- [enhancement] Manage step return values #29
- [bug] Bump to version of k3 including StepCommand return null fix #30
- [refactoring] Split commons eclipse pde to remove UI dependency #28
- [bump] Bump to Eclipse 2022-06 #27
- [enhancement] Initial version of a Webprotocol based EngineAddon server #26
- [releng] Use tpd for defining target platform #24
- [enhancement] Event management integration #21
- [releng][bump] Bump Studio to 3.4.0 #20
- [enhancement] Add Sirius ELK support #15
- [enhancement] [Event Manager PR#3] Metalanguage rule executor for java execution engine #17
- [bump] Bump to Eclipse 2021-06 #19
- [bump] Bump eclipse 2020-12 #14
- [bump] Bump to Eclipse 2020-03 #13
- [releng] Consolidation and automatic bump of K3 versions #16
- [releng] Explicit repository features #18
- [enhancement] ValidationRule added to languageComponent in plugin #10
- [enhancement] Metaprogramming approach name changed to FullyQualifiedName #8
- [enhancement] Metaprog plugin modified to fit new extension point description + added LanguageComponent #9
- [enhancement] Validator removed from plugin.xml #12
- [enhancement] Validation plug-in for the Kermeta3 meta-programming approach in GEMOC Studio #5
- [bug] Fix windows specific issue on the K3 project creation wizard #3
- [refactoring] Kermeta3Rule moved to the gemoc-modeldebugging #6
- [releng] Deploy GEMOC artefacts to maven repository (repo.eclipse.org) #4