This tool helps you auto-fill annonying timesheet in orangeHRM.
It supports searching project and activity by name.
Most importantly, it fills public holiday for you.
- node: "10.12.0"
- npm: "6.4.1"
- Create your local .env from .env.sample
- update port if you don't like the default 8282
- update the HRM_HOST to your company's orangehrm address
- Install node modules
- run
npm install
- Run the app
- run
npm run dev
- Go to browser: http://localhost:8282
This app is a wrapper of the postman collection of web requests. Here gives you the brief idea about the web requests defined in postman/AUF.postman_collection.json
You can import the json files in postman folder to the Postman App (e.g. Chrome Extension/ Program).
The flow of the requests should be:
- Login
- Validate Project
- Validate Activities
- HK Holiday
- Pre Fetch Timesheet
- Fetch Next Timesheet
- Update Timesheet
- Submit Timesheet
- Verify Timesheet
- Logout
This auto-fill tool is developed based on version