This roadmap describes all work done since the start of the project. The project development was started at 14/jan/2022.
- Add support for package source mapping
- Change namespaces to EDarruiz.OFX.SDK
- Change namespaces to EDarruiz.OFX.SDK.Tests
- Fix package license and description
- Add unit tests for OFX headers
- Add unit tests for OFX SGML parser
- Refactor OFX Header abstractions and primitives
- Add EDarruiz prefix to package names to be able to publish to NuGet
- Add support to .NET 9.0
- Removed old project structure (from 2022, .NET 5.0, .NET 6.0)
- Created Parser to read and convert SGML to XML
- Generate classes from OFX 2.3 XSD specification file (optimized for .NET)
- Refactored OFX Header abstractions and primitives
- Removed OFX prefix from all classes
- Repository created
- Development started
- Added initial contents do
- Added specification documentation on
folder - Added unit tests project
- Added structure interfaces to base structure composition
OFX specification, Version 1.0.2
- Added HEADERS structure
- Added SIGNON message set and message aggregates