Dependency updates
π New Features
feat: add toolbar for visualizations [Miu Razvan - a102b3b
π Internal changes
style: Automated code fix [eea-jenkins - 9d7c9ab
π οΈ Others
update tests [Miu Razvan - 4b0c47c
update unit tests [Miu Razvan - b836a6c
remove uneeded style [Miu Razvan - 0824018
moved toolbar in volto-embead [Miu Razvan - ff765d3
π Bug Fixes
fix: duplicate import [Claudia Ifrim - 1e79464
fix: sonarqube [Miu Razvan - b8b6e62
π οΈ Others
fix duplicated import [Claudia Ifrim - 53e5d62
add some testst [Miu Razvan - 9b79029
update [Miu Razvan - f79b4e2
π Bug Fixes
fix(item): styling difference so that column group or section group flex template match design [David Ichim - f57e074
change(message): Renamed Error to ErrorMessage to avoid special identifier Sonarqube warning [David Ichim - 09e49ac
change(header): dropdowns now auto open and close on focus and blur when using keyboard navigation [David Ichim - d558e9b
π οΈ Others
Release 1.21.0 [Alin Voinea - fe39edd
Modified test to reference ErrorMessage [David Ichim - 36fefd0
Lint fix [David Ichim - c1fc104
Test Header onBlur [David Ichim - 42f9c97
Add dropdown test case to Header component [David Ichim - 9ea3234
Remove unused import in Header.test.jsx [David Ichim - 082069e
Added some tests for TopDropdownMenu mobile and dropdown interaction [David Ichim - 9d24488
Lint fix [David Ichim - e29fd50
π Bug Fixes
fix: Regression on Button.Action component when used with RSS link [Alin Voinea - dd4548d
π New Features
feat(mega-menu): added ability to set a * option that would hold configuration for non specific layouts [David Ichim - 11b4b8c
change(header): ensure header items are without large gaps when menu goes over 2 lines [David Ichim - f6aba05
π οΈ Others
Bump package version [David Ichim - 4304cf6
Dependency updates
π Bug Fixes
fix: generic class name [kreafox - fba55d7
π Bug Fixes
fix(tabs): default view style due to missing class found on edit #75 from eea/develop [ichim-david - f620621
fix(tabs): added missing tabs-secondary-variant class to default tab view template [David Ichim - a122359
test: [JENKINS] Add cpu limit on cypress docker [valentinab25 - f9c872b
test: [JENKINS] set cpu limit on cypress [valentinab25 - bcdc347
test: [JENKINS] add shm-size to cypress docker [valentinab25 - cfb36e2
test: [JENKINS] improve cypress time [valentinab25 - 0df1585
test: [JENKINS] improve cypress time [valentinab25 - 6b9a750
Dependency updates
π οΈ Others
remove console.log [Miu Razvan - b7fb80a
Dependency updates
π Bug Fixes
fix(performance): use cloneDeepSchema for cloning the schema to avoid potential errors [David Ichim - 725ed0d
π₯ Breaking Change
breaking(columns): removed extra div that wrapped the column children [David Ichim - a9a4b00
π Bug Fixes
fix: Pass location to RenderBlocks [kreafox - 87ae0df
π οΈ Others
test: update cypress test [kreafox - f84a866
more tests [kreafox - 7f93774
test: fix bug reported by sonarqube, add more tests [kreafox - 3599b0f
test: add more tests [kreafox - 0c5fc63
test: update jest tests [kreafox - 88d9945
test: increase coverage [kreafox - 081a2d0
Prettier [kreafox - 0c5d2d1
test: mock useLocation [kreafox - 746887f
test: mock useLocation [kreafox - a360401
π New Features
feat(hero): add clear option for hero image position [David Ichim - 80c35eb
change(image): renamed title for bg to Image position [David Ichim - 81e1e63
π New Features
feat(simple-item): added option to show portal type #81 from eea/develop [ichim-david - c6e3d4c
feat: add option to show portal type on simple item listing [kreafox - 77cb40a
change(card): moved logic of rendering a tag to the block config [David Ichim - 63cbe39
π οΈ Others
test: update tests for simple item listing [kreafox - 7b87197
π Bug Fixes
fix: show instead of portal_type id, the portal_type Title - Refs #258166 [dobri1408 - 50f0cc7
fix(performance): use cloneDeepSchema for cloning the schema to avoid potential errors [David Ichim - 9630403
π οΈ Others
Release 6.2.0 [Alin Voinea - ada379f
π Bug Fixes
fix(performance): use cloneDeepSchema for cloning the schema to avoid potential errors [David Ichim - 8954fc0
π Bug Fixes
fix(menu): Update secondary pointing inverted active border color variable in menu [David Ichim - d8a7837
π New Features
feat: Add temporal coverage facet - refs 259276 [dobri1408 - 3a0180a
π Internal changes
style: Automated code fix [eea-jenkins - 725e408
π οΈ Others
fix jest test [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 807c95a
fix tests [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - c58ca9c
fix tests [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 667071c
improve css for temporal widget facet [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - c56f7ad
Release 5.2.0 [Alin Voinea - f02fbc0
Release 20.1.0 [Alin Voinea - eabf7e2
π New Features
feat: mobile toolbar [Miu Razvan - 0c8d2fa
feat: use toolbar [Miu Razvan - d1c76bb
feat: share option, design improvements [dana-cfc4 - 33a0d5e
π Bug Fixes
fix: same background colour for popups [dana-cfc4 - 61e465f
fix: volto version 16 [dana-cfc4 - abe9ac2
fix: display figure note [dana-cfc4 - 7f3d58f
π Internal changes
chore: husky, lint-staged use fixed versions [valentinab25 - 0ee38a7
chore:volto 16 in tests, update docs, fix stylelint overrides [valentinab25 - 8efeb44
chore: display legend for content type item, fix case when no note is set [dana-cfc4 - ae630a8
chore: display figureNote [dana-cfc4 - 19fa10c
chore: add toggle for more info -refs#257682 [dana-cfc4 - 65d6b7b
chore: add figure note and more info extra views, display legend for content type item -refs#257682 [dana-cfc4 - 720ab02
π οΈ Others
Refs #260203 : make background_image required [laszlocseh - baa5c4f
use toolbar from volto-embed [Miu Razvan - 29b73fb
π οΈ Others
update [Miu Razvan - 005b994
clean up [Miu Razvan - 4144747
clean up [Miu Razvan - 80c37f9
bump version + remove uneeded code [Miu Razvan - adb8733
update [Miu Razvan - 6723242
fix sonorqube [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 02b4406
fix prettier [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 78fc2ba
Fix Sonorqube [dobri1408 - e04011a
adapt embedeeamap to use serialized data [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 005965c
π οΈ Others
π New Features
feat: include data visualizations blocks - Refs #261264 [Miu Razvan - 5bfc1fb
π οΈ Others
Release 1.11.0 [Alin Voinea - 3249160
π Bug Fixes
fix(tabs): check if schema has properties, data and schemaExtender when trying to modify the tab schema [David Ichim - 93edc3f
fix(header): updated tests snapshot after latest changes [David Ichim - 3143810
fix(header): eu logo alt text and text top menu dropdowns are now read by screen readers [David Ichim - 6ed4642
change(tests): commented out rss test since title block config is missing [David Ichim - 85cc1e4
change(card): added aria-label for tag Search for content tagged with tag [David Ichim - c40eb1a
change(card): render listing card tags using our Tag component instead of label #256134 [David Ichim - 13994e8
change(header): add language top menu only if condition for multilingual or hasLanguageDropdown is set [David Ichim - 7649bd3
π οΈ Others
test: Temp bypass sonarqube coverage in order to release [Alin Voinea - f23b1e0
test: Add real image to cypress test [Alin Voinea - 4ff591a
test: Add cypress tests for Image block styling position and align [Alin Voinea - 7341ef7
Revert "change(tests): commented out rss test since title block config is missing" [Alin Voinea - fb61191
change(header): added commented option on how you could add a * option to affect any page that has no layout [David Ichim - 22f670f
π οΈ Others
Revert "test: Temp bypass sonarqube coverage in order to release" [Alin Voinea - 5c304d5
π New Features
feat: add toolbar + refactor [Miu Razvan - d439f87
π Internal changes
style: Automated code fix [eea-jenkins - c34d6f4
chore: husky, lint-staged use fixed versions [valentinab25 - 31169f7
π οΈ Others
update tests [Miu Razvan - c906b79
update tests [Miu Razvan - 11625b6
Release 7.0.0 [Alin Voinea - cbc5c79
add act in unit tests [Miu Razvan - ecf5b2f
update [Miu Razvan - 049cc14
update [Miu Razvan - 124acea
update unit tests [Miu Razvan - 52c3be5
π οΈ Others
add missing less variable [Miu Razvan - 47683a7
π οΈ Others
tests: add cypress tests [nileshgulia1 - e4b2803
fix error [Claudia Ifrim - 553f3af
bump version [Miu Razvan - 363694a
π Bug Fixes
fix: sonarqube [Miu Razvan - 712eb36
π οΈ Others
update [Miu Razvan - 8612b33
update [Miu Razvan - 7ee9b67
update [Miu Razvan - 926beb8
update [Miu Razvan - da351ae
use volto-datablocks@develop dependency [Miu Razvan - b379d84
π οΈ Others
π New Features
feat: use toolbar [Miu Razvan - 28a7b02
π οΈ Others
use toolbar from volto-embed [Miu Razvan - f442f5c
π New Features
feat: fix plotly [Miu Razvan - 31244f4
π Bug Fixes
fix: No newline at end of file [Alin Voinea - f33609e
π οΈ Others
π οΈ Others
π οΈ Others
tests: add missing imports [kreafox - 68289f0
tests: add missing imports [kreafox - fc5adc2
tests: update volto version in Jenkinsfile [kreafox - 3271a6c
tests: increase coverage [kreafox - ecb9262
Fix tableau height [kreafox - 6194c24
Show share & download button on widget view [kreafox - a66e253
use toolbar from volto-embed [Miu Razvan - 1a232a1
π New Features
feat: fix tableau not loading on hard reload [Miu Razvan - f37867f
π Bug Fixes
fix: disabled tableau url field [kreafox - 3bb8273
fix: set default height [kreafox - 586cbb3
π New Features
feat: add enlarge option for tableau [kreafox - 4af7c29
π οΈ Others
tests: add cypress for tableau [nileshgulia1 - 6eca683
tests: update unit tests [nileshgulia1 - 96cae09
comment test [Miu Razvan - a459525
π Bug Fixes
fix: unittests [Miu Razvan - ce983d2
π οΈ Others
update [Miu Razvan - a7a6f1f
bump version [Miu Razvan - 192c7ae
tests [Miu Razvan - 94aeb23
update [Miu Razvan - daaeeb5
update [Miu Razvan - 48e976f
update [Miu Razvan - fcc702a
update [Miu Razvan - ef9abd3
update snapshot [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - baaeccf
unify view and edit [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 1159da9
fix tests [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 33bff4b
test [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 48505ca
split the view and edit [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 7227bb1
update embed tableau so it can work with serialized data [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 59d958c
π οΈ Others
16.26.1 (2023-11-10)
Added shim to keep working with value instead of initialValue in upgraded Slate @davisagli #5291
Update internal Plone version to 6.0.8 @sneridagh #5384
16.27.0 (2023-11-27)
change(favicon): with transparent version instead of a white bg #257921 #132 from eea/change-favicon [ichim-david - 238e989
π Internal changes
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