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Migration Guide from Fast DDS v2 to Fast DDS v3

This document aims to help during the migration process from eProsima Fast DDS version 2 to Fast DDS version 3. For more information about all the updates, please refer to the release notes.


Fast DDS v3 introduces a new feature XTypes that allows to discover remote types. In consequence, discovery traffic can be increased during start up. If you are experiencing high load during discovery, try disabling the new feature. Please refer to disable type propagation to learn how to do it.

Migration Steps

The following steps describe the possible changes that your project may require to migrate to Fast DDS v3.0.0:

Step 1: Update the Package Name and CMake Configuration

  1. CMake Project Name: Rename the CMake project from fastrtps to fastdds.

  2. Environment Variables:

    • The configuration file for loading profiles is now DEFAULT_FASTDDS_PROFILES.xml.
  3. Update CMake File Names on Windows:

    • Rename to
    • Rename fastrtps-config.cmake to fastdds-config.cmake
    • Rename fastrtps.rc to fastdds.rc

Step 2: Update Dependencies

Fast DDS v3 is only compatible with Fast CDR v2. If you are not using Fast CDR as third-party, please ensure that your local dependencies are up-to-date. Refer to the library deprendencies table to verify version compatibility for all Fast DDS library dependencies.

Step 3: Ensure Compability with Related Products

Fast DDS v3 requires Fast DDS Gen v4 for code generation. Make sure to regenerate types using this compatible version.

For other compatibility requirements with related products (e.g., Shapes Demo, Discovery Server), refer to the table of products compatibility, which outlines version compatibility across the Fast DDS ecosystem. Verify these versions and update accordingly to avoid any integration issues.

Step 4: Apply Namespace Changes

  1. Namespace Migration:

    • Update all eprosima::fastrtps:: namespace references to eprosima::fastdds::.
    • Move built-in topics SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData, PublicationBuiltinTopicData and ParticipantBuiltinTopicData from fastdds::dds::builtin:: to fastdds::dds::.
    • Move Duration_t and c_TimeInfinite references to dds::.
    • Move Time_t.hpp references from eprosima::fastdds:: to eprosima::fastdds::dds.

Ensure you update these namespace references across your code to avoid compilation errors.

  1. Renamed Types:

    • Change EventKindBits:: references toEventKind::.
    • Change EventKindEntityId:: references toEntityId::.
    • Change StatisticsEventKind:: references to statistics::EventKind::.

Refactor the type references as outlined above to maintain compatibility with the new version.

Step 5: Migrate Public Headers

  1. File Location headers:

    All the headers in include/fastrtps were migrated to include/fastdds. In particular, the following list includes headers that have been relocated to different paths or whose implementations have been incorporated into other headers:

    Fast DDS 2.x file include path Fast DDS v3.0.0 file include path
    fastdds/rtps/resources/ResourceManagement.hpp fastdds/rtps/attributes/ResourceManagement.hpp
    fastrtps/eProsima_auto_link.h fastdds/fastdds_auto_link.hpp
    fastrtps/attributes/ParticipantAttributes.h fastdds/rtps/DomainParticipantQos.hpp
    fastrtps/Domain.h fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipantFactory.hpp
    fastrtps/log/Log.h fastdds/dds/log/Log.hpp
    fastrtps/qos/DeadlineMissedStatus.h fastdds/dds/core/status/DeadlineMissedStatus.hpp
    fastrtps/qos/IncompatibleQosStatus.hpp fastdds/dds/core/status/IncompatibleQosStatus.hpp
    fastrtps/qos/LivelinessChangedStatus.h fastdds/dds/core/status/LivelinessChangedStatus.hpp
    fastrtps/qos/QosPolicies.h fastdds/dds/core/policy/QosPolicies.hpp
    fastrtps/qos/ReaderQos.h fastdds/dds/subscriber/qos/ReaderQos.hpp
    fastrtps/qos/WriterQos.h fastdds/dds/publisher/qos/WriterQos.hpp
    fastrtps/qos/SampleRejectedStatus.hpp fastdds/dds/core/status/SampleRejectedStatus.hpp
    fastrtps/participant/Participant.h fastdds/rtps/participant/RTPSParticipant.hpp
    fastrtps/transport/TCPv4TransportDescriptor.h fastdds/rtps/transport/TCPv4TransportDescriptor.hpp
    fastrtps/transport/TCPv6TransportDescriptor.h fastdds/rtps/transport/ TCPv6TransportDescriptor.hpp
    fastrtps/transport/UDPv4TransportDescriptor.h fastdds/rtps/transport/ UDPv4TransportDescriptor.hpp
    fastrtps/transport/UDPv6TransportDescriptor.h fastdds/rtps/transport/ UDPv6TransportDescriptor.hpp
    fastrtps/transport/UDPTransportDescritpor.h fastdds/rtps/transport/UDPTransportDescritpor.hpp
    fastrtps/transport/TCPTransportDescritpor.h fastdds/rtps/transport/TCPTransportDescritpor.hpp
    fastdds/rtps/common/Time_t.hpp in namespace{fastdds} fastdds/dds/core/Time_t.hpp in namespace{fastdds::dds}

    Also, the fixed_size_string.hpp implementation has been migrated from Fast DDS package to Fast CDR.

  2. File Extentions:

    Rename file extensions from .h to .hpp.

Step 6: Handle Removed or Private Headers

The following list contains headers that were previously in the include folder and have been relocated to the src/cpp folder. Since they are no longer public, it is not possible to include them in external projects:

  • ParticipantAttributes.hpp
  • ReplierAttributes.hpp
  • RequesterAttributes.hpp
  • PublisherAttributes.hpp
  • SubscriberAttributes.hpp
  • ProxyPool.hpp
  • Semaphore.hpp
  • MessageReceiver.hpp
  • BuiltinProtocols.hpp
  • shared_mutex.hpp
  • StringMatching.hpp
  • TimeConversion.hpp
  • DBQueue.hpp
  • ResourceEvent.hpp
  • TimedEvent.hpp
  • WriterProxyData.hpp
  • ReaderProxyData.hpp
  • ParticipantProxyData.hpp
  • XML Parser API
  • UnitsParser.hpp
  • RTPSMessageGroup.hpp
  • RTPSMessageCreator.hpp
  • CDRMessage.hpp
  • StatefulPersistentReader.hpp
  • StatefulReader.hpp
  • StatelessPersistentReader.hpp
  • StatelessReader.hpp
  • PersistentWriter.hpp
  • StatefulPersistentWriter.hpp
  • StatefulWriter.hpp
  • StatelessPersistentWriter.hpp
  • StatelessWriter.hpp
  • logging.h
  • Exception.h
  • Cryptography.h
  • Authentication.h
  • AccessControl.h
  • SecurityException.h
  • ChangeForReader.hpp
  • ReaderLocator.hpp
  • ReaderProxy.hpp
  • ServerAttributes.hpp
  • TopicAttributes.hpp
  • TypeLookupService.hpp

If your project previously included any of these headers, you will need to modify your implementation. Since these headers are now private, you should replace their usage with public alternatives or refactor the related code to ensure it does not depend on private headers.

Step 7: Update API Methods

The table below contains the list of API changes, showing the previous methods and the corresponding new ones introduced in Fast DDS v3. The new API methods achieve the same functionality, even though the signature of the method is different from the deprecated one.

Deprecated methods New methods
xmlparser::XMLProfileManager::library_settings(LibrarySettingsAttributes&) DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->set_library_settings(const LibrarySettings&)
fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(ReaderProxyData&, MonitorServiceStatusData&) fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData&, MonitorServiceStatusData&)
fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(WriterProxyData&, MonitorServiceStatusData&) fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(PublicationBuiltinTopicData&,MonitorServiceStatusData&)
fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(ParticipantProxyData&, MonitorServiceStatusData&) fill_discovery_data_from_cdr_message(ParticipantBuiltinTopicData&,MonitorServiceStatusData&)
on_participant_discovery(DomainParticipant*, ParticipantDiscoveryInfo&&, bool) on_participant_discovery(DomainParticipant*, ParticipantDiscoveryStatus, ParticipantBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)
on_subscriber_discovery(DomainParticipant*, ReaderDiscoveryInfo&&, bool) on_data_reader_discovery(DomainParticipant*, ReaderDiscoveryStatus, SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)
on_publisher_discovery(DomainParticipant*, WriterDiscoveryInfo&&, bool) on_data_writer_discovery(DomainParticipant*, WriterDiscoveryStatus, PublicationBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)
onReaderDiscovery(RTPSParticipant*, ReaderDiscoveryInfo&&, bool) on_reader_discovery(RTPSParticipant*, ReaderDiscoveryStatus, SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)
onWriterDiscovery(RTPSParticipant*, WriterDiscoveryInfo&&, bool) on_writer_discovery(RTPSParticipant*, WriterDiscoveryStatus, PublicationBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)
onParticipantDiscovery(RTPSParticipant*, ParticipantDiscoveryInfo&&, bool) on_participant_discovery(RTPSParticipant*, ParticipantDiscoveryStatus, ParticipantBuiltinTopicData&, bool&)
XMLProfileManager::loadXMLFile(string&) DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->load_XML_profiles_file(string)
XMLProfileManager::loadDefaultXMLFile() load_profiles()
XMLProfileManager::loadXMLFile(string) load_XML_profiles_file(string&)
XMLProfileManager::loadXMLString(const char*, size_t) load_XML_profiles_string(const char*, size_t)
XMLProfileManager::fillParticipantAttributes(const string&, ParticipantAttributes&, bool) get_participant_qos_from_profile(string&, DomainParticipantQos&)
DynamicTypeBuilder XMLProfileManager::getDynamicTypeByName(string&) get_dynamic_type_builder_from_xml_by_name(string&, DynamicTypeBuilder::_ref_type&)
XMLProfileManager::fillRequesterAttributes(string&, RequesterAttributes&) get_requester_qos_from_profile(string&, RequesterQos&)
XMLParser::getXMLThroughputController(tinyxml2::XMLElement*, ThroughputControllerDescriptor&, uint8_t) XMLParser::getXMLFlowControllerDescriptorList(tinyxml2::XMLElement*, FlowControllerDescriptorList&, uint8_t)
add_throughput_controller_descriptor_to_pparams(FlowControllerSchedulerPolicy, uint32_t, uint32_t) add_flow_controller_descriptor_to_pparams(FlowControllerSchedulerPolicy, uint32_t, uint32_t)
get_payload(uint32_t, CacheChange_t&) get_payload(uint32_t, SerializedPayload_t&)
release_payload(CacheChange_t&) release_payload(SerializedPayload_t&)
registerWriter(RTPSWriter*, const TopicAttributes&, const WriterQos&) register_writer(RTPSWriter*, cosnt PublicationBuiltinTopicData&)
registerReader(RTPSReader*, TopicAttributes&, ReaderQos&) register_reader(RTPSReader, const SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData&, const ContentFilterProperty)
updateWriter(RTPSWriter*, const TopicAttributes&, const WriterQos&) update_writer(RTPSWriter*, const WriterQos&)
updateReader(RTPSReader, const TopicAttributes&, const ReaderQos&, const ContentFilterProperty) update_reader(RTPSReader, const ReaderQos, const ContentFilterProperty)
getRTPSParticipantAttributes() get_attributes()
bool write(void*) ReturnCode_t write(void*)
bool write(void*, WriteParams&) ReturnCode_t write(void*, WriteParams&)
SenderResource::send(const octet*, uint32_t, LocatorsIterator, LocatorsIterator, const chrono::steady_clock::time_point&) SenderResource::send(vector<NetworkBuffer>, uint32_t, LocatorsIterator, LocatorsIterator, const chrono::steady_clock::time_point&)
RTPSMessageSenderInterface::send(CDRMessage_t*, chrono::steady_clock::time_point) RTPSMessageSenderInterface::send(vector<NetworkBuffer>&, uint32_t&, chrono::steady_clock::time_point)
createRTPSWriter(RTPSParticipant, EntityId_t&, WriterAttributes&, shared_ptr<IPayloadPool>&, shared_ptr<IChangePool>&, WriterHistory, WriterListener*) createRTPSWriter(RTPSParticipant, WriterAttributes&, WriterHistory, WriterListener*)
RTPSWriter::new_change(const function<uint32_t()>& dataCdrSerializedSize, ChangeKind_t, InstanceHandle_t) WriterHistory::create_change(uint32_t, ChangeKind_t, InstanceHandle_t)
RTPSWriter::new_change(ChangeKind_t, InstanceHandle_t) WriterHistory::create_change(ChangeKind_t, InstanceHandle_t)
RTPSWriter::release_change(CacheChange_t*) WriterHistory::release_change(CacheChange_t*)
RTPSWriter::remove_older_changes(unsigned int) WriterHistory::remove_min_change()
RTPSWriter::is_acked_by_all(const CacheChange_t*) RTPSWriter::is_acked_by_all(const SequenceNumber_t&)
RTPSWriter::updateAttributes(const WriterAttributes&) RTPSWriter::update_attributes(const WriterAttributes&)
RTPSWriter::getListener() RTPSWriter::get_listener()
RTPSWriter::isAsync() RTPSWriter::is_async()
WriterListener::onWriterMatched(RTPSWriter*, MatchingInfo&) WriterListener::on_writer_matched(RTPSWriter*, const MatchingInfo&)
WriterListener::onWriterChangeReceivedByAll(RTPSWriter, CacheChange_t) WriterListener::on_writer_change_received_by_all(RTPSWriter,CacheChange_t)
TypeLookupReplyListener::onWriterChangeReceivedByAll(RTPSWriter, CacheChange_t) TypeLookupReplyListener::on_writer_change_received_by_all(RTPSWriter, CacheChange_t)
RTPSReader::getListener() RTPSReader::get_listener()
RTPSReader::setListener() RTPSReader::set_listener()
RTPSReader::expectsInlineQos() RTPSReader::expects_inline_qos()
RTPSReader::isInCleanState() RTPSReader::is_in_clean_state()
RTPSReader::getHistory() RTPSReader::get_history()
RTPSReader::nextUnreadCache(CacheChange_t**, WriterProxy **) RTPSReader::next_unread_cache()
RTPSReader::nextUntakenCache(CacheChange_t**, WriterProxy **) RTPSReader::next_untaken_cache()
ReaderListener::onReaderMatched(RTPSReader*, MatchingInfo&) ReaderListener::on_reader_matched(RTPSReader*, MatchingInfo&)
ReaderListener::onNewCacheChangeAdded(RTPSReader, const CacheChange_t const) ReaderListener::on_new_cache_change_added(RTPSReader, cont CacheChange_t const)
TopicDataType::getSerializedSizeProvider(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t) TopicDataType::calculate_serialized_size(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t)
TopicDataType::createData() TopicDataType::create_data()
TopicDataType::deleteData(void*) TopicDataType::delete_data(void*)
TopicDataType::getKey(const void* const, InstanceHand*, bool) TopicDataType::compute_key(const void* const, InstanceHand&, bool)
TopicDataType::setName(const char*) TopicDataType::set_name(const string&)
char* TopicDataType::getName() string& TopicDataType::get_name()
TypeSupport::calculate_serialized_size_provider(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t) TypeSupport::calculate_serialized_size(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t)
get_key(void, InstanceHandle_t*, bool) compute_key(SerializedPayload_t&, InstanceHandle_t&, bool)
DynamicPubSubType::createData() DynamicPubSubType::create_data()
DynamicPubSubType::deleteData(void*) DynamicPubSubType::delete_data(void*)
DynamicPubSubType::getKey(const void* const, InstanceHand*, bool) DynamicPubSubType::compute_key(const void* const, InstanceHand&, bool)
DynamicPubSubType::getSerializedSizeProvider(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t) DynamicPubSubType::calculate_serialized_size(const void* const, DataRepresentationId_t)

Review your code for any APIs marked with the FASTDDS_DEPRECATED and FASTDDS_TODO_BEFORE macros. Note that these deprecated APIs have been removed in Fast DDS v3. Make the necessary updates to your implementation to ensure compatibility with the new version.

Step 8: Update Structs, Enums, and Variables

As part of the Fast DDS migration, several structs, enums, and variables have been updated. You will need to modify your code to reflect these changes:

  1. Enum and Variable Changes:

    • DiscoveryProtocol_t is now DiscoveryProtocol.
    • Rename initialHeartbeatDelay to initial_heartbeat_delay.
    • Rename heartbeatPeriod to heartbeat_period.
    • Rename nackResponseDelay to nack_response_delay.
    • Rename nackSupressionDuration to nack_supression_duration.
    • Rename heartbeatResponseDelay to heartbeat_response_delay.
    • Rename initialAcknackDelay to initial_acknack_delay.
    • Rename expectsInlineQos to expects_inline_qos.
    • Rename m_typeSize to max_serialized_type_size.
    • Rename m_isGetKeyDefined to is_compute_key_provided.
    • Rename m_topicDataTypeName to topic_data_typename.
  2. Extend Built-in Topics:

    • SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData has been extended with additional fields to mimic those of ReaderProxyData.
    • PublicationBuiltinTopicData has been extended with additional fields to mimic those of WriterProxyData.
    • ParticipantBuiltinTopicData has been extended to include the product version and fields from ParticipantProxyData.
  3. Other Struct Changes:

    • SendBuffersAllocationAttributes has a new attribute to define the allocation configuration of the NetworkBuffers.
    • TypeConsistencyQos has been removed from DataReader, and the TypeConsistencyEnforcementQosPolicy and DataRepresentationQosPolicy have been added.

Step 9: Refactor Examples

All examples have been refactored to follow a consistent structure across the Fast DDS project. This includes renaming files, restructuring classes, and updating the overall format. Additionally, it is important to note that some examples have been removed, renamed, or had significant changes to their options and configurations. If you have integrated any of these examples into your own implementation, carefully review the updated examples to ensure compatibility with your project.

All the examples have been refactored to follow the same structure:

  • File names, guards, and classes follow new format.
  • Detailed and well-formed with example explanation.
  • Example structured in applications, stopped by SIGTERM signal.

Hello World

Refactor the HelloWorld example with the current new example format. In this hello world example, the key changes are:

  • The XML profile is loaded from the environment (if defined), and the --env CLI option has been removed.
  • Add a subscriber implementing the waitsets mechanism.
  • Provide XML profiles examples targeting several scenarios (e.g., SampleConfig_Controller, Events, Multimedia).

X-Types Examples

In this X-Types example, a type is defined at runtime on the publisher side using the Dynamic Types API. The subscriber discovers the type, creates a reader for it, and prints the received data. This example is type compatible with the Hello World example.


In the configuration example, the key changes are:

  • Included LargeData as an option (builtin transport argument).
  • Included all previous QoS examples:
    • Deadline
    • Disable positive ACKs
    • Lifespan
    • Liveliness
    • Ownership (strength)
    • Partitions

Content Filter

Refactor the ContentFilteresTopicExample example with the current new example format. In this content filter example, the main changes are:

  • Added option to select filter type: Default, Custom, or None.
  • Customizable lower-bound and upper-bound options of the filter as arguments.
    • For the Custom filter, they represent the maximum and minimum values of the message indexes that are filtered out through the filter.
    • For the Default filter, they represent the maximum and minimum value message indexes that are read.

Custom Payload Pool

Refactor the CustomPayloadPoolExample example with the current new example format.

Delivery Mechanisms

In this delivery mechanisms example, the key changes are:

  • Loans and data-sharing compatible: bounded types, final extensibility.
  • Loans mechanism for data management.
  • Option to select all delivery mechanisms.

Discovery Server

Refactor the DiscoveryServerExample example with the current new example format.

Flow Controller

Refactor the FlowControlExample example with the current new example format. In this Flow Controller example, the key changes are:

  • Publishers continuously send samples. The user can set the number of samples to send.
  • User can set the following QoS and properties for the Flow Controller:
    • Scheduler policy used by the flow controller.
    • Maximum number of bytes to be sent to the network per period.
    • Period of time in milliseconds during which the flow controller is allowed to send the maximum number of bytes per period.
    • Property fastdds.sfc.priority.
    • Property fastdds.sfc.bandwidth_reservation.


Refactor the Request-Reply example with the current new example format.

Static EDP Discovery

Refactor the Static EDP Discovery example with the new example format.


Refactor the SecureHelloWorld example with the current new example format.

RTPS Entities

Refactor the rtps/Registered example with the current new example format. This RTPS example demonstrates a basic RTPS deployment. The main change is that serialization and deserialization are done with overload methods from fastcdr.