Complete rewrite in Nuxt 3, updating all the modules and converting all code from Vue 2 to Vue 3.
- ❌ Daily songs page integration as well as Firebase related stuff are removed.
- ❌ Moved from Windi CSS to Tailwind CSS.
Modernized layouts, pages, components, deleted bunch of unnecessary complications, simplified blog pages and revamped colors.
I made lots of layout changes and added more pages such as Songs and did some improvements on all the pages. Changed some components design and added paddings all over so it doesn't look weird with the titles.
I changed almost every dark colors and reworked on the whole project fixing some type issues, typos in blog posts, design and structure of the files. I created separate pages for Repositories, Contact and Goals.
I've worked on each page and component to make them compatible with Vite, which is an upcoming and blazing fast tool for Nuxt! You'll feel the difference!
I moved and rewrote everything in TypeScript. Now it's using TypeScript for more powerful stuff!
I've moved from Tailwind to WindiCSS for its features, gold-class support for Vue/Nuxt. Everything is same, but there are more stuff (like variant grouping, important prefix etc.)!
Check out the first look of this website by yourself and see how much I improved!