Edwin is a TypeScript library that serves as the bridge between AI agents and DeFi protocols. It provides a unified, secure interface for AI agents to interact with various DeFi protocols while abstracting away the complexity of blockchain operations and protocol-specific implementations. This enables the creation of sophisticated DeFAI agents.
pnpm install edwin-sdk
- Lending/Borrowing operations
- Liquidity provision
- Cross-chain support
- Type-safe protocol interactions
- AI-friendly templates
// Import the required wallet and services
import { EdwinEVMWallet, AaveService } from 'edwin-sdk';
// Configure Edwin wallets and services
const wallet = new EdwinEVMWallet(evmPrivateKey as `0x${string}`);
const aave = new AaveService(wallet);
// Supply tokens to a lending protocol
const result = await aave.supply({
chain: 'base',
amount: 0.05,
asset: 'usdc',
For detailed documentation, visit docs.edwin.finance
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