This respository ("WorkDay-Scheduler-Challenge") was the challenge set as part of the Frontend Development Bootcamp, with the aims ot further strengthening my understanding of Javascript fundamentals, incortporating the use of Day.js as well as using more JQuery to create a fully functional Work Day Schedule Assistant application that meets the brief and assessment criteria we were given. It uses Day.js specifically to automatically change the date at the top of the page as well as the current time to further update and colour-code the page to the benefit of the user.
This repository should demonstrate the use of a workday schedule assistant, utilising Javascript's ability with the current date/time and utilising this to further the accessibility of this application. Once opening the page, the user will be presented with the timeslots, colour-coded to reflect whether they are in the past, within the current time frame, or in the future. The user is able to input any text into the empty container and click the save button, and any of the input is saved then to, so that when the user refreshes the page, the information is kept until the on their computer is wiped clean.
Lauren Eaton
Licensed under MIT.
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