- Player
Use left and right key to move the player left or right. - Bullet
Player can shoot bullets to blast the monster.
Pressing space key to shoot bullet. - Platform
- Hazard
- Props
- Player can jump automatically and can move across the boundary (10%)
player.cpp :: void Player::move()
- At least two kinds of platforms (10%)
platform.h :: class NormalPlatform, CrackedPlatform, HorizontalMovePlatform and OneOffPlatform
- At least two kinds of game props (10%)
props.h :: class Spring and PropellerHelmet
- Hazards
- Monster (5%)
hazard.h :: class Monster
- Player can shoot bullets to blast the monster (5%)
bullet.cpp :: void Bullet::move()
- If the monster is dead, remove it from the scene (5%)
bullet.h :: void move()
- At least one another hazard (5%)
hazard.h :: class Hole
- Eliminate/Avoid one hazard someway (5%)
hazard.cpp :: void Monster::collide()
When the player step jump on monster, it will be deleted.
- Monster (5%)
- Can play the game infinitely until the player died (10%)
- Can pause the game (5%)
doodlejump.cpp :: void DoodleJump::pause()
- Show the player’s score during the game (5%)
doodlejump.cpp :: void DoodleJump::setBackground()
- Show GAME OVER and final score when the player died (5%)
doodlejump.cpp :: void DoodleJump::end()
Class Platform is the base class of class NormalPlatform and CrackedPlatform. And class HorizontalMovePlatform inherited from class NormalPlatform.
In player.cpp file, void Player::move() function uses Platform pointer to call the virtual funtion collide().
- The application has its own icon.
- Old scores will be displayed on screen.
- Players are able to change their names.
- Can see the leaderboard.
- Sound effects.
- Enable to turn off the sound effect.
- Let the player move smoothly.
- When the player hit the monster, the stars will twinkle around player's head.
- When the player hit the Hole, the player while be sucked into the hole.