Ruby client to work with Frontapp API (
gem install frontapp
The auth_token can be obtained from Frontapp, in Settings -> API & Integrations -> API
Create a Frontapp client
require 'frontapp'
client = 'token')
Optionally, set a custom user agent to identify your integration
client = 'token', user_agent: 'Eye-Phone Integration (')
# Download a file attachment
attachment_file = client.download_attachment("fil_55c8c149")
# Get all channels
channels = client.channels
# Get a specific channel
channel = client.get_channel("cha_55c8c149")
# Update the webhook url of a custom channel
client.update_channel!("cha_55c8c149", { settings: { webhook_url: "my-uri" } })
# Create custom channel
channel = client.create_channel!("inb_55c8c149", { settings: { webhook_url: "my-uri" } })
# Get the inbox for a channel
inbox = client.get_channel_inbox("cha_55c8c149")
# Create a new comment in a conversation
comment = client.create_comment!("cnv_55c8c149", { author_id: "", body: "text" })
# Get all comments for a conversation
comments = client.get_conversation_comments("cnv_55c8c149")
# Get a specific comment
comment = client.get_comment("com_55c8c149")
# Get all mentions in a comment
mentions = client.get_comment_mentions("com_55c8c149")
# Get all contact groups
group = client.contact_groups
# Create a new contact group
group = client.create_contact_group!({ name: "Name" })
# Delete a contact group
# Get all contacts in a group
contacts = client.get_contact_group_contacts("grp_55c8c149")
# Add contacts to a group
client.add_contacts_to_contact_group!("grp_55c8c149", { contact_ids: ["", ""] })
# Get all contacts
contacts = client.contacts
# Get a specific contact
contact = client.get_contact("ctc_55c8c149")
# Update a contact
client.update_contact!("ctc_55c8c149", {
name: "Name",
description: "Description",
avatar_url: "",
is_spammer: false,
links: [""],
group_names: ["Customer"]
# Create a new contact
contact = client.create_contact!({
name: "Name",
description: "Description",
avatar_url: "",
is_spammer: false,
links: [""],
group_names: ["Customer"],
handles: [{
"handle": "@calculon",
"source": "twitter"
custom_fields: {
job_title: "Engineer"
# Delete a contact
# Get all conversations for a contact
# Optionally include a filter for conversation statuses
conversations = client.get_contact_conversations("ctc_55c8c149", { q: { statuses: ["assigned", "unassigned"] } })
# Add a handle to a contact
client.add_contact_handle!("ctc_55c8c149", { handle: "@calculon", source: "twitter" })
# Delete a handle from a contact
client.delete_contact_handle!("ctc_55c8c149", { handle: "@calculon", source: "twitter" })
# Force delete a handle from a contact, required if it is the last handle
client.delete_contact_handle!("ctc_55c8c149", { handle: "@calculon", source: "twitter", force: true })
# Get all notes for a contact
notes = client.get_contact_notes("ctc_55c8c149")
# Create a new note for a contact
note = client.add_contact_note!("ctc_55c8c149", {
author_id: "",
body: "Foobar"
# Get all conversations
conversations = client.conversations
# Get a specific conversation
converstation = client.get_conversation("cnv_55c8c149")
# Search conversations
conversations = client.search_conversations("is:assigned before:1649974320")
# Update a conversation
client.update_conversation!("cnv_55c8c149", {
assignee_id: "",
status: "archived",
inbox_id: "inb_55c8c149",
tags: ["time travel"]
# Get all inboxes a conversation is in
inboxes = client.get_conversation_inboxes("cnv_55c8c149")
# Get all teammates following a conversation
followers = client.get_conversation_followers("cnv_55c8c149")
# Get all events for a conversation
events = client.get_conversation_events("cnv_55c8c149")
# Get all messages for a conversation
messages = client.get_conversation_messages("cnv_55c8c149")
# Add conversation links (by link_id)
client.add_conversation_links!("cnv_55c8c149", {
link_ids: ["top_3ii5d", "top_3ih5t"]
# Add conversation links (by link) (it creates the link if doesn't exist)
client.add_conversation_links!("cnv_55c8c149", {
link_links: [""]
# Remove conversation links
client.remove_conversation_links!("cnv_55c8c149", {
link_ids: ["top_3ii5d", "top_3ih5t"]
# Add conversation followers
client.add_conversation_followers!("cnv_55c8c149", {
teammate_ids: ["tea_64ue9", "tea_638yp"]
# Remove conversation followers
client.remove_conversation_followers!("cnv_55c8c149", {
teammate_ids: ["tea_64ue9", "tea_638yp"]
# Get all events
events =
# Get a specific event
event = client.get_event("evt_55c8c149")
# Get all inboxes
inboxes = client.inboxes
# Get a specific inbox
inbox = client.get_inbox("inb_55c8c149")
# Create a new inbox
inbox = client.create_inbox!({ name: "Support", teammate_ids: [] })
# Get all channels for an inbox
channels = client.get_inbox_channels("inb_55c8c149")
# Get all conversations in an inbox
# Optionally include a filter for conversation statuses
conversations = client.get_inbox_conversations("inb_55c8c149", { q: { statuses: ["assigned", "unassigned"] } })
# Get all teammates that have access
teammates = client.get_inbox_teammates("inb_55c8c149")
# Get a specific message
message = client.get_message("msg_55c8c149")
# Get raw email source for a specific message
message_source = client.get_message_source("msg_55c8c149")
# Send a new message to a channel
conversation_reference = client.send_message("cha_55c8c149", {
author_id: "",
subject: "Good news everyone!",
body: "Why is Zoidberg the only one still alone?",
text: "Why is Zoidberg the only one still alone?",
options: {
tags: [],
archive: true
to: [
cc: [],
bcc: []
# Send a reply to a conversation
client.send_reply("cnv_55c8c149", {
author_id: "",
subject: "Good news everyone!",
body: "Why is Zoidberg the only one still alone?",
text: "Why is Zoidberg the only one still alone?",
options: {
tags: [],
archive: true
channel_id: "cha_55c8c149",
to: [],
cc: [],
bcc: []
# Receive a custom message on a channel
conversation_reference = client.receive_custom_message("cha_55c8c149", {
sender: {
name: "hermes",
handle: "hermes_123"
subject: "Question",
body: "Didn't we used to be a delivery company?",
metadata: {}
# Import a message into an inbox
conversation_reference = client.import_message("inb_55c8c149", {
sender: {
handle: ""
to: [],
cc: [],
bcc: [],
body: "",
body_format: "html",
external_id: "",
created_at: 1453770984.123,
tags: [],
metadata: {
is_inbound: true,
is_archived: true,
should_skip_rules: true
# Get all rules
rules = client.rules
# Get a specific rule
rule = client.get_rule("rul_55c8c149")
# Get all tags
tags = client.tags
# Get specific tag
tag = client.get_tag("tag_55c8c149")
# Create tag
tag = client.create_tag!({name: "New tag name"})
# Delete tag
tag = client.delete_tag!("tag_55c8c149")
# Get all conversation for a tag
# Optionally include a filter for conversation statuses
conversations = client.get_tag_conversations("tag_55c8c149", { q: { statuses: ["assigned", "unassigned"] } })
# Get all teams
teams = client.teams
# Get a specific team
team = client.get_team("tim_55c8c149")
# Get all teammates
teammates = client.teammates
# Get a teammate
teammate = client.get_teammate("")
# Update a teammate
client.update_teammate!("", {
username: "bender",
first_name: "Bender",
last_name: "Rodriguez",
is_admin: true,
is_available: false
# Get all conversations for a teammate
conversations = client.get_teammate_conversations("", { q: { statuses: ["assigned", "unassigned"] } })
# Get all inboxes for a teammate
inboxes = client.get_teammate_inboxes("")
Topics is deprecated, please use Links instead!
# Get all conversations for a topic
# Optionally include a filter for conversation statuses
conversations = client.get_topic_conversations("top_55c8c149", { q: { statuses: ["assigned", "unassigned"] } })
# Get all links
links = client.links
# Get a link
link = client.get_link("top_55c8c149")
# Create a new link
link = client.create_link!({
name: "Nice link",
external_url: ""
# Update a link
client.update_link!("top_55c8c149", { name: "Something new" })
# Get all conversations for a link
# Optionally include a filter for conversation statuses
conversations = client.get_link_conversations("top_55c8c149", { q: { statuses: ["assigned", "unassigned"] } })
### Exports
# Get all exports
exports = client.exports
# Get a teammate
export = client.get_export("exp_55c8c149")
# Create a new export
contact = client.create_export!({
inbox_id: "inb_55c8c149",
start: 1428889003,
end: 1428889008,
timezone: "America/New_York",
should_export_events: false
# Create a new export
contact = client.create_export_for_team!("tim_55c8c149", {
inbox_id: "inb_55c8c149",
start: 1428889003,
end: 1428889008,
timezone: "America/New_York",
should_export_events: false
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