R package that implements the ETAS Hawkes process for modelling seismicity
Online documentation: https://edinburgh-seismicity-hub.github.io/ETAS.inlabru/
- Dr Francesco Serafini
- Dr Mark Naylor , School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh
- Prof Finn Lindgren , School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
- Dr Kirsty Bayliss , Global Earthquake Model (GEM)
- This study was funded by yhe Real-Time Earthquake Risk Reduction for a Resilient Europe RISE project , which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant Agreement 821115.
- Naylor was additionally funded by the NSFGEO-NERC grant NE/R000794/1.
- Bayliss was funded by an EPSRC Studentship.
For ETAS.inlabru to work, we need to install both R-INLA and inlabru:
For inlabru (see https://inlabru-org.github.io/inlabru/):
- CRAN release,
- or development version,
# install.packages("remotes")
For R-INLA (see https://www.r-inla.org/download-install):
repos = c(getOption("repos"), INLA="https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/testing"),
dep = TRUE
You can install the development version of ETAS.inlabru from GitHub with
# install.packages("remotes")
- ETAS.triggering.function.R : Contains the ETAS specific model functions
- HawkesProcess.R : Generic Hawkes code that is intended for integration back into inlabru
- generateSyntheticCatalogues.R : Contains the iterative Hawkes functions for generating triggered events but the actual triggering functions reside in the ETAS file above so we could introduce other models here
- temporalBinning.R : Code to generate time bins to make integration scheme efficient
- plottingFunctions.R : lets put all the standard plotting functions into here
- setupInlabruInputs.R : Put the functions for generating input.list in here
- Let’s be specific about when we are doing just temporal so we have clear function names for the spatial and spatial-temporal later on
- I changed the theta from
c(mu, K, ...)
to adf <- data.frame(mu=mu, K=K, alpha=alpha, c=c, p=p)
. This means we should refer to the values asdf$mu
which is unambiguous etc
- Generation of synthetic ETAS catalogues by
with a demonstration in the notebook
- Add inversion modelling based on original code
- Modify the implementation so that the generic Hawkes code can go into inlabru and the ETAS triggering function code stay in this package
- Integrate spatial modelling