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Releases: eastgenomics/eggd_athena
Releases · eastgenomics/eggd_athena
- Adds Athena v1.4.1
- ability to handle multiple transcripts, intronic regions and copy buttons to tables
- Bump app top Ubuntu 20, removes requirement for bundled miniconda3.8
- Switch packages for pybedtools, pandasql and retrying from source tars to pre-built wheels
- reduces run time by ~1 minute
- Compress annotated bed file for output to reduce size by ~90%
- Change exons_nirvana input name to exons_file
- Includes Athena v1.3.0
- Adds optional chromosomal level coverage plots
- Refactored code into multiple new functions and classes for better structure
- Improved speed of generating coverage stats and plots through using multiprocessing library to utilise multicore processors
- Improved styling of summary plot for low numbers of genes
- Added number genes <90% coverage at threshold value to summary text
Adds new Athena v1.0.5 release, includes following:
- Improve colouring of threshold column in sub-optimal exons table
- Added source of VCF to variant tables - this is derived from the input VCF file name, split on the first "_"
- Added fixed uuids for tables where pd.Styler used, this aids in testing as it stops random unique ids being generated for each report
- Added check for multiple regions for one exon from input bed file in - catches errors if exon split into more than one region and => would result in wrongly calculating coverage
- Fixes bug where coverage bin values at the threshold weren't included in the threshold calculations resulting in under calculating coverage