This is an Ethereum blockchain simulator. The simulator offers various attack simulations too and can be easily extended. Additionally, there are multiple scripts available in the scripts directory:
- analyze: analyzing of the output of simulator runs
- blockData: a script to retrieve Ethereum blockchain data
- fitDistribution: a script to fit output data to the best-suiting distribution
- summarize: to summarize data created by the analyze script
from root directory
The binaries for the go scripts are created by the
scripts in the respective script directories
go run *.go
from ethattacksim/main
directory or from the respective script directories
./ethattacksim[.exe] [RUNS]
... integer that indicates the number of runs the simulator should execute
... integer that indicates the number of runs the simulator should execute
./analyze[.exe] [NO_EIP1559 | EIP1559] [IN_DIR] [OUT_DIR]
NO_EIP1559 | EIP1559
... indicates if transaction fees should be calculated according to EIP1559 or not, default is pre-EIP1559IN_DIR
... the input directory that simulator output is taken from, defaults to../../out
.. the output directory, defaults to./out
... the input path to the .txt file that should be fitOUT_DIR
... the output directorySAMPLES_COUNT
... integer indicating the amount of samples drawn from each distribution to checkSEED
... an integer seed for randomization of distribution checks
./summarize[.exe] [IN_DIR] [OUT_DIR]
... the input directory that analyze script output is taken from, defaults to../analyze/out
.. the output directory, defaults to./out
- start
go tool pprof [PPROF_FILE_PATH]
to show top consumerspng
to save a visualization
execute summarize script for all folders in current directory
find ~+ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \( ! -name summary \) -exec bash -c "/path/to/summarize/bin/summarize-darwin-arm64 {} {}/summary" \;
- indeterminism with same seed can happen occasionally, if TXs are propagated through the network (i.e. when TX creation is active), because ordering is not deterministic if i.e. same gasPrice is used
- indeterminism can also happen because per definition if the max blocks/tx monitored (if peers have seen it) limit is reached, an arbitrary entry gets deleted
Data used to fit distributions and retrieve certain important parameters for simulation is contained in /data
directory, together with the results of distribution fitting.
Data contained in /data/blocksim_faria
that was used to create ping and throughput distributions was taken from the paper of Carlos Faria and Miguel Correia and the respective thesis of Carlos Faria:
BlockSim: Blockchain Simulator. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain)