Releases: ec-jrc/lisflood-code
Faster I/O
NetCDF reader for forcings (or any other temporal data) now based on Xarray, allowing more flexibility and efficiency (dramatic improvement in calibration mode, i.e. without NetCDF outputs).
Two new options in the xml settings file:
NetCDFTimeChunks: chunking size in the time dimension. Recommended value is “auto" but chunking size can be specified manually or set to “-1" to load the whole time series into memory (very fast but expensive in terms of memory).
MapsCaching (True or False): option designed for the lisflood calibration. If set to True, all the static maps and forcings will be stored in a cache so that they don't have to be loaded by each lisflood instance. This option sets the value of NetCDFTimeChunks to "-1", meaning that the whole time series in the NetCDF inputs is loaded into memory.
Several tests have been added: lat/lon domains, inflows, new reader, etc. This version also makes it easier to use lisflood as a library and to run multiple instances of lisflood in a thread-safe environment. This can be done by doing the following:
import lisf1
lisf1.main(settings_file, flags)
minor bugfix in loadmap
v2.11.3.1 fix the way loadmap reads variable name from netcdf #56
- Fix import order in unit tests to avoid name clash: for a new installation, installing an old verison of lisflood-utilities package and its dependencies (GDAL, netCDF) was making PCRaster libs to segfault during tests.
- Update tox and pytest configurations, add custom tox ini file to gitignore.
- Improve setup script to install correct GDAL python package
- Updated Docker image:
This release includes:
- fix for High Resolution grids (thanks @agahirpa)
- requirements files with fixed versions to enforce reproducible dev environments
- longer simulation tests (from 1month to 6 months)
- checking TSS output as well
All unit tests passed (py27, py36, py37)
All black box tests passed (see for more info)
Increased unit tests coverage
This is a minor release with enriched unit tests suite.
Verified and Tested Python version (no warmstart fixes)
This release is verified and tested with test suite.
Test suite:
EFAS daily 2,5 years
EFAS 6hourly 1,5 years
GLOFAS daily 1,5 years
Reference version as agreed:
Reference data were executed with Python2.
NOTE: When executing tests with latest versions, we had to re-introduce - in the version under test - a bug that was present in reference version (ie a division that was casted to integer in Python2).
This was necessary to be sure that python3 changes and mass refactoring didn't touch the mathematical model.
Of course, we removed the bug.
copernicus release 2.9.6
v2.9.6 bummp version 2.9.6
Python2/Python3 with Docker python 3
v2.9.3 minor edits
Python2/Python3 compatible version
v2.9.1 fix setup script
Python2/Python3 compatible version
28 port python3 good (#29) * fixed all print statements; some absolute imports and xrange #28 * removing xml default options file while removing globals #20 #28 * added LisSettings class #20 #28 * removed globals for dinging, options and reported maps and ts #20 #28 * removed dead code #20 * removed global cdfflags #20 #28 * removed maskinfo and globals.inZero #20 #28 * removed maskmapAttrs and MMaskMap from globals #20 #28 * removed maskmapAttrs and MMaskMap from globals #20 #28 * remove netcdf metadata dict from globals #20 #28 * removed some star imports #20 #28 * make it runnable for py3 #28 * some code cleaning #20 #28 * removed globals file #20 * removed globals file #20 * isolated py2/py3 div behavior in #28 * check division for all hydro modules #28 * py37 test