Health-Care-Program Public
Health care program with pyqt5 library + sqlite3 database
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 11, 2024 -
Plastic-Surgery-Recognition Public
An application that diagnoses whether the nose is aesthetic in real time using tensorflow, keras and dlib.
Life expectancy dataset with linear regression and polynomial regression.
Signature-Recognition Public
Signature recognition using template matching and correlation
Predicting-Machine-Failure Public
Kaggle Competition | Predicting machine failure probabilities with XGBoost
Visualization of sorting algorithms with Tkinter
Discord-Level-Bot Public
A discord bot with level system it is tracking both voice and text channels
kNN-MNIST Public
Training the k-NN classifier using the training set and tune the hyperparameters to optimize its performance on the validation set.
language-model Public
Language model with tensorflow python
Siamese-Network Public
Siamese neural network using Keras, which compares the similarity of two images from MNIST dataset and trains the model using contrastive loss function.
Speech-Recognition Public
Identify speaker from given speech signal using MFCC features and Gaussian Mixture Models
Mathematical operations from string without using eval method.
Qogita-Product-Scraping Public
Scraping products from qogita.com with python selenium
Naive Bayes Algorithm From Scratch
Tweet-Scraping-With-Selenium Public
Tweet Scraping With Selenium
Turkish-Sentiment-Analysis Public
Turkish series tweets' sentiment analysis with Bert-base Turkish Sentiment Model
Reddit-Bot Public
A discord bot that can log threads and comments from a subreddit. Written with Nodejs
Data visualization of Azerbaijan's tourist count and gdp per capita data for years.
simple-cartoonize-image Public
Cartoonizing images with simple way.
Image-Recostruction-with-GA Public
Image Reconstruction with Genetic Algorithm
Chess-Piece-Classification Public
Chess Piece Image recognition with using CNN
Othello-Game Public
Othello Game (Also known as Reversi). It was created with the Minimax algorithm (Alpha-Beta pruning). Allows Human-AI, AI-AI, RandomPlayer-AI, RandomPlayer-Human interplay