Javascript string extender class, for password salting, hashing. This is a self-salting solution, where the original text (or password) determine the salt-algorithm. So, this self-salting technique provides complete protection against dictionary or brute-force attacks.
- Base64 encoding the original text
- First step is the conversion the characters of resulted text to ascii numbers ('A' is 65).
- Then removing all digits in these numbers except the last digit. The numbers (0-9) define an algorithm (ex.: the 0. is the reverse string algorithm)
- Execute the algorithms on original text (Base64 encoded in step 0.) in order.
original text is: "foo"
step 0: Base64 encoding "foo" -> "Zm9v"
step 1: (string) "Zm9v" -> (ascii integers) 90, 109, 57, 118
step 2: 90, 109, 57, 118 -> 0, 9, 7, 8
step 3: (algorithm 0) String reverse on original text: "Zm9v" -> "v9mZ"
no other substep because missing the 9., 7., 8., algorithms yet.
the self-salted text is "v9mZ"
"foo" -> "v9mZ" (4 possible step, 1 step with 3 algorithms)
"aligator" -> "ZdFewplMGBjYzkUP" (12 possible step, 7 step)
"123123" -> "VFZSSmVrMVVTWG89" (8 possible step, 2 step)
"password" -> "NHemNGYzR2bW1jUT" (12 possible step, 7 step)
The actual steps can be increased by adding some algorithm, up to 10. (actually is 3)
This is not a secure hash method, just applicable on a string before hashed to MD5 or sha256 or some similar hash method!
!!! If you change the algorithms order, or add/remove an algorithm, the result is changed too, on same text !!!
<script src="string-extender.js"></script>
<script src="base64.js"></script>
StringExtender.extend('some string'); // FUxQlUHV3bihmVzw0YWVGVzEnQVVlV3JmUR1VMYNFc=o