1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL) & XIV AEET Meeting "Ecology: an integrative science in the Anthropocene"
4th - 7th February 2019, Barcelona, Spain
Please fill in all the fields requested and return to info@congresosociedadibericaecologia2019.net before June 4th, 2018 Workshop will be scheduled on Monday, 4th of February 2019. Time allocated to each workshop may vary between 1.5 and 4 hours.
• Title of the workshop*:
• Summary* (100-250 words): (Should make clear what knowledge, skills, tools, or insights, participants might expect to gain from the course, must be open to all meeting attendees)
• Organizers*: Add as many rows as needed Full name Affiliation e-mail
Full name Affiliation e-mail
##This workshop is organized by the ECOINFORMATICA working group.
• Minimum and maximum number of suitable participants*: • List of specific prerequisites for participation, (basic knowledge, previous experience, degree of specialisation or whatever requirement that you deem necessary...)
Considerations: If your workshop requires some additional equipment, besides a screen, projector and laptop (e.g. software, machine tools, etc), you will be in charge of providing all this equipement.
*mandatory fields