Example of a C program that returns the shortest path between two cities.
- Open Linux terminal, navigate to the application folder and run ./Interrail <file1> <file2>
- <file1> Is the first file specified below. (You can use the worldcities.csv file, included here!)
- <file2> Is the second file specified below. (You can use the cidadesPT.txt file, included here!)
- You can create your own paths, for example, with the two files provided, you can edit cidadesPT.txt and create a simple route to test, with a short path.
- This program requires two files (.txt, .csv, ...)
- The first file must contain 11 columns, separated by comma (without spaces). Columns are: "city,city_ascii,lat,lng,country,iso2,iso3,admin_name,capital,population,id" and must provide information about the cities. (You can use the worldcities.csv file, included here!)
- The second file must provide the connections between cities, each city ID and the distance/cost. Must contain 5 columns, separated by comma (without spaces). "ID_origin,city_origin,ID_destination,city_destination,distance_km". (You can use the cidadesPT.txt file, included here!)
- Compile via Linux make command
- Use <make> to create the executable
- Use <make clean> to clean the objects folder
- 0.0.2
- Added makefile
- Create README.md
Eduardo Oliveira - eduardo.oliveira@ieee.org; Carlos Daniel - carlosdanielmiranda99@gmail.com;