This repository ("Javascript-EuroVision-Quiz") is the sixth challenge in the Frontend Development Bootcamp, with the aims of developing Javascript fundamentals and incrporating them in the use of creating a fully working and functional quiz that satisfies all the acceptance criteria. This challenge implements the use of timers, JSON, localStorage etc to deepen my knowledge of how to utilise what I have learned within the bootcamp to create something that functions exactly the way it is needed.
As a bit of fun, I have rejigged the quiz to be EuroVision themed, as well as incorporating the theme tune to really get the quizzer into it! Happy quizzing!
🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇮🇹 🇪🇸
This repository should demonstrate the use of an online quiz, with a 60 second timer. Upon starting the quiz, the user will be taken through eight questions with four multiple choice answers. An incorrect answer will prompt 10 seconds to be taken away from the timer, and when time is eventually up, the user should be directed to a high score page, where they are able to input and submit their name. Highscores are able to be viewed both from this page and the main page, as well as being able to be cleared from localStorage to start again.
Lauren Eaton
Licensed under MIT.
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