released this
07 Sep 04:23
Version 1.2.0
EMail class improvements
Added app.utils app wide JavaScript tools
Every AbstractDbCollection is now directly iterable using foreach()
Database fields can now be directly read and written via $row->fieldname
HTML escaped representations of database fields can be read using $row->fieldname_html
App wide app.changed() function
A website overlay can be raised using app.overlay()
Added JavaScript translation access via app.lang.translate() using a callback function
Added 'webcron' hook for executing tasks without OS cron
MysqlDb improvements like multiQuery() and callProcedure()
Made open source (MIT License)
Changed +403.php search to pages directory
Improved translation in Language::currency()
Several bug fixes and other improvements
Version 1.1.0
is deprecated
Introducing App::getUrlPart()
as getPage() replacement
All system classes are now based on ISystem
or NISystem
System classes now support injectMethod()
and/or injectStaticMethod()
Debug info box UI enhancements
Bug fixes
Version 1.0.0
You can’t perform that action at this time.