copy_me": false

Listing links and methods accept filters definition. All filters are optional.

Name Description
path list links to this file or folder (full absolute path)
username list links created by this user
created_before list links created before this date
created_after list links created after this date
type show links of this type (“file” or “folder”)
accessibility show links with this accessibility (“anyone”, “password”, “domain” or “recipients”)
offset start at this link (0 = first link). If not specified, defaults to 0.
count send this number of links. If not specified, all links will be sent.

Example response to listLinks

   "total_count": 10,
   "offset": 5,
   "count": 3,
   "ids": ["47b774f66f344a67","56d35b2320d74948","426683f37dd64e41"]

Permissions API helpers

All API helpers return promises.

All the methods below can be scoped to users or groups.

Method Arguments Description
API.perms.users users[] Returns API.perms instance scoped to a certain set of users.
API.perms.groups groups[] Returns API.perms instance scoped to a certain set of groups.
API.perms.identify(...).allow accessLevel Sets certain permissions on the given folder for the users/groups it's scoped to. Second argument is one of "None", "Viewer", "Editor", "Full", "Owner"
API.perms.identify(...).disallow Sets permissions on the given folder to "None" for the users/groups it's scoped to.
API.perms.identify(...).allowView Sets permissions on the given folder to "Viewer" for the users/groups it's scoped to.
API.perms.identify(...).allowEdit Sets permissions on the given folder to "Editor" for the users/groups it's scoped to.
API.perms.identify(...).allowFullAccess Sets permissions on the given folder to "Full" for the users/groups it's scoped to.
API.perms.identify(...).allowOwnership Sets permissions on the given folder to "Owner" for the users/groups it's scoped to.
API.perms.identify(...).getPerms Resolves to a permissions object of the folder. If scoped to users/groups, only permissions relevant to them will be returned.


Method | Argument --- | --- | --- API..path | full path to file, starting with / API..folderId | folder_id of the folder

Setting permissions for users and groups

Scoping to users and groups can be merged

egnyte.API.perms.users(["tommy","margaret"]).groups(["All Power Users"]).path("/Shared/marketing/events").allowEdit()

Scoping again will override the previous setting, so the example below will only set permissions for "andy".


Getting permissions for users and groups

All permissions for folder:



    "users": [{
            "subject": "admin",
            "permission": "Owner"
        }, {
            "subject": "tommy",
            "permission": "Editor"
        }, {
            "subject": "margaret",
            "permission": "Editor"
    "groups": [{
            "subject": "All Power Users",
            "permission": "Editor"

Filtered permissions information:



    "users": [{
            "subject": "tommy",
            "permission": "Editor"
    "groups": []

User Permissions

All API helpers return promises.

Method Arguments Description
API.userPerms.identify(...).get username Resolves to effective permissions for given user. username defaults to the user making the request.


Method | Argument --- | --- | --- API..path | full path to folder, starting with / API..folderId | folder_id of the folder

Getting effective user permissions



  "permission": "Full"


All API helpers return promises.

Method Arguments Description
API.user.getByName user name Resolves to complete user metadata object
API.user.getById user id Resolves to complete user metadata object


Method Arguments Description query text Resolves to a helper object for fetching search results query text, page number Low level search query function, resolves to a single body of the search response. Is used internally in getResults number Updates the number of items per page for search. default: 10

Results object:

Name Description
totalCount Number of all results
totalPages Number of available pages with results
sample First page of results (array of search results you'd get from calling .page(0)
page(num) method to get a certain page of results; resolves to an array of results

Pages are numbered starting at 0.


Method Arguments Description listenerConfiguration Polls the Events API for new events and emits them according to configuration. Resolves to an object with a single stop method that stops getting more events. Resolves to the latest event id updateOptions Makes a single request for a list of events and resolves to the response. getUpdate is used internally by listen.


Name Description
start event id - get events that happened after that id. Fails if event is too old (.listen promise gets rejected). If not set, it will get only the events that happen since the moment of invocation.
interval miliseconds between making requests for events. minimum possible value is 2000, defaults to 30000
emit required a function to call when an event is received. the function accepts one argument - event data object.
error function to call when fetching events fails
current function to call with the latest event id discovered
heartbeat a debug callback to be called whenever a request to events API is made.


Name Description
start required event id - get events that happened after that id. Fails if event is too old (promise gets rejected).
emit a function to call for every event in the batch. the function accepts one argument - event data object. Optional, you can decide to use the raw output
count number of events to fetch. Maximum value is 100


Method Arguments Description "user"(optional) Sets up filtering to ignore events caused by the same app that is querying events. If "user" is passed as first argument, only events caused by current user of the app are ignored. Returns, so it's chainable filterDefinition Sets up filtering to only return events matching the definition. Can filter by folder path or event type or both. Returns, so it's chainable


    folder: "/folder/path",
    type: "file_system" or "note"

    folder: "/Shared/marketing/events"
    emit: function(eventData){
        //process event
    interval: 10000,
    heartbeat: function(){
    //call polling.stop() to turn the listener off

Error handling

All errors are returned in common format of a JavaScript error enhanced with additional fields

Name Description
statusCode HTTP status code if error comes from the server. 0 if request failed before being sent. undefined if error occured in the source of this SDK
message readable error message text
response If the query happened, error.response is the xhr response object
body If the query happened, error.body contains the body of the response

The "Developer over QPS" error is not returned at all, instead a call is repeated when appropriate.


Egnyte Public API accepts a X-Egnyte-Act-As header that can be set to perform an action on behalf of another user (if you are an admin). Every method call to egnyte.API.* can be preceded by impersonation like so:{username:"username"}).createLink(...{email:""}).createLink(...

You can store an impersonated facade to use multiple times or pass it along to other components that don't need to have access to username, but need to perform on behalf of that user.

var impersonatedStorage ={username:"username"});


Providing your own http request implementation

You can provide a request function as the httpRequest option.

It has to accept an options object and a result callback function(error, responseObject, responseBody)

It should be compatible with npm module called xhr.